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The new robots take their form from nature.

    The new robots take their form from nature. 

The computer that runs AI can be a group of micro-engineers or microgenerators that hover in liquid. 

The high-power AI requires extremely small microchips. And those microchips require a very highly accurate power source. If those miniaturized microchips get too much electricity it causes damage to those systems. So those microchips require their power source. And nanotube-based micro engines can make nano-size microchips possible. 

The AI brain could be the group of micro-engineers and microchips that hover in the liquid. That nanomachine swarm can be one model for the next generation of high-power computers. And those microcomputers can be copies of the mosquito larva that hangs under the surface tension. 

New robots can be copies of living organisms or fossils. Researchers used 450 million years old organisms as a model for the modern soft robot. Things like crabs are also good models for robots, and those animals' scrissors can replaced by pliers that can make them good operators in many situations. 

They can observe other animals. But they can be recon and sabotage tools. The fact is that all animals are not protected by law. And the observation robot can be like disgusting animals like rats. 

"MIT researchers have created a machine-learning method to improve robotic packing, allowing robots to efficiently solve complex packing problems by satisfying multiple constraints at once. The technique uses diffusion models to find optimal solutions, outperforming traditional methods, and shows promise for future applications in a variety of environments." ( Perfection: MIT Uses Generative AI To Reshape Robotic Precision)

There are two ways to make animal-shaped robots. 

1) Using artificial components like metal or carbon fiber body. Then that body can covered by using the animal furry. Those robots can look like some common animals like crabs, rats, or birds.

2) Use brain-implanted microchips. Those microchips can used to control living animals. Those animals' eyes can changed to bionic or replaced by eye prostheses. 

The military can use crab-looking robots to cut communication wires. The thing is that animal-looking robots can offer the possibility to observe and attack the area without warning. The animal-shaped robots are invisible and hard to detect. They can have laser and microwave systems for target detection and sabotage and elimination missions are things. People don't normally think that some rats can be dangerous. 

This makes animal-looking robots very powerful tools for civil and military purposes. Robot rats can used as observation and sabotage tools. Those rat-looking robots can have GPS inside them, and they can also carry explosives that they can use to make damage to communication and ammo dumps. 

"Carnegie Mellon researchers, collaborating with Spanish and Polish paleontologists, have created a soft robotic model of the pleurocystitid, an ancient echinoderm, to explore evolutionary biomechanics and inspire new robotic designs. Above is a pleurocystitid fossil and pleurocystitid robot replica. Credit: Carnegie Mellon University College of Engineering" ( History: 450-Million-Year-Old Organism Finds New Life in Softbotics)

Matrioshka robots can also be interesting tools. 

The nanomachines can make it possible to create layers and materials that can cut themselves into pieces. 

Matrioshka robots are clusters that involve multiple-size robots. Most miniature robots are made by using DNA molecules. And those molecules also can involve the operating systems of those miniature robots. The miniature robots have problems with control and power sources. 

The nano-scale micromotors can be extremely good tools for giving energy to nanorobots. DNA nanomotors and nanogenerators can deliver energy for AI-driven systems using very high accuracy. The nano-size induction generator can be a very effective tool.

However remote power sources like radiowaves can be the next-generation tools for controlling nanomachines. The key element for those systems are materials that can make it possible to create axles and joints for nanotechnology, which is smaller than cells.


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