Saturday, May 27, 2023

NASA's TROPICS mission is the new way to observe storms.

TROPICS (Time-Resolved Observations of Precipitation Structure and Storm Intensity with a Constellation of Smallsats)-satellites are the new mission to search and observe storms by using spinning microwave sensors. Those sensors also can have passive mode. In that mode, microwave transmitters are shut down, and satellite searches for things like microwave effects of lightning. TROPICS is a constellation of cube satellites that can search Earth at 30 degrees equator. Those CubeSats operate as pairs, and their mission is to send information from storms simultaneously. 

When two CubeSats with identical sensors travel simultaneously over a certain area they can transmit changes in the storms and their structures. The same technology that TROPICS uses can use also in many other satellites. If the remote-mapping or recon satellites operate as pairs, those satellites can search for changes in their target areas. The identical sensor packages make it easier to compare and connect data that those satellites transmit. 

"Concept artwork of satellites comprising the TROPICS constellation working in concert to provide rapidly updating microwave observations of storms on Earth, measuring precipitation, temperature, and humidity of a storm. Credit: NASA" (’s TROPICS Mission: Rocket Lab, CubeSats, and the Quest for Earth System Understanding)

"Rocket Lab’s Electron rocket lifts off from Launch Complex 1 at Mahia, New Zealand at 9:00 p.m., carrying two TROPICS CubeSats for NASA. Credit: Rocket Lab" ( Chasers of the Future: NASA, Rocket Lab Launch First Pair of TROPICS CubeSats)

Extreme wide shot view of Rocket Lab’s Launch Complex 1 in Mahia, New Zealand. The Electron rocket stands vertically at the launch pad. Credit: NASA. (’s TROPICS Mission: Rocket Lab, CubeSats, and the Quest for Earth System Understanding)

If two satellites are pointing their bevel radars at the same target from different sides and then another satellite will take the frame just above the target, that system allows making a 3D model of targeted points. TROPICS satellites can make 3D models of thunderstorms. And they possibly help to develop models that meteorologists can use when they create algorithms that should predict tropical and other storms. The TROPICS is the pathfinder and maybe in the future around the Earth orbits large groups of small satellites that can have military and scientific missions. 

Operators can share the satellites in small-satellite constellations can in groups. Those groups can be IR, visual, Laser, radar, etc. groups. Every single satellite, for example, a member of the IR group, could have only an IR system that is similar to other IR satellites and their sensors. 

Those satellites can act as early-warning satellites but they can send information about Earth's atmosphere and its temperature as well as they can search for missile launches. The laser-satellite can have lidar systems or they can search for pollution from the upper atmosphere. Also, ELINT (Electronic Intelligence Satellites) can act as members of their group. 

TROPICS is the new way to think about technology. The swarm of small satellites that have limited sensors can act as an entirety. That technology bases the same ideas as the drone swarms. Satellites with different sensors can act as the entirety. And if those satellites are clones with identical systems. That makes it easier to compare the data that they send. Another thing is that if one of those satellites is lost, it's easier to replace.

Self-growing graphene is a next-generation way to make that ultimate material.

Carbon is a key material in nanotechnology. 

Carbon plays a vital role in nanotechnology. The compounds between extremely long and complicated molecules are easy to make between carbon atoms. Things like graphene can use in base layers. Researchers can use that material in nanomachine trunks. Along with fullerene nanotubes, those structures can form nano-size legos. The fullerene nanotubes and fullerene balls can use as axles and joints of nano-size robots. 

Graphene is an ultimate material, and if self-growing 2D graphene crystals are possible to create, that makes a revolution in material research. There is more and more use for the 2D-carbon with one carbon atom layer. And that means graphene must produce more and more. 

Graphene grows. And that is one of the most interesting observations in material technology. Graphene is a 2D lattice of carbon atoms, and carbon has the ability that carbon atoms can reduce carbon. That means that carbon atoms can separate carbon from compounds. That effect allows the creation self-growing carbon graphene layer. 

We know that we can grow crystals in liquid, and things like diamonds are also crystals. The diamond is carbon's amorphic form. And the same way there is a possibility to grow 2D carbon structures called graphene. Graphene is the 2D single-atom layer of carbon. Creating graphene from graphite is theoretically quite an easy thing. 

