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Showing posts from April, 2024

Scientists developed a brain-imitating computer using salt and water.

"Below shows a graphical representation of the synapse. The synapse consists of colloidal spheres with nano-channels between them. Credit: Utrecht University"  (ScitechDaily, Scientists Create First Brain-like Computer Using Water and Salt) Salt and water are a mixture that is full of ions. In neurocomputers, salt and water are useful tools in artificial axons. The ions can interact like neurotransmitters. And that means the salt and water can play as a tool that makes artificial, nonorganic neurons possible.  Developers can install those artificial axons into the regular microchips. But, the neuron would be the small bottle, where the microchip controls the electrolytic conductor. It's possible to create a structure that looks like neurons. The ions and photons travel in the artificial channels. The system's nucleus would be the nano-size microprocessor. And the AI-based operating system can control the structure. This kind of system can be the next-generation comput

The new and effective DNA scanning can be a breakthrough in biotechnology.

The new and fast DNA analysis is the ultimate tool for tracking people and their genetic disorders from the air. Quantum computing makes it possible to create the DNA analysis in seconds. And that tool is necessary for next-generation medical research. The ultra-fast DNA analysis gives a new tool for biological recognition. If the system can analyze the entire DNA it's impossible to mislead.  The complete knowledge of the DNA code makes the system able to see, what the person should look like by decoding the DNA. The DNA involves our entire genetic code. If the system can read that code, it makes it possible for AI and quantum computers to generate human fingerprints and outlooks by analyzing the DNA.  The next-generation medical research base is in genetical engineering. Artificial DNA and mRNA molecules make it possible to program immune cells to make antibodies against all infections. When DNA controls the cells, it divides itself into two pieces.  The mRNA is the tool, that can

What if we could slow time in our brains? (Superquantum radars and Tipler cylinders around axons)

"Researchers have developed new radar technology that improves distance resolution significantly, promising enhancements in various fields such as military and archaeology. Credit:" (ScitechDaily, Super Radar: Pioneering Research Overcomes Historic Trade-Offs Between Distance and Detail) Tiny robotic nerve cuffs can make a new way to treat neurological conditions. The robotic nerve cuffs can cover the axons, and then those systems can transmit information between neurons and computers. Doctors can inject those nerve cuffs into blood vessels, where they will travel to neural structures. And start to transmit data to axons.  "Researchers at the University of Cambridge have developed a new type of flexible device that can wrap around nerve fibers without causing damage, using techniques from flexible electronics and soft robotics. (Artist’s concept.) Credit:" (ScitechDaily, Tiny Robotic Nerve “Cuffs” Could Transform How We Treat Neurol

What if we establish Venus's base and search for possible lifeforms from that planet?

  "A new paper argues that studying Venus, despite its inhospitable conditions, is crucial for understanding the potential for life on other planets and predicting Earth’s future. It outlines the similarities and differences between Earth and Venus, highlights the importance of understanding Venus’s atmospheric and geological conditions, and explains upcoming NASA missions aimed at gaining more insights. " (ScitechDaily, Scientists Turn to Venus in the Search for Alien Life) The research underscores the necessity of using Venus as a model to make accurate assumptions about life on distant planets and to contemplate the long-term fate of Earth. Credit:" (ScitechDaily, Scientists Turn to Venus in the Search for Alien Life) Venus can be a more suitable harbor for extraterrestrial life than Mars.  There may be some primitive lifeforms on the planet Venus. Those lifeforms can hover in their sulphuric acid clouds. Or they can live in Venus' mountain area l

Why running robots cannot reach the fastest animals?

"A study reveals that engineered components in robots frequently surpass biological equivalents, but animals outperform robots in overall system functionality, pointing to integration as the key area for robotics improvement. Credit:" (ScitechDaily, Evolution vs. Engineering: Why Can’t Robots Outrun Animals?) Why running robots cannot reach the fastest animals? When we want to make a fast robot. That walks like a human on the ground, we must observe how fast animals make their thing. The easiest way is to make a mechanical robot that imitates fast animals like cheetahs or kangaroos. Then we must make a robot that moves like those animals. A robot that runs like a human cannot reach a cheetah.  In the case of the cheetah and other four-leg animals the thing. What makes the cheetah run so fast is how many touches their feet touch to the ground in the time unit.  Also, the power of the punch determines how fast animals can run. The other thing is that this big c

The ability to store data in the DNA can make next-generation technology possible.

"A groundbreaking study by Yunha Hwang and team has developed gLM, an AI system that decodes the complex language of genomics from extensive microbial data. This innovation enables a deeper understanding of gene functions and regulations, leading to new discoveries in genomics. gLM exemplifies the potential of AI in advancing life sciences and tackling global challenges. Credit:" (ScitechDaily, New Harvard-Developed AI System Unlocks Biology’s Source Code) Maybe quite soon, we can make biorobots that can clean our bodies more effectively than ever before.  Can we make the optical neural network in living cells? If that is possible. That makes it possible to create intelligent cells, living nanorobots that can remove non-wanted things from the body.  Can a single cell be as intelligent as humans? Researchers created the quantum dots inside living cells, and the quantum dots are tools that can make a revolution in quantum computers. Theoretically, researchers c

Quantum materials can turn objects invisible. Or they can give the ultimate strength to the structure.

