Saturday, March 25, 2023

The new materials can turn motion, heat, and sunlight into energy.

The new materials are breakthroughs in mobile technology. If there is the possibility to make material that turns kinetic energy, heat, and sunlight into electricity that makes it possible to create a new type of cell phone. The research team at The University of Oulu, Finland, is made a research that opens the road to that kind of materials. 

A nanotechnology is an impressive tool. When we think about the nanomaterial that can produce energy or turn kinetic, heat, and sunlight into electricity. That thing opens the road to the most impressive materials and technology, that has ever been created. 

The nanomaterial can be to the structure where the small-size nanogenerators that combined with a silicone-based graphene-fullerene hybrid. There is the possibility that the nanogenerators are looking like the systems that are used in kinetic wristwatches. The idea is that between two 2D hybrid atom layers are nanotubes. In those nanotubes is magnetic material and then the rotor is in that tube. So the structure is acting like a small-size generator. 

The system can create energy from rising air, that flows through those tubes. And when the system is in the pocket the body heat causes a situation where it flows through those tubes. And the body movement can also move those rotors. If there is a silicone cover that allows using the shell of the mobile telephone as the solar panel. 

New nanomaterials allow the creation of energy also for drones and aircraft that are flying in the atmosphere. The most impressive systems are the things planned to use in the super- and hypersonic aircraft. 

There is the possibility that the outer shell of the aircraft is covered by using nano-size paddlewheels. The paddlewheels can involve nano-size generators. 

The construction material of those wheels or rolls can be silicone, iron fullerene hybrid. That thing makes it possible to use the airflow that covers aircraft also in electricity production. The rotating nano-size paddlewheels can also give a new type of stealth ability for the aircraft. But if the system can load electricity into the aircraft's electric system. 

And that electricity can be used in electric jet engines or the hybrid systems that boost the power of the jet engine by using the electric arc. If there is some kind of electric arc in the jet engine it helps to expand the exhaust gas. Or in the most conventional model, the system pre-warms the injected fuel. If some part of the gas expansion happens by some other energy source than combustion, that saves fuel and pollution of the aviation system.,-providing-a-new-clean-source-of-energy

Thursday, March 23, 2023

The next-generation general-purpose artificial intelligence is here.

New highly accurate machine learning can separate compostable from conventional plastic. But it can make many more things. The new artificial intelligence is a so-called general-purpose tool. The AI is the platform that can use in multiple missions. 

The user of the AI just teaches the new things to the system by downloading the new module to it or creating that module by using their programming tools. The AI can detect recyclable carbage, or it can sort birds by species in databases. And the same AI platform can show things like hostile missiles from satellite images. 

Learning AI is an interesting- and multipurpose tool. The same algorithm that can separate metal, or like in this case: compostable plastic from conventional plastic from other garbage can use to separate cancer cells from normal cells. The same algorithm can separate enemy tanks and vehicles from forests. And this means when people are making new AI software they must realize that all these kinds of systems are multipurpose tools. 

The idea of learning algorithms is that the algorithm is always the same. But the users can teach that thing different things. So the AI itself is the GP (General Purpose) software. It's a platform that can learn new things. And it's possible to connect new modules to the AI algorithm. 

So this kind of algorithm can use to calculate birds and sort them to databases by species. That means the algorithm recognizes birds and their species from images. And then it drives that data to the database. The algorithm can also calculate other animals and help the authorities calculate the hunting permissions. 

If the AI analyzes images that the system still can use to separate speakers from each other. The system connects itself to the programs that use a graphical introduction of the sound. And then it can find similarities in the sound curve. These kinds of systems are extremely multipurpose. And the data can be driven to the system by using a webcam that is pointed to the screen. 

The same algorithm is used to separate non-recyclable garbage from recyclable can loaded onto aircraft, combat helicopters, or drones. That system can warn pilots about the birds and other aircraft that are at the aircraft's route. And if that AI has access to communicate with the aircraft's autopilot it can make the evasive movement. 

The AI-based algorithm can also calculate military insignia from the enemy tanks and clothes. It can make a profile of the troops in the mission. That helps to predict how important some target is for enemy troops.  And it can use to separate enemy combat units from bushes. That algorithm can also use to separate enemy aircraft and hostile targets from radar and infrared images. And AI is a cheap tool. If the algorithm is ready it can download to systems like Javelin missiles. That helps the missile to select the flight trajectory that has the most powerful effect on the target.