The laser just planes extra atom layers away from graphite. And that leaves the 2D atomic structure. But if the graphene structure can turn to self-growing. That makes this process easier. 

"Graphene is a revolutionary material consisting of a single layer of carbon atoms arranged in a hexagonal lattice, offering incredible strength, conductivity, and flexibility. Its unique properties make it a promising candidate for various applications, from electronics and energy storage to medicine and environmental solutions". ( Findings – Graphene Grows, and We Can See It)

Above: The atom structure of diamond makes that form suitable for scanning tunneling microscopes. And that thing allows us to aim wave movement with extremely high accuracy. If the vertex-carbon will put oscillation or wave movement travel through a fullerene tube, that allows the creation of an extremely accurate acoustic or electromagnetic system. 

Diamond unit cell, showing the tetrahedral structure. (Wikipedia/diamond)

Model of a carbon (fullerene) nanotube. (Wikipedia/Fullerene)

Model of the C60 fullerene (buckminsterfullerene). (Wikipedia/fullerene)

There are multiple uses for this 2D material. The 2D nanomaterials allow covering layers by using the one-atom carbon layer. That layer can make it extremely hard. In some ideas graphene can act as a knife, that can use to cut extremely small-size diamonds. 

In those systems, the electricity will put to travel between diamond and graphene. And then the electricity will transfer carbon atoms from nano-diamonds to graphene. Nano-diamonds are small carbon atom groups that can use in scanning tunneling microscopes. Those things can also use to push atoms on the layers. The idea is that the nano-diamond will put to oscillate. 

In some models, nano-diamond along with fullerene tubes can act as miniaturized coherent acoustic devices. In that system, the nano-diamond will be put in a fullerene tube. And then it will put to oscillate. In the same way, the carbon atoms in the fullerene tube will put to oscillate. That oscillation presses the soundwave to coherent mode, which can use as a "billiard stick" that pushes atoms and molecules on the layer. 

And that acoustic system can use to transfer wanted molecules and atoms. The nano-diamond also can use as an antenna, that will conduct electromagnetic radiation in the wanted direction. That system can use in nano-size microprocessors.

Friday, May 26, 2023

The biggest bottleneck for hydrogen technology is how to make clean energy for electrolysis.


The Natilus Kona aircraft is one of the most interesting pilot concepts that use hydrogen power. 

A model of Kona aircraft

"Natilus Kona" weight carrier is a promising electric engine concept. The power source for electric engines could be batteries, but it also can be fuel cells. The fuel cells that use hydrogen fuel are the systems that can make hybrid systems that use propellers and electric engines for lift-off and landing and hydrogen-burning turbines for long-range flight possible. 

"ZeroAvia successfully carries out the first flight test of its Dornier 228 19-seat testbed in Gloucestershire, UK, marking a pivotal milestone in ZeroAvia’s HyFlyer II program". (

The 19-seat Dornier Do-228 has turned into a hydrogen plane test bed. And that is a big step for clean aviation. 

That system was created by Natilus partners, Natilus and ZeroAvia. ZeroAvia has experience to create large-scale hydrogen-powered aircraft. In commercial use, hydrogen-powered aircraft use hybrid technology, where electric engines rotate rotors while the aircraft lifts off, and then the system starts to use the hydrogen-powered turboprops. The turboprop VTOL-technology hydrogen-powered aircraft can make emission-free and silent aviation possible. 

Another way to decrease noise pollution in aircraft is the counter noise. If the loudspeakers are sending counterwaves to the aircraft with the same frequency that the aircraft sends noise that system will deny the soundwaves to reach the ground.

New nanomaterials create electricity from thin air. 

The biggest bottleneck for hydrogen technology is how to make clean energy for electrolysis. The problem is that those systems must operate day and night. If the engineers can make a system that can create enough electricity from the air by using miniature- or nano-size turbogenerators or some other power source. 

That allows them to create aircraft and cars or even spacecraft that can create hydrogen and oxygen inside their body. These kinds of systems can make fuel for space shuttles, ultra-fast aircraft, or environmentally friendly everyday technology. 

The nanomaterial that harvests energy from thin air is the new tool for power supply in independently operating small-size drones. Engineers can also use nanomaterials that can harvest energy from thin air in hydrogen-operating aircraft. 

Before this new nanomaterial, small-size drones' power source puts limits on their range. The problem with classic solar panels is that they are not operating in the dark. Chemical batteries can create electricity only in a limited time. Another problem with chemical batteries is that they require high enough operating temperatures. 

