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Showing posts from November, 2023

Cleo Donut Pro X-1 drone can go anywhere.

   Cleo Donut Pro X-1 drone can go anywhere.  The Cleo Donut Pro X-1 drone can research things inside spaces like houses and other places that are hard to reach. These kinds of drones can reach places and make maps of caves and houses. And it can search for people and other things from those places. This kind of drone can operate with medical staff, and firemen when it catches fire in houses. If this drone is waterproof it can make underwater missions to dangerous places.  This kind of flexibility is one thing that makes drones interesting and powerful tools. The system can have cameras and seismic sensors that measure oscillation in the structures. That system can have miniature sonars or lidar systems that can scan surfaces. And those things also operate as laser microscopes. The system can make maps of spaces using GPS or gyroscope navigation. The gyroscope (inertial) navigation is required if the drone loses its GPS signal. So the gyroscope can record the route, and then the drone

Bactery's memory can used to turn it against other bacteria.

     Bactery's memory can used to turn it against other bacteria.  Researchers noticed that bacteria have memories. Those memories are stored in its chemical DNA-based control system. And they involve data about chemical stress that bacteria face. If bacteria faces some kind of chemical stress data about that stress is stored in the bactery's DNA. Then it can transmit this information to other bacteria. The thing. That makes "superbacteria" so hard to eliminate are "hairs".  That denies medicals to take effect on the bacteria's body. Making that hard requires energy. And that's why at least some super bacteria are vulnerable against other bacteria. The medicine against those super bacteria can be some kind of nanotechnology-based solution that involves enzymes and acids that remove the hair from those bacteria. Or the nanomachine can simply slip into the bacteria and destroy its internal organelles.  "Researchers at The University of Texas have

The Pentagon starts to choose its "Replicator" drone candidates in mid-December.

     The Pentagon starts to choose its "Replicator" drone candidates in mid-December.  Drones have shown their abilities in Ukraine. That thing means that unmanned drones become more common tools on battlefields. In the Ukraine war things like Pizza-delivery drones transport grenade-launcher ammunition and hand-grenades to targets. And then those systems drop their ammunition to targets. Also, drones can point targets to artillery and other weapon systems.  The main difference between kamikaze-drone and traditional cruise missiles is that Kamikaze-drone can make recon missions, and when its fuel ends, that thing can dive against targets. And if a small drone hits things like an ammunition dump, it can make huge destructions.  They can used as recon missions like normal scout helicopters. And the thing is that they can be bought from anywhere. That means terrorists and criminals are interested in drones. Connecting things like pistols or dynamite to them is not very difficult.

Fingertip-size lasers can revolutionize information and stealth technology.

    Fingertip-size lasers can revolutionize information and stealth technology.  Fingertip-size femtosecond lasers can make many things. Those lasers can act as information transporters in quantum and photonic computers. In quantum computers, each of those small lasers forms one qubit line in that system. Then binary system shares information with those qubit lines. And that thing makes it possible to create a lightweight quantum computer that can operate at room temperature. That thing makes it possible that maybe we see quantum laptops quite soon.  The femtosecond laser can control light and photons with a very high accuracy. So that kind of system can used to send counter waves or counter photons that can deny radiation reach the surface of the protected object. It's possible that in the case of this kind of quantum stealth, the system just drives incoming light over the aircraft's body. This system simply drives incoming photons past the aircraft or ship. And then that syst

Space companies tested water thrusters in space.

    Space companies tested water thrusters in space.  Water could be useful as a propellant for spacecraft thrusters. Water can be used as a propelant in chemical, nuclear thermal rockets. The system drives its propellant through a nuclear reactor. That heats and expands it. Normally, those systems plan to use liquid hydrogen, and sometimes the problem with water is mentioned as it freezes and turns to ice. The solution to that problem is warmed and rotating tanks. Also, low pressure can turn the water back to liquid in low pressure.  Water is also a useful propellant for electric chemical engines. In those engines, microwaves or laser rays expand propellant. And then that electromagnetic stress expands propellant. That pushes craft forward. Water will be injected into those systems as small droplets and then lasers and microwaves raise its temperature. The start-up company called "Momentus" used a microwave-based thruster for making thrust.  The statement in "Interestin

How to make artificial gravity?