Image: Jerusalem Post

Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Stanford Alpaca: the "Son of the ChatGPT". And the next step for AI research.

The Alpaca-AI costs are very small, and that causes problems for companies. Who pays thousands of dollars for some AI tool that has some limits, when they can order the AI to make a copy of itself to their servers? The Stanford Alpaca's costs were less than 600 dollars and the Open AI and Microsoft spends millions for Chat GPT. 

Now it's done. Artificial intelligence created the new artificial intelligence. "The son of ChatGPT" called "Stanford Alpaca" caused discussions in the media. The Stanford Alpaca is an artificial intelligence created by ChatGPT. The price of the Alpaca was less than 500 dollars, and there is probably a server that runs the software involved to that price. The researchers of the University of Stanford just gave ChatGPT orders copy of itself. Maybe they used the command "make a copy of yourself" and then the ChatGPT generated the next version of itself. 

And then the problem with that new Artificial intelligence called "Alpaca" is that there were no limits, involved in ChatGPT. That means Stanford Alpaca could use it as a malware generator, even if those kinds of applications are denied in ChatGPT. But if we think that the AI generates the descendant for itself, the programmers can search those codes that make limits for software that the AI should not do. 

And then they must only remove those command lines, and that gives a new and powerful application for hackers that want to make new malicious code very fast. AI is a tool that is impossible to control. The world is full of programmers that want to make history. And AI can make almost any kind of software faster and with fewer mistakes than any human. If we think of the possibility to use AI, to make a copy of it, that thing is interesting, and also a challenging situation. 

Anybody could order the AI to make a similar program as it is. There is a possibility that the user of that kind of system can simply tell the AI that it must make a similar programming tool or descendant for itself. Or the users can give orders by using descriptions, about the benefits and abilities that the AI has. AI is a powerful tool. 

It can use for making perfect customized software. But the AI also can operate as a game generator. They can make program code very fast. And if somebody wants to create a copy of the hit game. The thing that the operator requires is a description of the game and its user interface. 

Then the AI creates a similar game for the gamer. These kinds of applications can have many more targets to use than just games. The AI can make a custom application for any purpose. Maybe the next-generation software business application is the AI that generates the custom software that is made by following customers' orders. And in the wrong hands, this kind of technology is very dangerous.


The next part is copy-paste from the article: "Interesting engineering/ Alpaca AI: Stanford researchers clone ChatGPT AI for just $600"

"How Stanford trained AI for minimal costs"

"A critical component of this achievement was LLaMA 7B, an open-source language model, which the researchers got access to. Interestingly, this model comes from Meta, Mark Zuckerberg's company, and is one of the smallest and most low-cost language models available today". ("Interesting engineering/ Alpaca AI: Stanford researchers clone ChatGPT AI for just $600")

"Trained on trillion tokens, the language model has some capabilities that are equipped with but nowhere close to the levels that we have seen with ChatGPT. The researchers then turned to GPT, the AI behind the chatbot, and used an Application Programming Interface (API) to use 175 human-written instruction/output pairs to generate more in the same style and format".("Interesting engineering/ Alpaca AI: Stanford researchers clone ChatGPT AI for just $600")

"Generating 20 such statements at a time, the researchers amassed 52,000 sample conversations in very little time, which cost them $500. This dataset was then used to post-train the LLaMa model. Turning to eight 80-GB A100 cloud processing computers, the researchers completed this task in just three hours having spent less than $100".("Interesting engineering/ Alpaca AI: Stanford researchers clone ChatGPT AI for just $600")

"The trained model, dubbed, Alpaca was then tested against ChatGPT itself in various domains and beat GPT in its own game. The researchers go on to state that their process wasn't really optimized and they could have gotten better results, had they used GPT-4, the latest version of the AI".("Interesting engineering/ Alpaca AI: Stanford researchers clone ChatGPT AI for just $600")

"The researchers have now released the 52,000 questions that were used in the research alongside the code that was used to generate them, allowing many others to repeat the process and replicate the results. The AI and its responses are not subject to any guardrails that OpenAI has ensured in its chatbot, so one can expect some really nasty replies".("Interesting engineering/ Alpaca AI: Stanford researchers clone ChatGPT AI for just $600")