"Engineers at the University of Massachusetts Amherst have developed a technique for harvesting electricity from air humidity, dubbed the “generic Air-gen effect.” According to research published in Advanced Materials, any material with nanopores less than 100 nanometers in diameter can be utilized to continuously generate electricity." ( Energy 24/7: Engineers Use Nanotechnology To Harvest Electricity “From Thin Air”)

"Nanopores are the secret to making electricity from thin air. These nanopores allow water molecules to pass through and create a charge imbalance, essentially forming a battery that runs as long as there is humidity. Credit: Derek Lovley/Ella Maru Studio"( Energy 24/7: Engineers Use Nanotechnology To Harvest Electricity “From Thin Air”)

If the temperature is very low the chemical reaction cannot create electricity, and nuclear batteries require radioactive material. So the new nanomaterial can offer a non-poisonous and effective way to make electricity for drones and larger devices. 

The MIT engineers created a nanopore-base system. But there is the possibility that in the future nano-size generators also can create electricity. The problem is how to make those nano-generators on a large scale so that they can make electricity on enough large scale. 

Theoretically, making nanogenerators is a very easy process. The system requires two internal fullerene tubes. The magnesite bites in those fullerene nets are operating as rotors and stators. The other version is to put two layers of the material opposite, and then the nanotubes are rotating between those magnetic layers. That thing forms electricity in a larger area. There is also the possibility that laser rays will make holes in the metal plate. And there are the nano-size rotors that are forming electricity from rising air. 

The problem with nanotechnology and nano-size generators is how to put them to rotate. If the shell of the vehicle can form electricity with high-enough voltage, that thing can make the revolution for hydrogen technology. Hydrogen is a very powerful fuel for combustion engines. Hydrogen is the key element in emission-free aviation and automobiles. 

One of the reasons why hydrogen-powered jet engines are under research is that hydrogen is a suitable fuel for hypersonic aircraft. But things like aircraft carriers can create fuel in their internal systems. In those cases, the hydrogen is created in electrolysis chambers that use electricity from the ship's nuclear reactors. 

But the same systems, used to load electric vehicles battery, can use to create electricity for the internal electrolysis chambers of cars and aerial vehicles. The system must liquidize the hydrogen by using a freezer. In rocket technology the hydrogen system distillates the liquid very cold gas. 

And that kind of electrolysis system also creates chlorine, sodium, and oxygen. The sodium and chlorine are from the salt that is in the water. But if the system uses chemically clean or distilled water as a hydrogen source, the result is clean energy.

Thursday, May 25, 2023

The new system gives information about the material's internal structure from its surface.

The AI-based machine learning system can see the material's internal structure by looking at it from the outside. The system does not use things like X- or gamma-rays. And that means it does not use dangerous radiation. If this kind of system can tell the concrete element's condition from regular camera images that thing makes damage searching more effective. Developers of that system used the metal pipe as an example. But there is possible to use that system also in other types of materials.

"A machine-learning method developed at MIT detects internal structures, voids, and cracks inside a material, based on data about the material’s surface. On the top left cube, the missing fields are represented as a gray box. Researchers then leverage an AI model to fill in the blank (center). Then, the geometries of composite microstructures are identified based on the complete field maps using another AI model (bottom right). Credit: Jose-Luis Olivares/MIT and the researchers". (’s AI System Reveals Internal Structure of Materials From Surface Observations)

"One potential application of the new method is nondestructive testing; you no longer have to open a metal pipe, for instance, to detect defects. Credit: Courtesy of the researchers" (’s AI System Reveals Internal Structure of Materials From Surface Observations)

The scratch with a certain type of bottom outside the metal tells that in its structure is something wrong. In the same way, things like fungus or some other flora tell that there can be internal damage to concrete elements or bricks. 

If the system can get a hint about internal damage by using regular images it can call X-ray systems to take a closer look sooner than before. In this version, machine learning means that the system can connect X-ray images to regular images. And then it can make a database of what certain types of damages look like from the outside. If there is suspected damage, the system can call the X- or gamma-ray system for a closer look.

Wednesday, May 24, 2023

The first portable quantum computers are here.

The thing is that the first portable quantum computers cannot make fundamental calculations. But they can act as quantum simulators, and if somebody wants to make things like break some passwords those quantum computers can do that kind of thing. 

