Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Cleo Donut Pro X-1 drone can go anywhere.

  Cleo Donut Pro X-1 drone can go anywhere. 

The Cleo Donut Pro X-1 drone can research things inside spaces like houses and other places that are hard to reach. These kinds of drones can reach places and make maps of caves and houses. And it can search for people and other things from those places. This kind of drone can operate with medical staff, and firemen when it catches fire in houses. If this drone is waterproof it can make underwater missions to dangerous places. 

This kind of flexibility is one thing that makes drones interesting and powerful tools. The system can have cameras and seismic sensors that measure oscillation in the structures. That system can have miniature sonars or lidar systems that can scan surfaces. And those things also operate as laser microscopes. The system can make maps of spaces using GPS or gyroscope navigation.

The gyroscope (inertial) navigation is required if the drone loses its GPS signal. So the gyroscope can record the route, and then the drone can return to the point, where it was before the signal is cut. That means the drone can land on a house and hear things that people say inside it. The larger donut drones can play things like wheel rims or some other garbage. That thing makes it possible. That drone can take pictures of enemy equipment and hear what they say. 

Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Bactery's memory can used to turn it against other bacteria.

    Bactery's memory can used to turn it against other bacteria. 

Researchers noticed that bacteria have memories. Those memories are stored in its chemical DNA-based control system. And they involve data about chemical stress that bacteria face. If bacteria faces some kind of chemical stress data about that stress is stored in the bactery's DNA. Then it can transmit this information to other bacteria. The thing. That makes "superbacteria" so hard to eliminate are "hairs". 

That denies medicals to take effect on the bacteria's body. Making that hard requires energy. And that's why at least some super bacteria are vulnerable against other bacteria. The medicine against those super bacteria can be some kind of nanotechnology-based solution that involves enzymes and acids that remove the hair from those bacteria. Or the nanomachine can simply slip into the bacteria and destroy its internal organelles. 

"Researchers at The University of Texas have discovered that bacteria, specifically E. coli, use iron levels to store and recall information about behaviors like swarming and forming biofilms. This ability, akin to a form of memory, could lead to new methods of combating bacterial infections and antibiotic resistance." ( Have Discovered That Bacteria Have “Memories”)

Bacteria store data about chemical stress in their DNA. And that's why we can say that bacteria have memories. Bacteria also communicate with chemical signals. And those things can be used to turn bacteria against each other. 

In some other visions, researchers will try to program bacteria to destroy other bacteria. The idea is to benefit bacteria's ability to exchange genomes. In that model, an artificial virus or nanomachine transports the genome to a bacterium. That makes it able to create DNA bites that order other bacteria to die. The idea is to benefit the bacteria's memory. When bacteria face some chemical stress. 

It sends a chemical signal about that thing. And if bacteria survives from that stress it sends chemical marks about that thing to other bacteria in that colony. That tells other bacteria that it's strong, and other bacteria require its genomes. Genetically engineered bacteria can use those chemical signals to call other bacteria to exchange genetic data with it, and in that process, bacteria can send the genome or DNA that orders the other bacteria to die.

Monday, November 27, 2023

The Pentagon starts to choose its "Replicator" drone candidates in mid-December.

    The Pentagon starts to choose its "Replicator" drone candidates in mid-December. 

Drones have shown their abilities in Ukraine. That thing means that unmanned drones become more common tools on battlefields. In the Ukraine war things like Pizza-delivery drones transport grenade-launcher ammunition and hand-grenades to targets. And then those systems drop their ammunition to targets. Also, drones can point targets to artillery and other weapon systems. 

The main difference between kamikaze-drone and traditional cruise missiles is that Kamikaze-drone can make recon missions, and when its fuel ends, that thing can dive against targets. And if a small drone hits things like an ammunition dump, it can make huge destructions. 

They can used as recon missions like normal scout helicopters. And the thing is that they can be bought from anywhere. That means terrorists and criminals are interested in drones. Connecting things like pistols or dynamite to them is not very difficult. That kind of drone can be a big threat to national security. They can be used to harm power lines and aircraft. Drones are excellent tools for search observers and things that illegals want to steal. 

There are three lines of drones. 

*Simple and cheap systems that can be used as huge swarms. Those swarms can be used to force the enemy to shoot their AA artillery ammunition storages to the skies. 

*Complicated and expensive systems that can perform almost the same missions as manned aircraft and other systems. 

*Drone swarms. The system's idea is that drones operate as groups. The single drone has limited computing and sensor capacity. But drones that have limited sensor and computing capacity can operate as swarms. Those systems might use different types of sensors like IR and visible light CCD cameras, laser microphones/target designators, and radio systems that can triangularly measure the positions of targets. 

Drone swarms can cover large areas. And that makes them powerful tools. Those drone swarms can also travel to the attacking aircraft's route. And if that aircraft travels through a drone swarm it can get drones in its engines. 

Each swarm member might have different sensors. And they make a fusion for that data. And those drone swarms transmit data that they collect to the controllers. Drone swarms are the ultimate version of a non-centralized morphing system. Jamming those drone swarms is not as easy as people think. 

Drones can use regular radio- and maser communications, and optical laser communication for sharing information. And that makes them nasty tools. The EMP weapons can drop those drones from the skies by damaging their electronics. 

Drones can be deadly even if they are cheap. If the drone is equipped with a radio-aiming system. There some agent or other drone takes a radio transmitter to target. That increases even cheap drone's ability to operate. The ECM can cut that radio signal but the operators must know the right frequency. Those ECM/EMP (Electromagnetic pulse) weapons can installed in drones. 

The complicated drones can be the counteractors against other drones. They are like small aircraft. Some of them are aircraft-size systems that can used against hard targets. The stealth drones can search and destroy enemy radars and AA missile sites. Those drones also can use microwaves or radio systems to jam communication between other drones. And especially drone swarms' internal communication must be jammed because that makes them operate independently. But those systems are hard to jam. 

Fingertip-size lasers can revolutionize information and stealth technology.

   Fingertip-size lasers can revolutionize information and stealth technology. 

Fingertip-size femtosecond lasers can make many things. Those lasers can act as information transporters in quantum and photonic computers. In quantum computers, each of those small lasers forms one qubit line in that system. Then binary system shares information with those qubit lines. And that thing makes it possible to create a lightweight quantum computer that can operate at room temperature. That thing makes it possible that maybe we see quantum laptops quite soon. 

The femtosecond laser can control light and photons with a very high accuracy. So that kind of system can used to send counter waves or counter photons that can deny radiation reach the surface of the protected object. It's possible that in the case of this kind of quantum stealth, the system just drives incoming light over the aircraft's body. This system simply drives incoming photons past the aircraft or ship. And then that system denies radar or visible light reflection from the object. 