"But what if someone does not really care what the chatbot says and about whom and wants it to work without filters? There are Open AI's user terms that prevent users from building competing AI and LLaMA access available only for researchers. But beyond that, there is hardly anything that could prevent one from developing their pet AI".("Interesting engineering/ Alpaca AI: Stanford researchers clone ChatGPT AI for just $600")

"Guess, this is where regulation comes in. AI is racing very fast and lawmakers are really to catch up soon, else AI will write it itself".("Interesting engineering/ Alpaca AI: Stanford researchers clone ChatGPT AI for just $600")

Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Complex math and physics can use to test machine learning.

Mathematics and physics are exact sciences with strict rules. That means the solutions, the system gets must come from using certain methods and formulas. And that thing means testing mathematical software is easy. The tester must just use the same formulas in some other mathematical tools, and if the answers are identical, the software should operate as planned. This makes it possible to test things like AI quite easily. 

The AI can get orders that it should make some calculations. And then that system must search for the right formula from the net. That thing can test the AI's ability to search for information from web pages. Because, the solution is made by using certain mathematical or physics formulas, that makes it easy to control the software. 

The problem with deep-learning networks is that they are hard to understand. The testers can test the systems' functionality easily. They just input some code into the system. And then they see the answer. In that testing version, the systems are "black boxes". In those systems, the tester sees only things like answers that the systems can make. 

The "black box" testing where only right answers are enough is theoretically easier to make than grey- or glass (sometimes white) box testing. In the grey box testers test code and functionality. And in the glass box, the tester tests the code without functionality. 

"A new study has found that Fourier analysis, a mathematical technique that has been around for 200 years, can be used to reveal important information about how deep neural networks learn to perform complex physics tasks, such as climate and turbulence modeling. This research highlights the potential of Fourier analysis as a tool for gaining insights into the inner workings of artificial intelligence and could have significant implications for the development of more effective machine learning algorithms". (ScitechDaily/Fourier Transformations Reveal How AI Learns Complex Physics)


Making the program testing for robots is the key element for guaranteeing their safety. Only error-free control software makes robot cars safe. So in real life, those testers must use all levels of testing. 

The glass box stage means that the safety of the code is tested. And visible errors are removed. So the code is ready to download to prototypes. 

Grey box state means that the testers test code and how it reacts. In that stage, the creators who create as an example the robot vehicle. Those crews are testing using miniature cars. And they follow how the system reacts to some surprises. 

In the black box, the testers test only results. In that stage, the full-scale robot vehicles were tested in closed tracks. Also, the system can test in traffic. But there is a long journey to make the dealers can sell a commercial version of that self-driving car to customers. If there are some errors that thing can cause terrible news and destruction for the project. 


The problem with deep learning networks is that there are so many answers and solutions. When we think about deep learning networks by using the term "object-oriented programming" the system is an easy test by using a "black box" but the problem is that there are so many objects that must test separately and individual tests for thousands or millions of objects takes a very long time. 

When a deep learning network makes a new solution it forms a new object inside it. The number of objects cumulates very fast. And that thing means that there are soon much more objects than at the beginning of that process. So things like grey box testing, where testers test code and a couple of objects would be more effective in the case of learning networks than testing all individual objects separately. The problem with black box testing is that it doesn't allow testing entirely. 

And if we are testing things like robots that should operate on streets and every day works the testers must be sure that the program makes what it should. Testing the code same time as its input and output make it possible to find unseen errors in the code of the AI. When we think about things like autopilot-operating cars we must understand that safety plays a prime role in those systems. And in those systems, the testers must use all test levels for making the code safe.

Dragonfly and Viper-robots are the next-generation tools for space research.

The idea for the Dragonfly drone is the idea that the Global Hawk drones can equip with propellers. That is used in quadcopters. Those propellers that can be pulled in could give Global Hawk the VTOL ability. Those propellers lift Global Hawk, and then it can start to use its main engine. Today Global Hawk is an old fashion concept. But it can be used in civil missions.