The photonic neuron or photonic axon can make the next generation of quantum systems possible. The system emulates neurons. The axon branches are the thing that determines a neuron's state. The activating number of axons is the thing that determines the state of the neuron. And the same model can use in the photonic axon. 

In photonic axons, the system uses laser-LEDs and light cell combinations. The light cells are forming pairs with light cells. The form of those light cell groups is like in the CCD-chip or the insect mesh eye. The number of activating photovoltaic cells determines the state of the qubit. 

That kind of light-cell laser light-based systems can maintain their states very long time. The system can use the TCP/IP protocol to transmit information to the quantum system. And then it can drive information through that qubit. 

"The Gemini Mini is a self-contained quantum coomputer with its own display. (Image credit: SpinQ)" ( Introduces Trio of Portable Quantum Computers)

Quantum systems are making a revolution in mathematics. The thing that should make people concerned about quantum computers, is that they can break any code in the world. Quantum systems are always more powerful than binary systems. 

The binary system can be connected to the quantum system. And by using AI-based algorithms, it could make calculations that are too heavy for binary systems. So portable quantum computers can install with supercomputers. And that thing makes them more powerful. 

When we think about mathematics and calculations we know that those things rule the world. Encryption algorithms are necessary for modern data communication. The encryption algorithm tells that the message is for some certain machine. Encrypted RC equipment makes it possible to control the drone or RC car over a long distance. 

The encryption system allows multiple cell phones can use the same frequency. When people are using their cell phones the system shares the information in pieces. And every single piece is equipped with code that makes the router or receiving station aim the signal in a certain area. When data transmission begins the cell phones are making the biz-talk. In that process, they change the key algorithms. All devices on the net are using a similar protocol. So you can replace the words cell phone by using the word laptop. 

That allows the phone to separate necessary information from unnecessary information. If the cell phone will not recognize the code it denies the data packet. The reason for that is that the unnecessary data is only white noise. If some system can break those algorithms, hackers can see all information that travels between cell phones and the internet. This is why we should be more interested in things like quantum calculations.

Tuesday, May 23, 2023

The 74 meters hydrogen-powered hydrofoil yacht creates 15 000 hp.

 The new Plectrum superyacht uses hydrogen turbines and its engines are creating 15 000 hp. That thing makes the 74-meter hydrofoil yacht travel over the sea at a speed of 140 km/h. That kind of yacht is technically interesting in many ways. The hydrogen turbines can use hydrogen, which is possible to create in the yacht. There are many ways to create that hydrogen. And one of them is the capillary tube that can fall in depth. And that thing makes it possible to create hydrogen by using a dynamo. That thing takes time, and maybe the electricity for electrolysis is easier to take from the ground or the yacht's diesel engines. 

There is also the possibility that in the future yachts can use Fletnner-turbines for making hydrogen, and that system can make driving with this kind of vehicle free. The water statue that can be driven to the Flettner turbine from below the craft can make this turbine independent from the winds. And green energy is always interesting especially if it can decrease pollution and give the vehicle ultimate power. 

Flying submarines are always interesting. There are already drones that can operate underwater. But the full-scale models that are manned subs, with a length of about 50-70 m. could be interesting. Modern technology and modern materials would turn the old dream into truth. 

There is the possibility that flying submarines are possible sooner than we even can imagine. If we think of the Plectrum, there is the possibility to make the Super U-boat that can submerge, drive on its hydrofoils, and even fly. From the 1930s to the 1950's the Soviets and the USA tried to create flying submarines.

But in that case, technology was not advanced enough that those systems can turn realistic. The speed of those systems was not very good. And 2 knots of speed underwater caused those systems to be unable to operate. But by using modern technology the "flying super-U-boats could turn to reality. 

Sometimes the U.S. version is planned to wake by using MHD (magnetohydrodynamic drive)technology. The engine of the V-1- (Flying Bomb) style miniature submarine will equip with MHD technology. And that allows the miniature sub to move very fast and silently.

Sniping through the wall.

Sometimes is introduced, a small drone can use to aim a sniper rifle to target, when the shooter wants to shoot through the wall. In that model, the drone locates the target and then finds the rifle by using the radio maser that tells the position of the rifle to the drone. The idea is that the drone is opposite to the rifle and the target is between the drone and the rifle. In some dark visions, the system uses an X-ray laser that will tell the position of the rifle in comparison with the target. 