"A breakthrough in laser technology has been achieved by miniaturizing ultrafast mode-lock lasers onto nanophotonic chips, using thin-film lithium niobate. This advancement paves the way for compact, efficient lasers with wide applications in imaging, sensing, and portable technology." ( Nature’s Fastest Timescales: Ultrafast Lasers Shrunk to Fingertip Size)

"Chip scale, ultrafast mode-locked laser based on nanophotonic lithium niobate. Credit: Alireza Marandi" ( Nature’s Fastest Timescales: Ultrafast Lasers Shrunk to Fingertip Size)

B-2 Stealth bomber

Artist's impression of nanomachine. 

The idea is that the counter waves turn those incoming photons to travel over the craft. And that means they act like radar impulses, that slide over the stealth aircraft's body. Because there are no radar echoes that make aircraft invisible to radars. And femtosecond lasers can make it possible to make the same thing with visible light. 

Femtosecond lidars can also act as anti-steath systems. The short-term energy burst can detect the stealth structures. And that short energy beam doesn't alarm the sensors that should recognize that kind of active lidar or radar scanning. 

The femtosecond lasers have a great ability to observe things like what happens in living cells. Those femtosecond lasers can adjust the energy impulses that they make. With a very high accuracy. That allows to use of femtosecond-class lidar systems in nanomachines. Those nanomachines can see things that happen in living cells. The nanomachines or nano-size submarines can observe things like neurons acting when they are part of neural structures.

Sunday, November 26, 2023

Space companies tested water thrusters in space.

   Space companies tested water thrusters in space. 

Water could be useful as a propellant for spacecraft thrusters. Water can be used as a propelant in chemical, nuclear thermal rockets. The system drives its propellant through a nuclear reactor. That heats and expands it. Normally, those systems plan to use liquid hydrogen, and sometimes the problem with water is mentioned as it freezes and turns to ice. The solution to that problem is warmed and rotating tanks. Also, low pressure can turn the water back to liquid in low pressure. 

Water is also a useful propellant for electric chemical engines. In those engines, microwaves or laser rays expand propellant. And then that electromagnetic stress expands propellant. That pushes craft forward. Water will be injected into those systems as small droplets and then lasers and microwaves raise its temperature. The start-up company called "Momentus" used a microwave-based thruster for making thrust. 

The statement in "Interesting engineering" goes like this: 

"California-based startup Momentus Space successfully lifted the orbit of its Vigoride-5 spacecraft by thousands of feet using a combination of solar power, microwaves, and water, a press statement reveals".

"The company's Microwave Electrothermal Thruster (MET), which raised the craft's orbit, uses distilled water as a propellant. It is one of several systems tested in space recently that uses water to propel itself through space". ( raises small spacecraft's orbit by 1.86 miles using water propulsion)

Sometimes water injection is used in regular combustion engines to help the system expand the mixture. In those systems, the injector injects small water droplets into the fuel-air mixture. That thing increases expansion and drops fuel use. 

An artist's impression of Vigoride-5.

Maybe futuristic thrusters are hybrid systems that use electric arcs and some electromagnetic radiation like microwaves to expand the propellant. The problem with microwaves is they are destructive if they hit some other spacecraft or aircraft. The systems that vaporize propellant using an electric arc are easier to control. In hybrid systems. Microwaves act as a "turbo boost" that increases the temperature in that propellant. 

In some futuristic visions, the seaborne stations that use wind generators are used to launch rockets. The system loads liquid hydrogen or water in a rocket. Then the ground-based laser. That aimed into the rocket's expansion chamber expands that propellant. The system can use wind turbines to produce energy for that kind of propulsion. 

 Developers who develop rocket engines planned to use water as a propellant for the electric-arc-based thrusters a long time ago. In those thrusters, an electric arc causes an expansion of the propellant and replaces regular combustion. The electric-arc thrusters are not mentioned in technical magazines too often. 

The problem has been in electric arc-based thrusters and how to make electricity for the thrusters or electrodes that heat and vaporize propellant. Those electric arc-based rocket engines are not very sharp which they use as propelant. 

That means almost all liquids can driven through those electrodes. And that opens new roads for space engineering. The electric arc-based rocket or arc-jet engine can get its electricity from solar panels. If that system uses nuclear power it can drive liquid hydrogen, helium, or even hydrocarbon snow over those electrodes. The system can used in long-distance space journeys to the Kuiper Belt. 

Nothing denies to use of arc-jet-engines in normal aircraft. Chinese and other engineers tested electric jet engines there combustion was replaced using electric arcs. Those systems use air that the electric system heats. The water injection into those expansion chambers increases power. 

In arc-jet engines, the expansion determines the power of the system. If the system uses liquid hydrogen it drives through an electric arc. That thing increases the system's power. In futuristic spacecraft, ion accelerators or magnetic accelerators can connect with that system. 

In that system, the ion accelerator benefits the water molecule's polarity. The thrust in arc-jet engines is stronger than in ion engines. However, there is a possibility to drive water molecules forward to the system. In that model, the water molecules push against the front wall of the chamber. That thing also makes pushing power.

Momentus press release.

How to make artificial gravity?

    How to make artificial gravity? 

Above is the artist's impression of a giant O'Neill cylinder. The hypothetical megastructure or "artificial Earth" can make it possible to travel between stars. But the fact is that smaller cylinder-shaped capsules can make similar things like anchor saucers on the table. That means the rotation speed must not be as high as people think. Making a gravitational field that is 1/1 with Earth is not possible. 

But the thing is that when this artificial world travels between planets or stars the system can make gravitation weaker in the space journey. And when that giant cylinder reaches the target, that cylinder increases its rotational speed. And that makes the gravitational field stronger. 

But gravitational cylinders are not necessarily big. They might be a group of rotating cylinders. That connected to the spacecraft's outer shell, like in the imaginational Mars craft in the second image. 

Gravitation is one of the biggest problems in long-term spaceflights. Many fungi and vegetables require artificial gravitation. And one solution could be rotating spacecraft, where centrifugal force creates synthetic gravitation. The problem is that those spacecraft should rotate quite fast. That they can create similar gravity as is on Earth. But the purpose of that gravitation is to keep the crew in good condition and avoid osteoporosis. Also, gravitation is required to anchor vegetables to tables. 

But the thing is that artificial gravity doesn't necessarily need to be in the entire craft. There could be smaller cylinders outside the main body of the craft that can rotate quite fast. Astronauts can use those cylinders as training houses. There they do their physical exercises. 

Above is the concept of futuristic Mars craft. The system can create artificial gravitation by using multiple, independently rotating cylinders outside the craft's main body. Those cylinders can involve "gardens" and gyms where those astronauts can maintain their health. In the case of damage those "miniature versions of O'Neill cylinders" would act as rescue capsules. 