Dragonfly is the drone that could search for life from Titan. The drone is also able to operate on any planet with an atmosphere or those highly sophisticated tools can also "fly" in oceans. That means the Dragonfly-type drone can also swim in hydrocarbon oceans on the giant moon Titan. 

The Dragonfly-type drones could also take samples from the gas planet's atmosphere. In that kind of system, the drone can have a rocket engine that can use hydrogen or methane and oxygen as fuels. That drone can drop into the gas giant's atmosphere. There is can dive deeper and take that sample. Then those propellers rise the drone as high as possible. And then chemical rocket takes it to the mothership probe. 

"An RQ-4 Global Hawk unmanned aircraft like the one shown is currently flying non-military mapping missions over South, Central America, and the Caribbean at the request of partner nations in the region". (Wikipedia/Northrop Grumman RQ-4 Global Hawk)

"Artist’s Impression of Dragonfly on Titan’s surface. Taking advantage of Titan’s dense atmosphere and low gravity, Dragonfly will explore dozens of locations across the icy world, sampling and measuring the compositions of Titan’s organic surface materials to characterize the habitability of Titan’s environment and investigate the progression of prebiotic chemistry. Credit: NASA/Johns Hopkins APL" ( Dragonfly Bound for Saturn’s Giant Moon Titan Could Reveal Chemistry Leading to Life)

"An artist’s concept of the completed design of NASA’s Volatiles Investigating Polar Exploration Rover, or VIPER. VIPER will get a close-up view of the location and concentration of ice and other resources at the Moon’s South Pole, bringing us a significant step closer to NASA’s ultimate goal of a long-term presence on the Moon – making it possible to eventually explore Mars and beyond. Credit: NASA/Daniel Rutter" ( Begins Building VIPER – Its First Robotic Moon Rover)

The Viper is NASA's first automatically operating Lunar vehicle. It looks like the SWAT team's conceptual bomb-disposal robot. That SWAT-team assistance robot is moving the vacuum chamber. In a vacuum, the pressure impact of detonators is not very powerful. And that makes it possible to take evidence from the microcircuits and other hardware that is used in the bomb. 

These kinds of vehicles can also operate in Antarctica and other difficult places. The large-scale version of the Dragonfly drone can carry those ground-moving vehicles also into remote islands and other dangerous positions. Both of those drones can also operate in underwater conditions, which makes them very interesting tools for research and intelligence missions.

Both of those probes can also operate on Earth. They can search for unknown species in remote and dangerous areas. And they can operate as guards for national parks. But the same systems that can operate unseen can use in intelligence missions. Those systems can take images as well as things like whales and submarines. They can operate for many years and because operators are sitting in their operational center, they are not risking their health in those operations.

Monday, March 20, 2023

The new Chat GPT-based intelligent watch can have a bright future.

The intelligent watch that uses Chat GPT can make multiple things possible. The smartwatch that can connect itself to the internet, makes it possible. That system's users can communicate with all intelligent tools. That they have by using voice commands. 

The owners of this system can order robot vacuum cleaners to clean the house, the computers get updates and things like microwave ovens to begin the warming of food. They can ask the quadcopters to take pizza to them, but also military personnel can use the same systems. 

The person can call the car with autopilot to get that person from the front of the door. But the same system can use to guide armored vehicles or helicopters with autopilot to support friendly troops on the battlefield. So those vehicles can also have autopilots. 

In those network-based systems, the AI will connect multiple tools to one entirety. And that thing makes the system more effective than ever before. AI-based networking tools can use in everyday life. And they are also useful for security, law enforcement, and military applications.  

The watch can connect itself to computers or mobile telephones by using BlueTooth which gives it a route to the internet if that system has no own  SIM card.  It can search for information for to user. 

And the user of that system can give orders to the computers that control intelligent homes and tell the robot vacuum cleaners or robot lawn movers that they should start to cut grass, or clean the house. The system is a very useful tool for everyday life, and when I look at this thing I must remember the 1980's TV series "Knightrider" where the hero called a robot car by using a special watch. This thing is real today. 

There is the possibility that the person can call a car that has autopilot by using the web application or a special watch with communication ability. The same systems can use to call robot helicopters, robot aircraft, or some other things. The same drone that can deliver pizza to a certain point can drop hand grenades to the same point. And that makes the new systems multipurpose tools. 