Image: Wikipedia

The drone uses a combination of visual and X-ray cameras to see where the ammo would go. The problem is that the drone must have the ability to go into the same space as the target. The drone uses a regular camera to see the target, and then the X-ray or radio sensor locates where the rifle is aimed. 

The drone uses a combination of its camera and the location signal that the rifle uses. The drone sends the target information to the intelligent rifle. And when the target is between the drone and the rifle, the operator can open fire. This type of system is a little bit different than acoustic systems or X-ray base systems that can tell what is inside the building. 

Modern drone technology is the ultimate. And the small size drones that can slip into the house can make the sniper system that can shoot through the wall unnecessary. But that thing is one of the most interesting technical innovations in the world of the military. 

Monday, May 15, 2023

The new mini-gene therapy is one of the most interesting tools in gene therapy.

Harward researchers created a new model that can use to manipulate single base pairs in DNA. Researchers can use that kind of thing to fix genetic disorders. And the same thing can use to manipulate bacteria genomes. If we want to fix genetic disorders we must have extremely high accuracy in that process, and for successful gene therapy, the diagnosis must be made early enough. 

Fixing genetic errors is easiest to make during the morula period or if the genetic disorder is seen before fertilization that process is even easier. The new scanning laser microscopes and other kinds of tools can uncover non-wanted DNA sequences. And then the system can replace them with more suitable DNA sequences. Theoretically, that thing is very easy to make. 

But in practice, deep knowledge of DNA structure is necessary. Researchers require that information to find certain base pairs' functions. And that thig is a requirement for making that genome therapy successful. The system must locate the error and then cut that sequence away. Then the system must replace that removed DNA sequence by using a new and error-free sequence. 

"The two DNA strands are known as polynucleotides as they are composed of simpler monomeric units called nucleotides. Each nucleotide is composed of one of four nitrogen-containing nucleobases (cytosine [C], guanine [G], adenine [A], or thymine [T]), a sugar called deoxyribose, and a phosphate group. (Wikipedia/DNA)

AI can be used to map genomes more effectively than ever before. And that thing is one of the most powerful tools in modern laboratories. Mapping the base pairs can happen by using the microscope- laser-spectroscopy that detects the types of bases in certain points. And then, that system will compare those results with the wealthy DNA. There are four types of bases in the DNA. And spectrometers can separate those bases from each other.

And that thing requires CRISPR. The thing that the researchers need is a wealthy human. Then they must make the genetic map. Or map the order of the base pairs. Then the system must systematically test what kind of genomes people with certain hereditary disease has. There are two ways in which those genome errors can affect. 

"Researchers have developed a groundbreaking “mini gene” that holds promise as a gene therapy for Usher Syndrome type 1F. The new therapy has been tested on mice and has been shown to increase the production of a crucial protein that is responsible for the deafness and progressive vision loss associated with Usher 1F. This research marks a significant step towards the development of a treatment for Usher 1F blindness, which currently has no cure". ( Researchers Design “Mini Gene” Therapy for Severe Genetic Disease)

"Researchers at UC Santa Barbara have developed a method to significantly enhance the efficiency of CRISPR/Cas9 gene editing without using viral material for the delivery of the genetic template. The method, as outlined in a paper published in Nature Biotechnology, employs interstrand crosslinks to stimulate homology-directed repair, a step in the gene editing process, increasing the efficiency threefold without raising mutation frequencies. These crosslinks, usually used in cancer chemotherapy, were found to boost the cell’s natural repair mechanisms and improve the likelihood of successful gene editing". ( Editing Gets a Triple Boost: “Happy Accident” Leads to Enhanced CRISPR Efficiency)

1) They can affect straight to some biochemical processes in the human body. 

2) Or genetic diseases can have indirect effects. That means that some viruses can infect those people easily etc. 

The problem is that the researchers must find if some diseases are hereditary, or does it have an environmental background. The thing is that environmental effects like nutrients have a crucial role in hereditary diseases. Confirming the DNA error makes it possible to locate the right position in the DNA. Then the system must have an error-free DNA sequence that it injects to that point. 