And there is no gravitation in the main body and cabins in the spacecraft. So artificial gravitation doesn't mean that the craft is fully equipped with artificial gravity. The smaller fast-rotating cylinders are tools where astronauts can keep their physical health. 

And that thing means that those miniature versions of the "O'Neill cylinders" can make interstellar travel possible and at least in the solar system travel those modular structures seem more realistic than giant kilometers-long cylinders. The modular structure means that in the case of the microasteroid impacts those separated modules can act as rescue ships. The crew can evacuate in those cylinders if the craft is damaged.

Digital twins and AI are an interesting combination.

    Digital twins and AI are an interesting combination. 

Digital twins are interesting tools. There is a possibility. In the future, the computer's memory will be the digital twin of the universe. Making a simulation of the complete universe is not possible yet. The reason is that we don't know all parts of it. There are missing particles, and we don't know how to model gravitational interactions at all levels. Things like dark energy and dark matter are unknown. 

To make a complete simulation of the interactions in the systems. The computer system with its makers requires complete information about the modeled systems. Even the best and most powerful quantum computers are helpless. If the information they use is not complete and accurate enough. Even the best computers cannot make useful simulations. 

And 95% of the universe is unknown to us. That makes it impossible to make a complete and trusted model of the universe. But science advances and new observations are expanding our knowledge. The AI-based programming tools make this possible. Programmers can handle large code masses and large data masses. 

"The journey to simulate the universe, as exemplified by Michael Wagman’s work, highlights both the historical evolution and the contemporary challenges in this field. While full simulation is out of reach, advancements in computing and algorithms are gradually enhancing our understanding of cosmic phenomena." ( the Cosmos: Is a Miniature Universe Possible?)

If we want to make a very accurate simulation of the universe programmers need a lot of information but the accuracy of the simulation determines how much data the program needs. High-accurate simulations of big entireties where there are billions of interacting actors are always hard. 

Things like changes in electromagnetic radiation and other things like gravitational effects are things that are important actors in the molecular nebulas. Things like FRB (Fast Radio Bursts) affect ionized gasses, and those things like suddenly coming high energy particles are black swans in those simulations. 

Predictions about hyper-high-energy particles and fast-energy bursts are hard to make because those bursts happen suddenly. And their energy level is hard to measure. 

If we want to simulate galaxy groups' movements. We don't need lots of code. But there still are many unknown things. Things like cosmic fluid and hypothetical mass centers in galaxy groups and the universe require more information. 

 But if we want to make accurate simulations of the interactions of the galaxies and their stars we need huge data. Simulations must be accurate so that they can be useful. Increasing details in simulations increases needed data masses. 

That ability plays a vital role in those kinds of simulations that require lots of code and data. The program itself requires billions or trillions of code lines. And the data mass that it must handle is huge. There are thousands of billions of things. That the programmers must notice and mark in the system, that even galactic-size complete and accurate simulation can be made. 

Another thing is that we don't know how electromagnetism and weak and strong nuclear interactions behave near extremely powerful gravitational fields like near a black hole's event horizon. The complete model of the single galaxies and stars is interesting because those things can help to predict things like a supernova explosion. Predicting those high-energy reactions makes it possible to turn sensors into those points. 

"An innovative AI method developed by University of Konstanz researchers accurately tracks embryonic development stages across species. Initially tested on zebrafish, the method shows promise in studying diverse animal species, enhancing our understanding of evolution." (’s New Frontier: Providing Unprecedented Insights Into Embryonic Development)

Digital human 

AI can search the embryo's advancement. That thing means that the AI searches for anomalies in the embryo. The digital embryo requires complete information on genetics. Then the system must know how certain genetic abilities affect to embryo's fenotype. There is a possibility that every human will have a digital twin in the future. 

That digital twin is used to simulate, how certain medicines act in their bodies. But it's possible that when our knowledge of genetic disorders and other things like those disorders connects with human behavior, researchers can make models that can predict a person's behavior and actions. 

The digital human can make it possible to test environments like echoes and sound volumes in some spaces. In that system, the system makes a digital model of the environment, and then it simulates soundwave reflection from the walls. The system can use microphones to map sound levels. The system can also make simulations about things like how warm the room is. 

Electronic components create heat. That means the system must adjust room temperature during the day.  And if the system knows surface materials and other things. That makes it possible to create simulations. That helps to make more comfortable homes and workspaces. 

"MIT’s StableRep system uses synthetic images from text-to-image models for machine learning, surpassing traditional real-image methods. It offers a deeper understanding of concepts and cost-effective training but faces challenges like potential biases and the need for initial real data training." ( Pixels to Paradigms: MIT’s Synthetic Leap in AI Training)

There is the possibility that in the future AI will have a digital twin. 

The AI can use simulated reality to test how certain things work. The AI can drive cars in virtual cities. And that thing makes it possible to simulate real-life situations. In augmented reality, the AI can use camera drives to simulate situations where people suddenly walk to the front of the car. Those humans can exist in the digital memory. But they also can have holographic forms. The system can use holograms that operators activate to test robot vehicles.  

Developers can install those hologram projectors into drones. And the vehicle must avoid the impact with them. In those systems, the LRAD searches point to where holograms are. And then if the car cuts that line that means the system fails. 

In cheaper models, the quadcopters can have photovoltaic cells. Two quadcopters are in opposite positions at the front of the hologram or balloon doll. They are equipped with a laser that is aimed at photovoltaic cells. If that laser ray cuts the car is crossed the line. Operators can use a kind of system in portable systems that should alarm if somebody comes to the area. 

"A new paper argues that AI’s intelligence, as seen in systems like ChatGPT, is fundamentally different from human intelligence due to its lack of embodiment and understanding. This difference highlights that AI does not share human concerns or connections with the world." ( Limits of AI: Why ChatGPT Isn’t Truly “Intelligent”)

But the fact is this: The AI is not intelligent. 

The R&D process of the AI can involve two systems. The system that the R&D team uses for development. The developers will make changes in the code with that system, and then the system is connected with simulators that test how it works in real life. The AI can drive a virtual car simply by interacting with the simulator by using regular game sets. 

The simulator runs on a computer and the AI looks at the screen by using a web camera. And it is connected to the game set's steering wheel and pedals. That denies the AI's ability to affect the simulator's environment. That thing makes it possible to test automatic driving systems in space which is like reality. This kind of set can used to control all other systems. Like fighter airplanes. 

The AI is a language model. At the center of all AI solutions is a language model that translates the commands into the form that the computer understands. The language model can ask CAD programs to make 3D images, and then send them to 3D printers. 

It's easy to make an application that makes AI follow spoken commands. The system requires a speech-to-text application that fills spoken words into AI's lookup field. And AI can also communicate with users by using text-to-speech applications as a medium. 