     How to make artificial gravity?  Above is the artist's impression of a giant O'Neill cylinder. The hypothetical megastructure or "artificial Earth" can make it possible to travel between stars. But the fact is that smaller cylinder-shaped capsules can make similar things like anchor saucers on the table. That means the rotation speed must not be as high as people think. Making a gravitational field that is 1/1 with Earth is not possible.  But the thing is that when this artificial world travels between planets or stars the system can make gravitation weaker in the space journey. And when that giant cylinder reaches the target, that cylinder increases its rotational speed. And that makes the gravitational field stronger.  But gravitational cylinders are not necessarily big. They might be a group of rotating cylinders. That connected to the spacecraft's outer shell, like in the imaginational Mars craft in the second image.  Gravitation is one of the biggest pro

Digital twins and AI are an interesting combination.

     Digital twins and AI are an interesting combination.  Digital twins are interesting tools. There is a possibility. In the future, the computer's memory will be the digital twin of the universe. Making a simulation of the complete universe is not possible yet. The reason is that we don't know all parts of it. There are missing particles, and we don't know how to model gravitational interactions at all levels. Things like dark energy and dark matter are unknown.  To make a complete simulation of the interactions in the systems. The computer system with its makers requires complete information about the modeled systems. Even the best and most powerful quantum computers are helpless. If the information they use is not complete and accurate enough. Even the best computers cannot make useful simulations.  And 95% of the universe is unknown to us. That makes it impossible to make a complete and trusted model of the universe. But science advances and new observations are expan

Radioisotope generators are suitable tools for small-size rockets and drone swarm power sources.

    Radioisotope generators are suitable tools for small-size rockets and drone swarm power sources.  NASA tests Plutonium 238 in space systems.  NASA plans to use Plutonium 238 as a power source in long-term space missions. The plutonium is a suitable material for RPS  (Radio-Isotope Power Systems). The thing is that there are three types of radio-isotope-based systems.  *Traditional RTG (Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generator)  * Light Weight Radioisotope Heater Unit (LWRHU)   * Multi-Mission Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generator (MMRTG). "Radioisotope power systems, or RPS, enable exploration of some of the deepest, darkest, and most distant destinations in the solar system and beyond. RPS uses the natural decay of the radioisotope plutonium-238 to provide heat to a spacecraft in the form of a Light Weight Radioisotope Heater Unit (LWRHU), or heat and electricity in the form of a system such as the Multi-Mission Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generator (MMRTG)." (ScitechDaily.

The new nanomaterials are intelligent tools.

    The new nanomaterials are intelligent tools.  The new nanomaterials are intelligent tools. The DNA-based operating system makes it possible to drive complicated code in the new nano-size devices. The new devices can be nanocapsules that follow commands that they get from the nervous system. The nanocapsules and nano-submarines make it possible to transport medicines and cells into the wanted position. Nanorobots that carry medicines into the desired position are excellent tools.  The nanomachines can also carry stem cells into the wanted position. That allows bone cells, or some other cells like neurons production in the desired position in the human body. The system can move the right stem cells or it can inject special viruses in those cells. And that makes it possible to clone wanted cells using the cells. That the system takes from the receiver's body. It denies repelling reaction.  And that thing makes it possible to fight against the infections and injuries using the pers

The new technology requires new materials.

    The new technology requires new materials.  Intelligent materials are the next-generation tools.  DNA-based hybrid materials can make it possible to create new intelligent material solutions. In microchips, the complicated operating systems that AI-based solutions require the operating system is encoded in the DNA or chemical form.  The DNA-based materials can make it possible to create clothes. They wear themselves over the person when they get orders. In the intelligent clothes microchips can act as silicone plates like in Samurai-armour. And those microchips can connect in entirety. And remove the connection when they get orders, like "DNA assemble" and "DNA de-assemble".  New technology makes it possible to create self-assemble body armor.  Miniature particle accelerators can have civil and military applications.  Miniature particle accelerators can make it possible to create new types of cures for cancer. The particle rays are effective against tumors. But

Three visions of automation.

     Three visions of automation.  When we think about nanomachines that can create self-assembly structures we can say that quadcopters that follow the process are eye. And the AI that controls those machines is the invisible hand. The abilities of the AI-controlling self-assembly vehicles and structures depend on the tools. That those systems have.  The new AI-driven laboratories are powerful tools in the R&D process. Those self-driving labs can operate without human control. Those laboratories can installed in satellites and miniature space shuttles. And they are allowed to operate for months or even years in zero-gravity conditions in certain well-controlled chemical environments. The self-driving laboratories can have scanning laser microscopes and quantum-computer and AI-based analyzation systems. That kind of system can revolutionize complicated chemical compound production. AI-driven laboratories can be the tools that can make new levels of R&D in all sectors from civil

The new robots take their form from nature.