And that voice command ability can connect with any robot in the world. The thing is that these kinds of systems are making a revolution for rescue- and military applications. The users of this kind of system can give orders to artificial intelligence that it must do something. Then the AI selects the most suitable tool for each mission and then the system can make the mission. 

The hype around hypersonic technology does not end.

The new ideas for hypersonic flight are impressive. One of them is to connect the idea of an electric jet engine with hypersonic systems. The hypersonic aircraft will pull air inside the rocket chamber where the electric arc expands it. 

These kinds of systems can be futuristic, but the fact is this. Hypersonic technology is far more than just some missiles. The hypersonic jet can jump outside the atmosphere and make a ballistic jump. The rocket-scramjets where the flaps are closing the air inlet are basing technology created for the V-1 flying bomb. 

But in the hypersonic version, the flap scramjet can use as a regular rocket engine before its speed is rising to the level that the scramjet engine can start. When the flap scramjet starts its acceleration the flap system closes the air inlet, and the engine uses the internal oxygen and fuel. 

In that system, the motor uses internal oxygen until the incoming air reaches the level of Mach 6-7 where the air inlets open and the scramjet can start to use the oxygen from the air. Those air-breathing hypersonic systems are making it possible. That the smaller crafts can travel longer in the atmosphere. 

Hypersonic missiles are terrifying weapons. Even without warheads, those systems can hit the target with kinetic energy. That energy level is similar to the 5000 kg of TNT. The problem is that the system can calculate the horizontal trajectory of a hypersonic missile. 

The problem is that those systems can change their altitudes. And the azimuth of the incoming trajectory must be calculated precisely so that the defensive systems can destroy the target.

One of the versions of the defense against hypersonic missiles is the drone swarm. The drones are surrounding the suspected targets and if the hypersonic missiles hit them those impacts could destroy the attacker. The impact with an incoming bullet would be enough to destroy a hypersonic missile. But the problem is that the hypersonic missiles must get hit by those bullets. 

Hypersonic missiles can have microwave systems that can damage or sweep drones away from their route. And those microwave systems can use an air turbine as the power source. The microwave systems can also destroy the incoming guided anti-aircraft missiles. These kinds of systems can help hypersonic missiles to penetrate through air defense. Those high-power microwaves can also cause damage even to the structures of aircraft carriers and other targets. 

Hypersonic missiles can use stealth technology that makes them very deadly. The damage in those missiles' noses causes a situation that the air pressure rips them to pieces. And that's why directed energy weapons are needed for defense against those extremely fast targets. The fact is that there are not many minutes to react to fast-flying incoming missiles that can cause very bad damage even to heavily defended targets. 

Space elevators.

Space elevators are futuristic launching structures that are used to drive satellites or other spacecraft to the orbital trajectory. The space elevator is a tower that rises to the orbiter. The problem with that kind of structure is its weight is enormous. The solution is that there is a counterweight. That pulls the tower outward. And that thing denies the space elevator collapse. 

Another version is to use pressurized air to keep the space tower in its form. Researchers planned to build a space elevator on the equator, and then the centripetal force can throw the satellite into space. The space elevator is meant to use as the system that shoots small satellites into the orbiter. So the space elevator is not meant to send spacecraft to other planets. 

But there is another type of plan for that futuristic system. The first version is that the space elevator is the nanotechnical wire that is made between the satellite and the ground. The wire would be equipped with a magnetic track. And that kind of system can also transfer donut-shaped satellites to the orbiter. The larger satellite will connect to the miniature satellite with strong wires. And then the magnetic track. Along with the physical wires will rise miniature satellites to the orbiter. 

In some visions, the space elevator is not built on Earth. The idea is that miniature satellites are made on the Moon in robot factories. Then the space elevators are pushing them to the Earth orbiter. Gravitation on the moon is far lighter than on Earth. So there the space elevator could work, but the system must use some other way to make the acceleration than the centripetal force. 

In some visions, the lunar-based launching systems use the sling. The satellite will connect to the wire that throws it to Earth. These kinds of systems don't require very much energy, because of weak gravitation on the Moon. Kinetic energy use denies the effect of magnetic fields in launching systems. 