But first, the system must remove the damaged DNA bite. The DNA can transfer from another person. Or it can be made by using nanotechnology. Nanotechnology makes it possible to create synthetic DNA. But if that DNA wanted to use for fixing genetic disorders, those researchers must make the purity check. The "purity check" means that there are no errors in the DNA that will replace the damaged DNA.

Wednesday, May 10, 2023

Can buildings evolve like organisms?

Maybe we live in living mushroom-buildings in the future. 

Can buildings evolve like organisms? The question is interesting because things like trees and vegetables involve complicated structures. And theoretically, trees like strangler fig trees can form structures that can be used as buildings. The problem is that the structures of those things are too soft. 

But there is the possibility that the genetically engineered cells are making hollow cellulose structures. That can blow full of concrete. In that case, we might think about special concrete that is made by using volcanic ash. That allows to create of hybrid material that combines biological, and non-biological structures. 

Biological structures also have sub-types of living biological structures and non-living biological structures. We are using the first ones as plant walls. The first ones are used as boards. Theoretically is possible to create living boards, and if those living boards can turn real, they can be used in materials and structures that can repair themselves. That thing is the next generation advance in the biological systems. 

There is the possibility that in the future aircraft and even spacecraft "space whales" are made by using living biological material that makes them repair their damages automatically. But tree houses or living houses can be a reality tomorrow.  There is the possibility that those structures are made by using an extremely strong cellulose-spider silk hybrid material. And if there is damage to those living boards. The repairing robot will inject cell mass into that damage. 

"This rendering is an example of the type of bio-informed responsive architecture that a team of Cornell researchers and their colleagues hope to create using design parameters based on morphogenesis. The rendering is of the Agrivoltaic Pavilion, part of the project Sustainable Architecture & Aesthetics, which was funded by the Grainger Foundation. Credit: Sabin Design Lab/College of Architecture, Art, and Planning, and the DEfECT Lab, Arizona State University"  ( Structures: Can Buildings Evolve Like Organisms?)

"This spatial transcriptomic map shows different cell phenotypes within a slice of an embryonic chick heart. The orange are cells that make up the valves inside the heart (mitral and tricuspid); the cells at left make up the wall of the left ventricle. Each dot represents a different cell with up to 10,000 genes that are measured. Credit: Credit: Jonathan Butcher/Cornell Engineering" ( Structures: Can Buildings Evolve Like Organisms?)

"This piece, Branching Morphogenesis, explores fundamental processes in living systems and their potential application in architecture. It is by Sabin+Jones LabStudio, 2008; Jenny E. Sabin, Andrew Lucia, Peter Lloyd Jones; originally on view at the Design and Computation Gallery, SIGGRAPH 2008 and subsequently at Ars Electronica, Linz, Austria, 2009-2010. Credit: Credit: Jenny E. Sabin/College of Architecture, Art and Planning" ( Structures: Can Buildings Evolve Like Organisms?)

Genetic engineering makes it possible to connect the genomes of different species. And that allows the combining of the genomes that are making the cellulose and spider's silk. That allows the creation of trees and wood-biomaterial that combines cellulose and spider silk. 

There are two ways to create self-growing structures. The first one bases the idea that non-organic structures like polymers grow like crystals. The network of polymers can grow like crystals. And that thing makes it possible to create self-growing non-biological materials. Another possibility is to make cells. That is very strong to make complicated biological structures. If the researchers can combine things like cellulose and spider webs that makes those things very strong.

The new locomotion robots can bring a new dimension to sensor technology. And it also can use in medical work.

 The new locomotion robots can bring a new dimension to sensor technology. And it also can use in medical work. 

The new tape-worm-looking caterpillar robots can make many things that are been impossible earlier. The movements of those robots are made by using magnetic systems. And those magnets can be installed on the X-ray films. Those robots can transport those films to the wanted position. Those film-looking structures can also use to transport tissues in the right positions. And they can make many things, that have been impossible before. 

The robots can use nanowires to control the direction where the operators want them to move. The flat computers that are used in intelligent smartcards can control the operations of those nanowires. The system can adjust the length of those wires by using electric impulses or some chemicals. And those small systems can be equipped with small-size seismic sensors and ultrasound systems. Or they can transport things like x-ray films in very small places that are hard to reach. 

The locomotion robots are like tapeworms that are traveling on the surface. Those systems can bring new accuracy for sensor technology. The system can equip with ultrasound systems. And they can be like self-moving ultrasound patches. If those locomotion robots can use for making X-ray images they can position to the position where the layer that should image is between the X-ray and the tape robot. In that case, the tape robot can be equipped with X-ray films. 