When we ask something from the AI, it collects a certain number of sources. And then it connects parts of those sources into the new entirety. The situations where we see that the AI is not intelligent are some spatial queries. In those cases, the AI can make mistakes that make the answer look like a crab. If we ask about things like Ramsay's numbers, Ramsay's theory in mathematics, or some rare things, the system gives things like noble families sitting places in their clubs. In those cases, we must always mention the topic of the query. 

These kinds of things are good examples of things that AI requires human users for a long time. The human operators must recognize errors that the AI makes. And the use of AI is not as easy as we think. The AI requires precise and well-articulated commands or the AI can give answers to wrong topics.

Saturday, November 25, 2023

Radioisotope generators are suitable tools for small-size rockets and drone swarm power sources.

   Radioisotope generators are suitable tools for small-size rockets and drone swarm power sources. 

NASA tests Plutonium 238 in space systems. 

NASA plans to use Plutonium 238 as a power source in long-term space missions. The plutonium is a suitable material for RPS  (Radio-Isotope Power Systems). The thing is that there are three types of radio-isotope-based systems. 

*Traditional RTG (Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generator) 

* Light Weight Radioisotope Heater Unit (LWRHU)  

* Multi-Mission Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generator (MMRTG).

"Radioisotope power systems, or RPS, enable exploration of some of the deepest, darkest, and most distant destinations in the solar system and beyond. RPS uses the natural decay of the radioisotope plutonium-238 to provide heat to a spacecraft in the form of a Light Weight Radioisotope Heater Unit (LWRHU), or heat and electricity in the form of a system such as the Multi-Mission Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generator (MMRTG)." (’s New Power Play: Plutonium-238 for Distant Space Journeys)

"Radioisotope power systems (RPS), which are crucial for deep space exploration, use the decay of plutonium-238 for power. The recent shipment of 0.5 kilograms of heat source plutonium-238 from the DOE’s Oak Ridge National Laboratory to the Los Alamos National Laboratory represents a significant step in fueling NASA’s future missions." (’s New Power Play: Plutonium-238 for Distant Space Journeys)

The NASA concept rocket for long-term space journeys is an interesting thing. There is a possibility that those systems are equipped with particle accelerators that can make antimatter for the thruster. The antimatter rocket can travel in the solar system even if other stars are too far for it. The particle accelerators can also make time dilation if they use some synthetic isotopes that are heavier than plutonium. Those short-term isotopes and elements give extremely high energy for nuclear reactors. The problem is that those isotopes are extremely short-living. That means there should be some kind of time dilation in that system. 

The reactor system must keep the temperature of those synthetic radioisotopes like Einsteinium near zero Kelvin, or their existence ends. Einsteinium decays in about 40 days. Time dilation, along with low temperature could extend that time. The system adjusts the reactor's power by changing its temperatures. But the system requires time dilation so that its fuel remains long enough. And then those systems can turn beta radiation (electrons) that the nuclear reactor sends into antimatter. Those missions require new technology, and maybe those kinds of complicated systems are tools that are suitable for those missions. 

"NASA has conducted dual-planet aircraft tests, with advanced rotor testing on Earth and record-breaking flights by the Ingenuity Mars Helicopter. This pioneering work in rotorcraft technology is enhancing our understanding of flight in different atmospheric conditions, marking a significant step in Mars exploration. (Art concept of a future drone on Mars.)" ( First: NASA Uses Two Worlds to Test Future Mars Helicopter Designs)

The image above portrays the drone, that should travel on Mars' atmosphere. Those quadcopters can be so big that they can transport people like astronauts. And those quadcopters can also operate on Earth's atmosphere. The high-flying manned and unmanned quadcopters can be the tools that replace traditional helicopters. So maybe the quadcopter is the standard for the next-generation helicopters that have more abilities than any helicopter before. If those quadcopters use nuclear energy like RTG that gives them virtually unlimited operational range. 

The radioisotope generators are suitable tools for rocket engines. The rocket engines can deliver very cold gas like liquid hydrogen to the isotope-generator's shell. And in that version temperature that this system delivers. Vaporizes that very cold gas. And that thing makes an expansion in the rocket chamber. This expansion causes thrust. Also, small-size electric jets and ion engines can get energy from RTG. Those systems can be used in the darkest and coldest places in the solar system. 

In another version, the RTG gives electricity to electric resistors. And then those heating resistors expand the liquid gas. That thing makes it possible for the rocket engine to give thrust. The isotope generators can also deliver electricity to the drones. That can operate in the Mars planet's atmosphere. The RTG offers unlimited operational time for small-size drones that can be interesting tools. The small-size drones can operate in Jupiter's and Titan's atmospheres. 

And they can dive in oceans of the icy moons. And maybe someday those AI-controlled drones can deliver information from the bottom of the Titan hydrocarbon oceans. The thermal unit or laser and microwave systems can make it possible for those drones to fall through the ice shell of the icy moons and travel to the oceans of those moons. The AI-controlled drone swarms can research large areas of the planets and moons. And that's why they are suitable tools for planetary research. 

The new Mars helicopter designs are under test by NASA. The quadcopter and Kamov-type opposite rotating drones can operate on Mars. And other actors can use the same technology to create new high-flying drones and other helicopters. The high-flying drone swarms have great benefits in the civil and military sectors. And maybe the next-generation tank killers are drone swarms that can drop anti-tank missiles on tanks from high altitudes.  

Those drone swarms can be delivered using any kind of strategic bomber, rocket, or missile. The drone swarm can wait above enemy airfields and when they see targets like aircraft, those drones can drop weapons on them. The drone swarm can get its mission from the commanders, and then the AI-operated drones can search and destroy those targets independently. 

The system uses non-centralized calculations that are developed for animation tools like Renderfahrm. And that thing allows. Those drones can share their calculating capacity and target data. Drones have shown their capacity in the Ukraine war, and that means they are under development in many countries.

Monday, November 20, 2023

The new nanomaterials are intelligent tools.

   The new nanomaterials are intelligent tools. 

The new nanomaterials are intelligent tools. The DNA-based operating system makes it possible to drive complicated code in the new nano-size devices. The new devices can be nanocapsules that follow commands that they get from the nervous system. The nanocapsules and nano-submarines make it possible to transport medicines and cells into the wanted position. Nanorobots that carry medicines into the desired position are excellent tools. 

The nanomachines can also carry stem cells into the wanted position. That allows bone cells, or some other cells like neurons production in the desired position in the human body. The system can move the right stem cells or it can inject special viruses in those cells. And that makes it possible to clone wanted cells using the cells. That the system takes from the receiver's body. It denies repelling reaction. 

And that thing makes it possible to fight against the infections and injuries using the person's cells. The ability to get more cells in the injury is a new thing. But nanotechnology can make many more things. 

