TROPICS (Time-Resolved Observations of Precipitation Structure and Storm Intensity with a Constellation of Smallsats)-satellites are the new mission to search and observe storms by using spinning microwave sensors. Those sensors also can have passive mode. In that mode, microwave transmitters are shut down, and satellite searches for things like microwave effects of lightning. TROPICS is a constellation of cube satellites that can search Earth at 30 degrees equator. Those CubeSats operate as pairs, and their mission is to send information from storms simultaneously. When two CubeSats with identical sensors travel simultaneously over a certain area they can transmit changes in the storms and their structures. The same technology that TROPICS uses can use also in many other satellites. If the remote-mapping or recon satellites operate as pairs, those satellites can search for changes in their target areas. The identical sensor packages make it easier to compare and connect data that tho