"The caterpillar-bot’s movement is driven by a novel pattern of silver nanowires that use heat to control the way the robot bends, allowing users to steer the robot in either direction. Credit: Shuang Wu, NC State University" ( New Approach to Locomotion for Soft Robotics) That robot can use as self-moving ultrasound patches. Those systems can observe tissues and other things by using ultrasound. 

In that case, the tape robot can be equipped with X-ray films. Those robots can get their electricity from ultra-thin photovoltaic cells. But they can also get electricity from radiowaves or chemical batteries, like iron-silver electrodes that are in some acid. 

Or those robots can be equipped with ultrasound receiver transmitters. The robot can use a regular ultrasound system. But it also can x-ray the layers, by using ultrasound that travel through tissues or other material. And it must also make the ultrasound X-ray images. Those caterpillar robots can also fix bleeding tubes and even blood veins.

Laser-controlled magnetic fields with quantum trampolines open the gates to high-power quantum computers that size is smaller than protons.

 Laser-controlled magnetic fields with quantum trampolines open the gates to high-power quantum computers that size is smaller than protons. 

The ability to control ferromagnetic fields by using terahertz-laser light makes it possible to create fast computers.  Teraherz-laser impulses that drive magnetic fields in a certain direction are the thing that makes it possible to create new and fast computers. Fast binary computers are required for adjusting quantum computers. 

Another thing that can make it possible to create new types of microchips is the thing called trampoline sensor. The trampoline sensor is the tool where information is sent to the trampoline layer. And the wave motion will re-transmit that information to the sensors that are around the trampoline layer. This system allows sending all data packages at the same time to all states in the qubit 

Every single data segment is marked with a serial number. And that allows the system to remove unnecessary parts of data mass. The serial numbers are also used to reconnect those data segments to the data row and drive them through the quantum system. 

"Magnetic spins in YTiO3 are synchronized by THz light, leading to a stronger and higher temperature ferromagnetic phase. Credit: © Jörg Harms, MPSD" ( Lighting the Path to High-Speed Computing: Terahertz Laser Pulses Transform Ferromagnetism)

"Artist’s impression of the trampoline-shaped sensor. The laser beam that passes through the middle of the trampoline membrane creating the overtone vibrations inside the material. Credit: Sciencebrush" ( Two Nobel Prize-Winning Techniques: A New Microchip Technology)

"An illustration showing a single nanoparticle converting low-frequency red light into extreme-ultraviolet light, which has a very high frequency. Credit: Anastasiia Zalogina/ANU" ( Use Nanoparticles To “Peel Back the Curtain” Into the World of Super-Small Things)

The idea is that the pillars of manipulated ferromagnetic created the quantum-size trampoline membrane. Those pillars can share information. They can form qubits by using four different lines. But they can drive information to the electron shell of atoms, and then those electrons drive information to the quarks inside proton-size quantum computers. 

The system can use electrons. That is superpositioned and entangled with quarks inside protons. Then those protons will resend the information to the quantum trampoline that sends it to sensors. 

The next-generation quantum computers can be the size of a proton. 

Quantum computers can be the size of protons. The proton size quantum computers can use quantum entanglements between quarks in protons. The problem with these kinds of systems is that information must travel through electron shells and then the quantum fields of the proton. 

The problem is how to drive information in that system and out of the system. There is the possibility that photons dive information into the electron, and then that electron will put to the superposition and quantum entanglement with a quark inside the proton. When data is transported in those quarks the system follows the wobbling of the proton's quantum field.  

The question is does that kind of thing have enough high accuracy? Another way is to use a quasiparticle (like an exciton). If the system can adjust the size of that quasiparticle it can input data to the quark by decreasing the size of the quasiparticle. And when the information will send back to the sensor by increasing the size of the quasiparticle. That makes it easier to detect information stored in those systems. 

The idea is taken from the microparticle that can go in and come back from the super-small things. The quantum yoyo with adjustable size can revolutionize quantum computing. 

Quantum entanglement can increase the accuracy of microscopes. And that thing can use to transport information in and out of quarks. But the problem is how to make a so accurate sensor, that it can read the information that is stored in those protons. The same accuracy that a microscope uses can use to send information back and forth in the miniaturizing system.

