"Below shows a graphical representation of the synapse. The synapse consists of colloidal spheres with nano-channels between them. Credit: Utrecht University" (ScitechDaily, Scientists Create First Brain-like Computer Using Water and Salt) Salt and water are a mixture that is full of ions. In neurocomputers, salt and water are useful tools in artificial axons. The ions can interact like neurotransmitters. And that means the salt and water can play as a tool that makes artificial, nonorganic neurons possible. Developers can install those artificial axons into the regular microchips. But, the neuron would be the small bottle, where the microchip controls the electrolytic conductor. It's possible to create a structure that looks like neurons. The ions and photons travel in the artificial channels. The system's nucleus would be the nano-size microprocessor. And the AI-based operating system can control the structure. This kind of system can be the next-generation comput