The intelligent nanocapsules can remove toxic material from the blood. The intelligent nanocapsules can also remove carbon dioxide from the blood. In this reaction, the nanomachine just reduces carbon from oxygen. In that reaction, carbon dioxide divides into carbon and oxygen. And it can deny brain damage. If humans can clean carbon dioxide out of blood. 


"Researchers at Northwestern University have developed a device, funded by DARPA, that produces oxygen to keep cells alive within an implantable “living pharmacy.” This pharmacy aims to autonomously produce therapeutics to regulate sleep/wake cycles". ( Life Into Medicine: “Living Pharmacy” Implant Gets Oxygenating Boost)

*New device could improve the outcomes of cell-based therapies.

*Cell-based therapies show promise for drug delivery, replacing damaged tissues, harnessing the body’s own healing mechanisms, and more

*But keeping cells alive to produce therapies has remained a challenge

*Researchers used a smart, energy-efficient version of water splitting to produce oxygen for these cells

*New approach maintains cells in vitro and in vivo, showing promise for both acute and chronic applications. ( Life Into Medicine: “Living Pharmacy” Implant Gets Oxygenating Boost)


"Scientists at the University of Missouri have created a nanocapsule capable of targeted substance delivery, with potential applications in medical and scientific fields. This advancement, which uses a structure similar to gecko feet, signifies a major step in supramolecular chemistry and could transform how drugs and nutrients are delivered in biological systems. (Artist’s concept)" ( Up the Power of Nanotechnology – Scientists Develop New Conceptual Nanomaterial With Huge Potential)

Re-oxygenation of blood using nanotechnology gives huge visions. 

That thing makes it possible to make a system that allows a person to "breathe" without using the lungs. The re-oxygenation makes it possible. Human blood can get oxygen from somewhere else than the lungs. If the system can separate oxygen from carbon dioxide, that allows the closed cycle in the blood vessels that allows internal oxygenation in the blood. 

The DNA-based operating systems along with new types of small microchips and body-implanted sensors make it possible to control intelligent nanocapsules using EEG-transmissions. 

The new intelligent nanocapsules can make medicines more effective than ever before. Some of those capsules are created to give oxygen to cell cultures. That means those capsules can act as biomedicine. The thing that causes problems in infections is anaerobic cells.

And if the capsule can send oxygen to injuries that allows to deny infection. But those intelligent nanocapsules can make much more. It's possible that somewhere in the future medical staff and some other special teams have nanocapsules that separate oxygen from carbon dioxide in the blood vessels. 

That thing can make it possible to avoid brain damage in cases where the person cannot use their lungs. And future scuba divers may use intelligent implants to give oxygen to the blood. And that thing makes it possible to continue diving for a very long time. In that system, the intelligent capsules will communicate with human nervous systems using the body-implanted microchips. 

Those microchips take commands from the nervous system and then deliver them to those biocapsules. That kind of futuristic system can produce antibodies or some other transmitters. That are activating the immune system. Or those chemical transmitters can activate the mitochondrial divide, which raises the muscle cells' ability to produce energy. That can make a superpower for the person.

Sunday, November 19, 2023

The new technology requires new materials.

    The new technology requires new materials. 

Intelligent materials are the next-generation tools. 

DNA-based hybrid materials can make it possible to create new intelligent material solutions. In microchips, the complicated operating systems that AI-based solutions require the operating system is encoded in the DNA or chemical form. 

The DNA-based materials can make it possible to create clothes. They wear themselves over the person when they get orders. In the intelligent clothes microchips can act as silicone plates like in Samurai-armour. And those microchips can connect in entirety. And remove the connection when they get orders, like "DNA assemble" and "DNA de-assemble". 

New technology makes it possible to create self-assemble body armor. 

Miniature particle accelerators can have civil and military applications. 

Miniature particle accelerators can make it possible to create new types of cures for cancer. The particle rays are effective against tumors. But things like small cathode tubes. Along with laser accelerators are turning the portable versions of the "death rays" possible. The electron flow from those small accelerators can accelerate with the laser ray. 

Then the target can load with plus pole electricity. And that makes those high-energy electrons travel into that target. There is a possibility that the system loads energy to an electron in the chamber where it's trapped. The system conducts that high-energy electron into the target. That allows developers to create "gloves". That have cathode tubes in fingers. When a high-energy electron comes out from that tube it releases extra energy as a photon burst. That makes this system suitable at least as a stun gun, but also for deadly applications are possible. 

"Images of the DNA-glass framework. (A) The process of building the DNA-origami framework. (B) A transmission electron microscope image of the DNA-origami octahedrons before lattice assembly. (C) The octahedral frames once connected. (Credit: A. Michelson et al., Cell Reports Physical Science, 2023)"“Iron Man” material made from DNA and glass is 4x stronger than steel)

The DNA-silicone-hybrid materials make it possible to make an "Iron Man" suit. 

New materials make it possible for developers to create things like "Iron Man" suits. The "Iron Man" suit would be a hybrid material, mainly silicone bites, connected with the DNA molecules. The DNA acts like a small chain. That connects small silicone or glass bites. In that material nano-size silicone bites along with DNA are turning to new entirety. And if we want to make this Iron Man suit fly, we must just create a pulse-ion engine. The engine ionizes gas at the front of the flight direction. Then the ion system will pull that ionized gas over the suit. 

If there are plus and minus ions at opposite sides that thing makes it possible to pull ions on both sides over the layer. And then those ion and anion flow connect behind that suit. This system requires lots of energy that can make a person fly. But it could be useful in underwater missions. And of course, it's possible to create power sources like antimatter and remote energy transfer systems that use radio waves to transfer energy for that suit. If the system is meant to be used in space as a space suit. Researchers can install long solar panels in the suit's back package. And that gives this suit a very long operational range. 

Those long solar panels can also act as aerodynamic wings and the lightweight materials can make it possible to pull them in like origami. The system can hybridize the remote power supply to those wings, and in the atmosphere, the system can use jetpacks that use electric jet engines. In electric jet engines, the electric arc expands and ionizes air. And then magnetic accelerators can transport ions back into the system. Those engines can be installed in the pack package of that flysuit.

Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Three visions of automation.

    Three visions of automation. 

When we think about nanomachines that can create self-assembly structures we can say that quadcopters that follow the process are eye. And the AI that controls those machines is the invisible hand. The abilities of the AI-controlling self-assembly vehicles and structures depend on the tools. That those systems have. 

The new AI-driven laboratories are powerful tools in the R&D process. Those self-driving labs can operate without human control. Those laboratories can installed in satellites and miniature space shuttles. And they are allowed to operate for months or even years in zero-gravity conditions in certain well-controlled chemical environments. The self-driving laboratories can have scanning laser microscopes and quantum-computer and AI-based analyzation systems. That kind of system can revolutionize complicated chemical compound production. AI-driven laboratories can be the tools that can make new levels of R&D in all sectors from civil to military research. 