    The new robots take their form from nature.  The computer that runs AI can be a group of micro-engineers or microgenerators that hover in liquid.  The high-power AI requires extremely small microchips. And those microchips require a very highly accurate power source. If those miniaturized microchips get too much electricity it causes damage to those systems. So those microchips require their power source. And nanotube-based micro engines can make nano-size microchips possible.  The AI brain could be the group of micro-engineers and microchips that hover in the liquid. That nanomachine swarm can be one model for the next generation of high-power computers. And those microcomputers can be copies of the mosquito larva that hangs under the surface tension.  New robots can be copies of living organisms or fossils. Researchers used 450 million years old organisms as a model for the modern soft robot. Things like crabs are also good models for robots, and those animals' scrissors can

The new clean energy sources can be interesting.

 The new clean energy sources can be interesting.  1) Bioforce or bioenergy.  Bioforce or bioenergy. The term bioenergy means genetically engineered living cells that can make electricity. The use of those cells is sometimes limited to nanotechnology. But those cell groups can also used in larger-scale solutions.  Researchers can connect biological batteries to parallel or serial connections. And that means those systems can also feed large-size entireties with electricity.  Those genetically engineered cells can have electric eel's genomes. The thing that those cells need is nutrients. If the genomes between bacteria and electric cells are combined that allows us to make impressive things like electric cars that require the same nutrients as cows.  It's possible to combine genomes from grass or some other vegetables and hybridize them with electric eel's electric cells. That allows to creation of power sources that are like normal houseplants. And the used must only rememb

The first chimeric monkey glows green.

 The first chimeric monkey glows green.  The rose chimera is two roses, red and white that are connected. That means the chimera is made by connecting two embryos.  *Homogenic chimera means that it's made by using the same species of embryos.  *Heterogenic chimera means that those gametes are taken from different species.  But we can say that the difference between chimera and hybrid is very small. And if the fingers of the monkey glow green because of firefly genomes that thing makes that monkey hybrid. Or actually, that monkey would be a heterogenic chimera.  *The hybrid is a combination of two gametes.  *Chimera requires three or four gametes.  So chimera can be a hybrid but a hybrid cannot be a chimera. The problem with this type of determination is that the gametes can created using multiple DNA bites.  Two-colored rose chimera Chinese researchers made the world's first chimeric monkey that glows green. That glow means that transferred genomes work as they should, and the

The human aliens (Friedrich Nietzsche's overman part II)

 The human aliens (Friedrich Nietzsche's overman part II) What is the overman? This is one thing that causes discussions. Things like genetic engineering make it possible to create humans that are more flexible more powerful and more intelligent than other humans. The problem is how to determine power. Is that ability that makes it impossible to harm the creature, like skin hairs that have similar mechanisms as''' the nettles or some medusas?  If that creature creates zombie poison, it makes it possible for the creature can take humans under control. But it's possible. Those hairs can have some deadly poison. Because we know genomes, we must realize that we can make very complex  DNA combinations from different species.  Neuroimplanted microchips can give humans abilities that it never had before.  The neuroimplant microchips make it possible for the human brain. That can connect itself to the internet by using those electronic systems. The microchip can use similar

In the future, the Patriot's radar can also kill drone swarms.

     In the future, the Patriot's radar can also kill drone swarms.  The high-power radio bursts. And microwave bursts are tools, that can destroy entire drone swarms. Those systems are the same radars that regular observation systems use. But their power is much higher. Microwaves can cause physical damage to the shell of incoming ammunition and drones.  Microwaves cause heat effects on metals. And that thing makes them more effective than radio waves. Radiowaves can have an EMP effect, but EMP is useless against dummy ammunition. But radio waves can also cause physical damage.  Crossing radio waves can create an electric arc between the target and incoming ammunition. They can also destroy dummy grenades and rocket salvos before they reach their target.  The EMP and radio-wave-based weapons. Along with lasers are also suitable for killer satellites. The thing is that. The high-power radio and microwave bursts can destroy other satellites' electronics. The problem with kinetic