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Showing posts from May, 2023

NASA's TROPICS mission is the new way to observe storms.

TROPICS (Time-Resolved Observations of Precipitation Structure and Storm Intensity with a Constellation of Smallsats)-satellites are the new mission to search and observe storms by using spinning microwave sensors. Those sensors also can have passive mode. In that mode, microwave transmitters are shut down, and satellite searches for things like microwave effects of lightning. TROPICS is a constellation of cube satellites that can search Earth at 30 degrees equator. Those CubeSats operate as pairs, and their mission is to send information from storms simultaneously.  When two CubeSats with identical sensors travel simultaneously over a certain area they can transmit changes in the storms and their structures. The same technology that TROPICS uses can use also in many other satellites. If the remote-mapping or recon satellites operate as pairs, those satellites can search for changes in their target areas. The identical sensor packages make it easier to compare and connect data that tho

Self-growing graphene is a next-generation way to make that ultimate material.

Carbon is a key material in nanotechnology.  Carbon plays a vital role in nanotechnology. The compounds between extremely long and complicated molecules are easy to make between carbon atoms. Things like graphene can use in base layers. Researchers can use that material in nanomachine trunks. Along with fullerene nanotubes, those structures can form nano-size legos. The fullerene nanotubes and fullerene balls can use as axles and joints of nano-size robots.  Graphene is an ultimate material, and if self-growing 2D graphene crystals are possible to create, that makes a revolution in material research. There is more and more use for the 2D-carbon with one carbon atom layer. And that means graphene must produce more and more.  Graphene grows. And that is one of the most interesting observations in material technology. Graphene is a 2D lattice of carbon atoms, and carbon has the ability that carbon atoms can reduce carbon. That means that carbon atoms can separate carbon from compounds. Th

The biggest bottleneck for hydrogen technology is how to make clean energy for electrolysis.

  The Natilus Kona aircraft is one of the most interesting pilot concepts that use hydrogen power.  A model of Kona aircraft "Natilus Kona" weight carrier is a promising electric engine concept. The power source for electric engines could be batteries, but it also can be fuel cells. The fuel cells that use hydrogen fuel are the systems that can make hybrid systems that use propellers and electric engines for lift-off and landing and hydrogen-burning turbines for long-range flight possible.  "ZeroAvia successfully carries out the first flight test of its Dornier 228 19-seat testbed in Gloucestershire, UK, marking a pivotal milestone in ZeroAvia’s HyFlyer II program". ( The 19-seat Dornier Do-228 has turned into a hydrogen plane test bed. And that is a big step for clean aviation.  That system was created by Natilus partners, Natilus and ZeroAvia. ZeroAvia has experience to create larg

The new system gives information about the material's internal structure from its surface.

The AI-based machine learning system can see the material's internal structure by looking at it from the outside. The system does not use things like X- or gamma-rays. And that means it does not use dangerous radiation. If this kind of system can tell the concrete element's condition from regular camera images that thing makes damage searching more effective. Developers of that system used the metal pipe as an example. But there is possible to use that system also in other types of materials. "A machine-learning method developed at MIT detects internal structures, voids, and cracks inside a material, based on data about the material’s surface. On the top left cube, the missing fields are represented as a gray box. Researchers then leverage an AI model to fill in the blank (center). Then, the geometries of composite microstructures are identified based on the complete field maps using another AI model (bottom right). Credit: Jose-Luis Olivares/MIT and the researchers".

The first portable quantum computers are here.

The thing is that the first portable quantum computers cannot make fundamental calculations. But they can act as quantum simulators, and if somebody wants to make things like break some passwords those quantum computers can do that kind of thing.  The photonic neuron or photonic axon can make the next generation of quantum systems possible. The system emulates neurons. The axon branches are the thing that determines a neuron's state. The activating number of axons is the thing that determines the state of the neuron. And the same model can use in the photonic axon.  In photonic axons, the system uses laser-LEDs and light cell combinations. The light cells are forming pairs with light cells. The form of those light cell groups is like in the CCD-chip or the insect mesh eye. The number of activating photovoltaic cells determines the state of the qubit.  That kind of light-cell laser light-based systems can maintain their states very long time. The system can use the TCP/IP protocol t

The 74 meters hydrogen-powered hydrofoil yacht creates 15 000 hp.

 The new Plectrum superyacht uses hydrogen turbines and its engines are creating 15 000 hp. That thing makes the 74-meter hydrofoil yacht travel over the sea at a speed of 140 km/h. That kind of yacht is technically interesting in many ways. The hydrogen turbines can use hydrogen, which is possible to create in the yacht. There are many ways to create that hydrogen. And one of them is the capillary tube that can fall in depth. And that thing makes it possible to create hydrogen by using a dynamo. That thing takes time, and maybe the electricity for electrolysis is easier to take from the ground or the yacht's diesel engines.  There is also the possibility that in the future yachts can use Fletnner-turbines for making hydrogen, and that system can make driving with this kind of vehicle free. The water statue that can be driven to the Flettner turbine from below the craft can make this turbine independent from the winds. And green energy is always interesting especially if it can dec

Sniping through the wall.