"Researchers have developed SmartDope, an autonomous system capable of rapidly identifying the best materials for electronic and photonic devices, addressing a longstanding challenge in quantum dot synthesis. SmartDope operates as a self-driving lab, conducting experiments in a continuous flow reactor and utilizing machine learning to optimize quantum dot production. In just one day, it surpassed the previous quantum yield record, showcasing the potential of self-driving labs for accelerating material science. Credit: Milad Abolhasani, NC State University." ( The “Self-Driving Lab” That Unlocks Quantum Dot Secrets in Hours – Instead of Years)

"A new high-throughput, multimaterial 3D inkjet printer uses computer vision to rapidly and automatically control the amount of material being printed in real-time. This rendering shows a robot being built layer-by-layer using the process. The black spheres represent the material that the printer uses. The material is then cured by UV light, represented in blue. At the top of the image are the cameras that scan the procedure and adjust accordingly. Credit: Moritz Hocher" (

"MIT engineers have developed a new laser-based method, LIRAS, to test the dynamic properties of metamaterials without causing damage. This technique, involving the use of two lasers to create and measure vibrations, enables a deeper understanding of materials like polymers at the microscale, paving the way for advancements in fields such as ultrasound technology and protective gear".

1) 3D printers can make copies of themselves. And that turns them into self-replicating machines called "Von Neumann machines". The Von Neumann machine is a machine that can make copies of itself. And 3D printers with highly accurate AI and sensor systems can make this thing possible. These kinds of tools are interesting. And they can turn production capacity very high. 

2) Generative AI can improve the abilities of those Von Neumann machines. That thing can make it possible to create systems that can find the raw materials straight from nature. And those creative AI tools can also make it possible to create a system. 

That can use alternative raw materials. The system requires laser spectrometers and knowledge of what kind of materials those systems require. 

Then in the Von Neumann machines is the system that can separate those raw materials using centrifugal separation. The system can melt raw materials that the other robots bring from nature. Then, the system can use microwave chambers connected to a centrifuge and then separate raw materials. 

3) Lasers can be the next-generation tools for making new types of materials. The laser can create next-generation solar panels with a very large surface area. Those surface areas make those solar panels more effective than ever before. The same photovoltaic phenomenon can used in new very highly accurate energy transfer systems that can used in the new nanosized microprocessors. The new materials are the key elements in the next-generation intelligent systems. The only thing that limits the abilities of intelligent systems is imagination. 

Nanomachines can make textiles that can cut themselves into pieces. After that fix themselves. The nanomachines are like Lego bricks. They can form almost everything. The reason why nanomachines cannot form things like cars is simple. Nobody ever created a nanomachine swarm that can turn into a car. 

The requirement for that operation is those nano- or mini-machines have numbers. The nanomachines require information about their position in the entirety. And of course, they require an eye-like quadcopter that sends information about the nanomachine's positions. In that case, the quadcopter is like an eye, and the AI is the invisible hand that collects those self-moving robots. In the simpler model, the system includes carriers like other quadcopters that carry those nanomachines in the right places.

The new robots take their form from nature.

    The new robots take their form from nature. 

The computer that runs AI can be a group of micro-engineers or microgenerators that hover in liquid. 

The high-power AI requires extremely small microchips. And those microchips require a very highly accurate power source. If those miniaturized microchips get too much electricity it causes damage to those systems. So those microchips require their power source. And nanotube-based micro engines can make nano-size microchips possible. 

The AI brain could be the group of micro-engineers and microchips that hover in the liquid. That nanomachine swarm can be one model for the next generation of high-power computers. And those microcomputers can be copies of the mosquito larva that hangs under the surface tension. 

New robots can be copies of living organisms or fossils. Researchers used 450 million years old organisms as a model for the modern soft robot. Things like crabs are also good models for robots, and those animals' scrissors can replaced by pliers that can make them good operators in many situations. 

They can observe other animals. But they can be recon and sabotage tools. The fact is that all animals are not protected by law. And the observation robot can be like disgusting animals like rats. 

"MIT researchers have created a machine-learning method to improve robotic packing, allowing robots to efficiently solve complex packing problems by satisfying multiple constraints at once. The technique uses diffusion models to find optimal solutions, outperforming traditional methods, and shows promise for future applications in a variety of environments." ( Perfection: MIT Uses Generative AI To Reshape Robotic Precision)

There are two ways to make animal-shaped robots. 

1) Using artificial components like metal or carbon fiber body. Then that body can covered by using the animal furry. Those robots can look like some common animals like crabs, rats, or birds.

2) Use brain-implanted microchips. Those microchips can used to control living animals. Those animals' eyes can changed to bionic or replaced by eye prostheses. 

The military can use crab-looking robots to cut communication wires. The thing is that animal-looking robots can offer the possibility to observe and attack the area without warning. The animal-shaped robots are invisible and hard to detect. They can have laser and microwave systems for target detection and sabotage and elimination missions are things. People don't normally think that some rats can be dangerous. 

This makes animal-looking robots very powerful tools for civil and military purposes. Robot rats can used as observation and sabotage tools. Those rat-looking robots can have GPS inside them, and they can also carry explosives that they can use to make damage to communication and ammo dumps. 

"Carnegie Mellon researchers, collaborating with Spanish and Polish paleontologists, have created a soft robotic model of the pleurocystitid, an ancient echinoderm, to explore evolutionary biomechanics and inspire new robotic designs. Above is a pleurocystitid fossil and pleurocystitid robot replica. Credit: Carnegie Mellon University College of Engineering" ( History: 450-Million-Year-Old Organism Finds New Life in Softbotics)

Matrioshka robots can also be interesting tools. 

The nanomachines can make it possible to create layers and materials that can cut themselves into pieces. 

Matrioshka robots are clusters that involve multiple-size robots. Most miniature robots are made by using DNA molecules. And those molecules also can involve the operating systems of those miniature robots. The miniature robots have problems with control and power sources. 

The nano-scale micromotors can be extremely good tools for giving energy to nanorobots. DNA nanomotors and nanogenerators can deliver energy for AI-driven systems using very high accuracy. The nano-size induction generator can be a very effective tool.

However remote power sources like radiowaves can be the next-generation tools for controlling nanomachines. The key element for those systems are materials that can make it possible to create axles and joints for nanotechnology, which is smaller than cells.

Tuesday, November 14, 2023

The new clean energy sources can be interesting.

 The new clean energy sources can be interesting. 

1) Bioforce or bioenergy. 

Bioforce or bioenergy. The term bioenergy means genetically engineered living cells that can make electricity. The use of those cells is sometimes limited to nanotechnology. But those cell groups can also used in larger-scale solutions. 

Researchers can connect biological batteries to parallel or serial connections. And that means those systems can also feed large-size entireties with electricity. 