The new aircraft requires new materials.  The new 3D-printed metamaterials can make a revolution in all kinds of technology. The lightweight and very strong metamaterial can be useful in the next-generation armor. Those metamaterials are as strong as diamonds but easier to create using 3D printer technology. And that can bring a new era for material research. The space in that material is the thing that makes it so strong.  And that thing can be one version of the next-generation stealth materials. The 3D metamaterial that is made by using fibers can scatter and pull the radar radiation into itself. That metamaterial can put the radiation jump between those wires.  "Areas where stress concentrated in a previous design (left) can be seen in red and yellow. In the new structure (right), stress is more evenly distributed. (Credit: RMIT, 3D-printed “metamaterial” is stronger than anything in nature)" "Researchers have discovered that objects can achieve directed motion withi

The AI can predict cell-type transformations.

"Cells change shape and function when reprogrammed in response to the exogenous alteration of expression of a handful key genes identified by the computational approach. Credit: Ellie Mejía/Northwestern University" (ScitechDaily, Breakthrough in Bioinformatics: AI Predicts Cell Type Transformations) Mutation or changes in the DNA turns cells into cancer cells. There are about 150 million base pairs in each human chromosome's DNA. The human DNA's length is so long, that the human DNA molecule can extend from Earth to the Moon. The is an impressive number of base pairs in the DNA.  The number of orders of base pairs, that is, their permutation, is impressive. But it's limited. The AI is the ultimate tool to search for changes in the DNA. And then the AI can also see how those changes or mutations affect a person's outfit. This thing can tell if there are some fatal changes in the human DNA.  The bioinformatics breakthrough is that AI predicts cell transformation

The acoustic and EM systems can make a revolution in aircraft technology.

The fact is that the UFOs are easier to make than we ever imagined. It's possible to use acoustic waves to make the system levitate. The idea is simple. The acoustic system just pushes particles or air molecules from around the object. And that thing makes those objects hover above the ground.  The sonic bubble around the craft can make the acoustic or lightweight, pressure version of the WARP bubble around the craft. The acoustic bubble pushes the air molecules away from the craft. And that allows it to move faster than normal aircraft. The acoustic systems can give a normal-looking aircraft the hypersonic capacity.  The system can use nano-diamonds. They are trapped in the fullerene carbon net to make sound waves or acoustic waves. The craft can move by changing the symmetry of those sound waves. And that system can make many things. That people see in the UFO (or UAP) cases possible.  The antimatter and levitation.  The antimatter itself doesn't levitate. The antimatter levi

The microrobots will turn smarter and faster than ever before.

Polish writer Stanislaw Lem introduced intelligent sandstorms in his novel, the Invincible. In that novel, the spacecraft lands on an alien world. That was under the control of the technical creature that was the swarm of nanomachines. The techno-organism involved two parts.  The manufacturing system. That created those nanomachines. Those moving robots formed intelligent sand that could be nanorobots or quadcopters that formed intelligent dust or intelligent smoke. The system might use silicone as a raw material for the drone swarms. Those drone swarms used electromagnetic weapons to eliminate their enemies. Drones started to fly around the target, and then they aimed microwave transmitters at it.  When we think about this kind of system. Those nanomachines can boosted with living neurons. Those nanomachines can also carry things like antimatter, and one miniature robot can destroy large-size structures. That kind of technology is interesting and dangerous. Those nanomachines can crea

AI is the ultimate tool for the military.

Israel uses AI to target combatants.  AI is cold, ruthless, and without emotions. That makes it an ultimate war machine. The AI can estimate things without any feelings. And that means nobody can affect it using emotional messages. This thing makes that tool the ultimate actor on the battlefield. Israeli military uses AI to track combatants. And things like face recognition make it almost impossible to hide from the AI.  The Israeli military says that the AI gives good results for the military. That means that AI has become a more common tool in the hands of authorities. The AI can find targets on the battlefield independently. It can aim weapons and launch them at those known targets without human control.  The fact is that small countries with small armies get more benefits from robot weapons than big armies. Things like automatized anti-tank missile sites that recognize their targets and then shoot missiles against those targets are the extended land mines. Those systems can send da

Minimal space is an inspiring thing.

An empty, or minimal space is a thing that can form interesting ideas. That means empty rooms and a couple of merchandise can be a very inspiring thing. 

Chinese innovations and space lasers are interesting combinations.

Above: "Tiangong is China's operational space station located in low Earth orbit. (Image credit: Alejomiranda via Getty Images)" (, China's space station, Tiangong: A complete guide) Chinese are close to making nuclear-powered spacecraft.  Almost every day, we can read about Chinese technical advances. So are, the Chinese more innovative than Western people? Or is there some kind of difference in culture and morale between Western and Chinese societies? The Chinese superiority in hypersonic technology is one of the things that tells something about the Chinese way of making things.  In China, the mission means. And the only thing that means is mission. That means that things like budgets and safety orders are far different from Western standards. If some project serves the Chinese communist party and PLA (People's Liberation Army) that guarantees unlimited resources for those projects. Chinese authorities must not care about the public opinion.  If we th

The Chinese researchers found the most effective power to destroy hypersonic weapons.

Hypersonic weapons are a threat. They fly higher and faster than regular cruise missiles. But lower than ballistic missiles. That causes defense problems. The problem with hypersonic weapons is that they must resist more pressure and higher temperatures than ballistic missiles.  Defense against those hypersonic weapons is theoretically easy. The defender must just predict the hypersonic missile route. And then it must just break its shell, and then air pressure along with heat rips that weapon into bites. Even small damage on the hypersonic weapon's shield can start the reaction where the damage starts to spread. And destroy the missile. The problem is how to predict the launch of that weapon. If the defender can predict the launching point even a quadcopter can stop the missile, if it is in a straight line and the incoming missile hits that drone, impact destroys it. Another way is to use lasers.  The right power of those weapons is not very high. The laser system can be in high-f