Sometimes is introduced, a small drone can use to aim a sniper rifle to target, when the shooter wants to shoot through the wall. In that model, the drone locates the target and then finds the rifle by using the radio maser that tells the position of the rifle to the drone. The idea is that the drone is opposite to the rifle and the target is between the drone and the rifle. In some dark visions, the system uses an X-ray laser that will tell the position of the rifle in comparison with the target.  Image: Wikipedia The drone uses a combination of visual and X-ray cameras to see where the ammo would go. The problem is that the drone must have the ability to go into the same space as the target. The drone uses a regular camera to see the target, and then the X-ray or radio sensor locates where the rifle is aimed.  The drone uses a combination of its camera and the location signal that the rifle uses. The drone sends the target information to the intelligent rifle. And when the target is

The new mini-gene therapy is one of the most interesting tools in gene therapy.

Harward researchers created a new model that can use to manipulate single base pairs in DNA. Researchers can use that kind of thing to fix genetic disorders. And the same thing can use to manipulate bacteria genomes. If we want to fix genetic disorders we must have extremely high accuracy in that process, and for successful gene therapy, the diagnosis must be made early enough.  Fixing genetic errors is easiest to make during the morula period or if the genetic disorder is seen before fertilization that process is even easier. The new scanning laser microscopes and other kinds of tools can uncover non-wanted DNA sequences. And then the system can replace them with more suitable DNA sequences. Theoretically, that thing is very easy to make.  But in practice, deep knowledge of DNA structure is necessary. Researchers require that information to find certain base pairs' functions. And that thig is a requirement for making that genome therapy successful. The system must locate the error

Can buildings evolve like organisms?

Maybe we live in living mushroom-buildings in the future.  Can buildings evolve like organisms? The question is interesting because things like trees and vegetables involve complicated structures. And theoretically, trees like strangler fig trees can form structures that can be used as buildings. The problem is that the structures of those things are too soft.  But there is the possibility that the genetically engineered cells are making hollow cellulose structures. That can blow full of concrete. In that case, we might think about special concrete that is made by using volcanic ash. That allows to create of hybrid material that combines biological, and non-biological structures.  Biological structures also have sub-types of living biological structures and non-living biological structures. We are using the first ones as plant walls. The first ones are used as boards. Theoretically is possible to create living boards, and if those living boards can turn real, they can be used in materi

The new locomotion robots can bring a new dimension to sensor technology. And it also can use in medical work.

 The new locomotion robots can bring a new dimension to sensor technology. And it also can use in medical work.  The new tape-worm-looking caterpillar robots can make many things that are been impossible earlier. The movements of those robots are made by using magnetic systems. And those magnets can be installed on the X-ray films. Those robots can transport those films to the wanted position. Those film-looking structures can also use to transport tissues in the right positions. And they can make many things, that have been impossible before.  The robots can use nanowires to control the direction where the operators want them to move. The flat computers that are used in intelligent smartcards can control the operations of those nanowires. The system can adjust the length of those wires by using electric impulses or some chemicals. And those small systems can be equipped with small-size seismic sensors and ultrasound systems. Or they can transport things like x-ray films in very small

Laser-controlled magnetic fields with quantum trampolines open the gates to high-power quantum computers that size is smaller than protons.

  Laser-controlled magnetic fields with quantum trampolines open the gates to high-power quantum computers that size is smaller than protons.  The ability to control ferromagnetic fields by using terahertz-laser light makes it possible to create fast computers.  Teraherz-laser impulses that drive magnetic fields in a certain direction are the thing that makes it possible to create new and fast computers. Fast binary computers are required for adjusting quantum computers.  Another thing that can make it possible to create new types of microchips is the thing called trampoline sensor. The trampoline sensor is the tool where information is sent to the trampoline layer. And the wave motion will re-transmit that information to the sensors that are around the trampoline layer. This system allows sending all data packages at the same time to all states in the qubit  Every single data segment is marked with a serial number. And that allows the system to remove unnecessary parts of data mass. T

New ultrasound patches can observe tissue. But those things can also use in cancer therapy.

The ultrasound patches allow tissue monitoring. But they can do many other things. They are loudspeakers or sonar systems. That is glued to the skin. Those systems can use small-size computers that are like smart-card chips. Then those systems can send the data to the mobile telephone. And that allows the observer can observe how joints and muscles work in everyday life.  The ultrasound patches can use to observe things. Like how tissues like muscles are working while the person is outside. The ultrasound patches can also monitor the movements of the spine and other joints. And that thing can help doctors to see how their patients are moving and if there something problems like foot position errors.  That kind of wearable ultrasound system can also use to develop new types of furniture like chairs and beds. The ability to see how the person sits and wants in everyday life is the thing, that can revolutionize everyday medical examinations. And those systems also make new types of sports

Quantum stealth: how to make the information travel away from the observer?

Quantum stealth is multiple systems that are denying the reflection from the surface. Some quantum stealth systems use counter waves that pull energy out from the impacting waves. And the system must just transport information in opposite directions from the surface.  The idea of that kind of system is that information travels through the layer without causing any reflection. In some versions, the simplest model is to make the quantum entanglements from the surface that researchers want to make invisible. The idea is that the quantum system makes the entanglement that way that the information travels out from the layer inside the craft.  The quantum entanglement where the outer side is at the higher energy level and the side that is at the lower energy level will be connected to the laser. That kind of system collects the energy from the laser that transmits it in the wanted direction.  And that kind of system can deny all kinds, of reflection that come from the outer layer.  In this v