Tuesday, May 9, 2023

New ultrasound patches can observe tissue. But those things can also use in cancer therapy.

The ultrasound patches allow tissue monitoring. But they can do many other things. They are loudspeakers or sonar systems. That is glued to the skin. Those systems can use small-size computers that are like smart-card chips. Then those systems can send the data to the mobile telephone. And that allows the observer can observe how joints and muscles work in everyday life. 

The ultrasound patches can use to observe things. Like how tissues like muscles are working while the person is outside. The ultrasound patches can also monitor the movements of the spine and other joints. And that thing can help doctors to see how their patients are moving and if there something problems like foot position errors. 

That kind of wearable ultrasound system can also use to develop new types of furniture like chairs and beds. The ability to see how the person sits and wants in everyday life is the thing, that can revolutionize everyday medical examinations. And those systems also make new types of sports medical work and examinations possible. 

Ultrasound patch worn on the neck. Credit: UC San Diego Jacobs School of Engineering ( Technology for Deep Tissue Monitoring: Wearable Ultrasound Patches)

But the ultrasound systems can also use for making new types of cancer and antibiotics therapy possible. The idea is that the non-wanted cells will inject the small crystals. And then the ultrasound system will put those crystals oscillate. They can destroy the cancer cells or their mitochondria. The simplest way is to use those crystals as cytostatic carriers. When those carriers are in the targeted cells, the ultrasound will destroy their shell, and release the cytostate. The system can also use those crystals themselves. And their oscillation makes them destroy the internal structures of those cells. 

Nanobubbles can destroy tumors by closing their veins. Modern nanotechnology makes it possible to create rotating structures that use supercavitation for making those veins from blood plasma. One possibility is that extremely sharp coherent ultrasounds are making the targeted structure rotate. And that thing makes those bubbles in the veins. 

The new nanotechnical systems can also put the plate-looking structures rotate or flip vertically. That means the coin-looking structure will rotate around its central axle in a standing position. That system looks like the coin that will snap on the table and rotates in a standing position. That thing can make a situation called supercavitation. There is forming a small vacuum behind the edge that rotates very fast. That vacuum can form microbubbles that can close the veins of the tumor. The system could use ultrasound to follow those bubbles. In some older visions, this system looks like a propeller that makes those bubbles close the veins.

Monday, May 1, 2023

Quantum stealth: how to make the information travel away from the observer?

Quantum stealth is multiple systems that are denying the reflection from the surface. Some quantum stealth systems use counter waves that pull energy out from the impacting waves. And the system must just transport information in opposite directions from the surface. 

The idea of that kind of system is that information travels through the layer without causing any reflection. In some versions, the simplest model is to make the quantum entanglements from the surface that researchers want to make invisible. The idea is that the quantum system makes the entanglement that way that the information travels out from the layer inside the craft. 

The quantum entanglement where the outer side is at the higher energy level and the side that is at the lower energy level will be connected to the laser. That kind of system collects the energy from the laser that transmits it in the wanted direction. 

And that kind of system can deny all kinds, of reflection that come from the outer layer.  In this version, the electromagnetic wormhole transfers energy out from the shell away from the observer's direction. 

If that system is powerful enough, it can pull all energy inside the craft. If this system is possible it denies also making observations by using visible wavelengths of the objects. Because it pulls all energy inside the craft, nobody can see it from outside.  

The laser- or electron beam can pull energy out from the aircraft's or structure's shell. And that thing can make it possible that those particles to pull energy into the direction that the 

In some models, researchers tried to use one-side mirrors that are in opposite directions than normal one-side mirrors. The system lets the light come through the mirror, but it denies that most of the light can travel out from the mirror cube. 

That thing rises the temperature inside the mirror cube very high. So energy will jump between those mirrors. And the energy level is rising. But a laser ray that acts like an electromagnetic thermal pump can transport that radiation in one direction. 

And if there is some kind of laser system that collects energy from that mirror cube and transports it in the wanted direction. If the energy flow that the laser makes is powerful enough that thing can cause a situation where those photons with coherent wave frequency are pulling all wave movement to the wanted direction. 

New systems allow researchers to follow cellular communication wirelessly.

"To improve biosensing techniques that can aid in diagnosis and treatment, MIT researchers developed tiny, wireless antennas that use l...