Those genetically engineered cells can have electric eel's genomes. The thing that those cells need is nutrients. If the genomes between bacteria and electric cells are combined that allows us to make impressive things like electric cars that require the same nutrients as cows. 

It's possible to combine genomes from grass or some other vegetables and hybridize them with electric eel's electric cells. That allows to creation of power sources that are like normal houseplants. And the used must only remember to give water and nutrients for those electric-vegetables. 

2) All steam engines don't need fossil fuels. 

All steam engines don't need fossil fuels. And if the system makes steam by using things like sunlight that thing makes the steam engine and steam turbines good energy sources for limited use. In the piston steam engine the parabolic mirror or laser. 

That system uses sunlight to make steam vaporize liquid in the piston chamber. Or in a vaporization chamber. Then that steam will be driven to the piston chambers. There could be a closer in the piston chamber that closes the laser when the temperature rises too high, or the engine starts exhaust stroke. 

The liquid that will vaporize can be something else than water. And that makes those sun- or light-based steam engines more effective than we ever imagined. 

The cold steam engines use liquid gas to make energy. The problem is how to liquidate those gasses. When extremely low-temperature liquid gas will let to falls into the vaporization chamber it starts to expand. 

The other version: called Walther propulsion uses hydrogen peroxide that reacts with water as "fuel". The temperature in the hydrogen peroxide mixture will rise to a high level. And then the system can use this vapor as a power source. 

"The outside of the micromotor in this study is coated with the chemical compound laccase. This enables the motor to convert the urea in the water into ammonia. Credit: Institute of Chemical Research of Catalonia (ICIQ)" ( Green Energy From Wastewater With AI-Enhanced Micromotors)

3) Tubes or micro- and nanotubes. 

Those nanotubes can be very long, and they can let water travel over the turbine wheel. When the tube drops in the deep sea the capillary force pushes the liquid through that tube. And that flow will rotate the turbines. That kind of system is suitable for things like seamarks and other kinds of systems like miniature submarines and especially robots.

A swarm of nanotube-based systems can make electricity by using chemical reactions. The ability to turn urea from wastewater to ammonia is not a very good idea if we think environmentally like CO2 emissions. But carbon can be filtered out from the ammonia molecule those nanotubes can create pure hydrogen. 

The enhanced micromotors also can use extremely small generators. The micromotor-based technology is interesting because it can deliver energy to the nanosized microchips. And large number of those nanomotors can deliver energy to even larger structures. 

AI-based applications. The system can stay in the right position all the time. That denies the system overload. And the right position makes those microsubmarines qualified of creating precisely the right electricity level. 

 4) New types of power cells. 

New types of power cells. Using cheaper electrodes power cells can be one of the new energy sources. The fact is that. We still can use combustion and steam engines if we can find some energy source that does not include carbon.

Steam engines and steam turbines can use vapor that is made by using sunlight or laser beams produced by clean energy. Hydrogen is a very promising way to make clean energy. The electrolysis systems also can make hydrogen by using electricity. 

5) Hydrogen as clean energy. 

Hydrogen is the zero-emission fuel source. But its production requires electricity. Solar panels are a powerful tool. Especially if they are over the cloud layer. Solar panels can drive their energy to batteries that guarantee the power supply at night. 

But they require sunlight. It's possible that the pressure-liquid. The system will connect to the solar panels. In that case, the solar panels make electricity by using silicone panels. But there is also a pressure liquid pressure cycle that rotates turbines. 

The other version is to use the geothermal energy. The liquid that is vaporized in those systems determines the pressure in the tubes. So things like ammonia or some other very easily vaporizing gas can create very high pressure in tubes. And that pressure can driven through turbine wheels.

Monday, November 13, 2023

The first chimeric monkey glows green.

 The first chimeric monkey glows green. 

The rose chimera is two roses, red and white that are connected. That means the chimera is made by connecting two embryos. 

*Homogenic chimera means that it's made by using the same species of embryos. 

*Heterogenic chimera means that those gametes are taken from different species. 

But we can say that the difference between chimera and hybrid is very small. And if the fingers of the monkey glow green because of firefly genomes that thing makes that monkey hybrid. Or actually, that monkey would be a heterogenic chimera. 

*The hybrid is a combination of two gametes. 

*Chimera requires three or four gametes. 

So chimera can be a hybrid but a hybrid cannot be a chimera. The problem with this type of determination is that the gametes can created using multiple DNA bites. 

Two-colored rose chimera

Chinese researchers made the world's first chimeric monkey that glows green. That glow means that transferred genomes work as they should, and the monkey feels good. The term chimeric means an organism that has multiple genetically different cell bases. And that thing can be made by connecting genomes from different species. The Chinese monkey will be a pathfinder for genetic engineering and gene therapies. The easiest way to manipulate species and increase the speed of evolution is to take other species. 

That have wanted abilities. Then the laboratory staff just collects artificial DNA using the DNA bites that controls certain ability. That requires the DNA map of the selected animals. And then those DNA sequences must connect with other specie's DNA. This thing opens impressive visions in good and bad. Genetic engineering is one way that can make the interstellar travel possible.

"Images showing the green fluorescence signals in different body parts of the live-birth chimeric monkey at the age of 3 days Credit: Cell/Cao et al." ( Sci-Fi Anymore: World’s First Live-Birth Chimeric Monkey Glows Green)

There are two ways to make people immortal. First is that nanotechnology repairs the DNA damage. And the second is that the person makes a clone about self. Then that person's memories will transfer to the clone. These kinds of things are interesting. And the same time frightening visions about genetic engineering. 

Genetic engineering makes it possible to fix genetic errors. But the same thing can make it possible to create the most horrifying weapons in the world. The DNA manipulation can turn cells into ebola-virus factories, where those cells produce deadly organisms. However, the same technology makes it possible to create a new type of therapy that makes people healthier. 

When we are talking about genetic disorders we who have not bad disorders are easy to say that fixing those things is not right or against some naturality or god. But we are not people who have those genetic disorders. That is the problem with that kind of thing. There always are people. Who wants to make laws that control this kind of technology? 

The problem is that: in every country in the world are no laws. That controls genetic engineering. And things like corruption make laws weak control tools. The laboratory workers who use VPN-remote control can make those genetic engineers sit in a flat in Stockholm and control a remote robot laboratory in Sierra Leone over the Internet. 

The problems with genetic engineering are the same as AI. There are states, or leaders who want to militarize this technology. People like Vladimir Putin and Kim Jong Un are always interested in things like super soldiers who follow their leaders without questions and think only things their leaders are allowed. Cloned soldiers who have no connection with other people and who have no moralistic or ethical limits are tools in the hands of people like Vladimir Putin and Kim Jong Un.

The human aliens (Friedrich Nietzsche's overman part II)

 The human aliens (Friedrich Nietzsche's overman part II)

What is the overman? This is one thing that causes discussions. Things like genetic engineering make it possible to create humans that are more flexible more powerful and more intelligent than other humans. The problem is how to determine power. Is that ability that makes it impossible to harm the creature, like skin hairs that have similar mechanisms as''' the nettles or some medusas? 

If that creature creates zombie poison, it makes it possible for the creature can take humans under control. But it's possible. Those hairs can have some deadly poison. Because we know genomes, we must realize that we can make very complex  DNA combinations from different species. 

Neuroimplanted microchips can give humans abilities that it never had before. 

The neuroimplant microchips make it possible for the human brain. That can connect itself to the internet by using those electronic systems. The microchip can use similar batteries with pacemakers. Or they can collect neural electricity. The neuro-implanted microchips can make this possible. The human can control drones or other animals by using neuroimplanted microchips. 

The fact is that technology makes it possible for the BCI (Brain Computer Interface) can control other animals like microchip-controlled cyborg bees or any other animal that has a microchip in its neural system. That animal can share all its senses and other things using those neural microchips with its controller. The BCI system makes robots the other body for their users. 

But genetic engineering has other and maybe more powerful abilities. 

Human aliens are things that are possible because of genetic engineering. Today we can connect genomes from different species. And that gives us more abilities, than ever before. The overman with higher intelligence levels and stronger muscles is a reality. Genetic engineering makes it possible to create nervous systems in which neurons have multiple connections to themselves. As well as they connect with other neurons. Those neurons would make the human thinking process more powerful than it is now. 

The human nervous system can also boosted with genomes. They are taken from the electric eel. Those genomes make it possible for humans can give electric shocks from their fingers or communicate with computers wirelessly. In the last case. The electric impulses will sent straight to the computer's receiver. And that allows a person to send the EEG signals from fingers. That ability makes it possible to take other people under control 

The werewolves are traditional human aliens. 

Theoretical genome researchers made a model of what kind of creature the werewolf can be. The idea is that the retrovirus transforms the creature into another. And if we think of genetic engineering. 

This transformation can happen voluntarily. The human neurons can give orders to genetically engineered cells that are created to form those viruses. And that thing can make the transformation process. 

It's possible. That in the future humans or our descendants can turn their form. And if we think the human can transform itself into a wolf. That thing can done by using technology that activates certain types of retrovirus production under certain situations. 

In some models, the werewolves would be creatures that retroviruses transform into wolves. The impulse that begins the retrovirus production could be ultimate stress or the moonlight. So the transformation process in those creatures could be similar to sleeplessness in the full moon. In that case, there would be the programmed cells in the bodies of those creatures that start to produce required retroviruses. 

In genetic engineering and technology, imagination is the only limit. 

As you see the possibilities of technology and genetic engineering are without limits.  In the wrong hands, that kind of system is dangerous. The BCI implants are created for controlling prostheses. But we all know that money makes it possible to hide people to modify those brain shell implants like Neuraport into the systems that allow controlling robots and drone swarms into the human brains. 

The imagination is limited in this type of technology. Maybe in the future. Genetic engineering makes it possible. The people will send the shopping list to the genome laboratories. Then the genetic engineers will search for the species with wanted abilities. Then they create artificial genomes that they use to fertilize the eggs.

Sunday, November 12, 2023

In the future, the Patriot's radar can also kill drone swarms.

    In the future, the Patriot's radar can also kill drone swarms. 

The high-power radio bursts. And microwave bursts are tools, that can destroy entire drone swarms. Those systems are the same radars that regular observation systems use. But their power is much higher. Microwaves can cause physical damage to the shell of incoming ammunition and drones. 

Microwaves cause heat effects on metals. And that thing makes them more effective than radio waves. Radiowaves can have an EMP effect, but EMP is useless against dummy ammunition. But radio waves can also cause physical damage. 

Crossing radio waves can create an electric arc between the target and incoming ammunition. They can also destroy dummy grenades and rocket salvos before they reach their target. 

The EMP and radio-wave-based weapons. Along with lasers are also suitable for killer satellites. The thing is that. The high-power radio and microwave bursts can destroy other satellites' electronics. The problem with kinetic energy systems is that they form lots of debris. The EMP-based systems can keep the target satellite in one piece. 

The radio-wave-based EMP systems can also turn satellite communication systems into weapons. And that protects the GPS and communication satellites against killer satellites. But it turns the satellite into a killer satellite that can destroy other satellites. 

Those radio-burst weapons act in always similar way. They store energy in the capacitors. And then that high-power electric impulse will send to the transmitters. That can form the EMP pulse that destroys electronics. The other version is to load electricity to a satellite, and that electricity pulls plasma on its shell if its polarity is opposite to plasma. 

Lasers will destroy incoming satellites and satellite-killers. Those systems were created to protect satellites against kinetic energy ASAT (Anti-Satellite) weapons. But the same systems can turn satellites into killer satellites that can destroy other satellites. 

The weapon development is a race between an improved attacker and an improved defender. Those passive and active systems can protect tanks and other targets against incoming ammunition.

The best-known of those systems are reactive armor and the Israeli Trophy. The "Trophy" is like a tank-based CIWS (Close-In Weapon System) that shoots counter ammunition against incoming ammunition. Those systems are not effective against small-caliber kinetic-energy sabot ("Arrow") ammunition. That's why there are pressure-based systems under development that can turn those ammunition out from their direction. 

This is why laboratories have developed microwave warheads that send high-power radio and microwaves against targeted tanks. Tanks can use similar systems against attackers. When the detector sees an incoming missile the counter-system starts to send microwaves against it. 

The system should destroy the homing electronics of incoming missile and detonate its warhead. The AI-based systems create the neural network over the battlefield that shares information between actors. And the opposite is that the anti-radiation missiles can turn those radio links into targets. The CIWS can protect also radio links against those missiles. Otherwise, maser- and laser-based communication tools are harder to detect than regular radios. And ARM-missile requires precise knowledge of the target. 

The purpose of that weapon is to knock out the tank's electronics. The reactive armor is the explosive bricks that cover the tank. The tandem warheads and rapid-shooting anti-tank cannons are effective against those armors. The reason why the legendary GAU-8 "Avenger" cannon is still effective is that it shoots so much ammunition against a target that it strips reactive armor. 

There is also used cannon systems there rapidly fire small-calibre cannon to shoot the reactive armor off, and then the bigger gun shoots the grenade against the target. Again there are explosive, acoustic, and microwave-based systems whose purpose is to turn things like sabot ammunition out of their course. This is the reason why the next-generation tanks have more multipurpose systems like railguns and other things like laser weapons.

New systems allow researchers to follow cellular communication wirelessly.

"To improve biosensing techniques that can aid in diagnosis and treatment, MIT researchers developed tiny, wireless antennas that use l...