The space sling can also install in satellites or airships. In some visions, the stratospheric balloon or airship can be equipped with a sling that shoots a small about 2kg. satellite to orbiter without a rocket engine. Or the orbiting satellite can use a space sling to send small probes to research things like comets and asteroids. 

Sunday, March 19, 2023

Saturday, March 4, 2023

A startup called JetOpera makes a new flying car that can fly Mach 0,8.

A startup called JetOpera makes a new flying car that can fly Mach 0,8.

The low-cost and noiseless flying concepts are called "Flying cars". The new version of those low-cost and flexible aerial vehicles is all VTOL-capable. The new system that uses similar engine technology used in Dyson's bladeless fan can reach a new record for those systems, and some of those "flying cars" can make much more than just fly. The FPS system can make flying submarines a reality. 

The use of the FPS (Fluidic Propulsion system) technology that is used in bladeless fans can install in the body of full-scale jetfighters. And they can make the new type of super- and hypersonic jet fighters. But the new flying car concepts are incredible. They are faster and cheaper than regular helicopters. And those systems are offering interesting platforms for many things like regular personal transport. But also civil and military officials might be interested in those systems. 

The FPS can also operate in boats and even nuclear submarines. That system can be the next-generation replacer for MHD- system. 

The bladeless fan or FPS system can replace the regular propellers of the boats. That allows those crafts to operate in the middle of aquatic plants. And the propellers are not touching those aquatic plants. And that allows the system to operate in swamp areas. 

The FPS system can install in hydrofoils. In that version, the wings of hydrofoils are turned to the FPS system. And that will make those hydrofoils travel faster and more flexibly than regular hydrofoils. The FPS can use also in hovercrafts to replace the propellers. 

The fluidic propulsion system is one of the most interesting things in the new propulsion systems. The series of bladeless fans can install in the hull of submarines. And they can form the MHD (Magnetohydrodynamic drive) that allows the submarines to operate without propellers. Nuclear submarines have more electricity than some flying cars. And they can use large-scale systems that can make over 100 m. long submarine to fly.

How to make X-ray images inside the box by using augmented reality.

 How to make X-ray images inside the box by using augmented reality. 

In the warehouses, the system can simply connect the X-ray image from the security X-ray scanner to augmented reality. If the system uses a 3D X-ray scanner the user must just read the QR code from the box. And then the computer downloads the 3D image to augmented reality glasses. Researchers can also install X-ray scanners in quadcopters. The system bases technology where the quadcopters are flying on opposite sides of the object. And then that system can make 3D X-ray scanner images from any object in nature. 

The system is quite simple to create. The only needed thing is two, or a bigger number of quadcopters that have X-ray systems. In that system, the person who uses the augmented reality system just points the laser pointer to the box or some other target. 

And then the quadcopters that are at an opposite positions to each other start to use their X-ray systems. That system can create an image of things inside the box for the systems like HoloLens. 

The requirement is that. The X-ray system recognizes the merchandise that the pointer points to the opposite-flying quadcopters can make X-ray images also from entire buildings. In that kind of system, the operator can have two kinds of quadcopters. The X-ray systems are the outside the building. And the drones that enter the building.

Those drones can equip with IR and radio- or X-ray-based location systems. The X-ray led is acting as a pointer lamp that is visible through elements. The X-ray system sees where the drone that uses IR systems is. And then the central computer can connect the data that those drones are sending. That thing makes it possible to locate people inside the houses. 

The drones can see the angle of the laser pointer, and then that data can use for aiming sniper rifles from outside. The hybrid systems that can connect data between multiple sensors allow operators to see through concrete elements. And that thing is the new advantage in the world of high tech.

Friday, March 3, 2023

Space towers are one version of the space cannons or "Verne cannons".

 Space towers are one version of the space cannons or "Verne cannons".

Space towers are one version of the space cannons or "Verne cannons" When we are thinking about this type of launching system we must realize that even if those systems cannot launch humans to the orbiter. They can use to launch miniature satellites at least to sub-orbiting trajectories.

Space towers are more realistic and conventional solutions than a space elevators. The size of those towers is less than ten kilometers. And they can lie down when they are not in use. The telescope structure makes it possible to rise the tower to the operational length only when it's needed. The space tower is one version of the space gun that shoots small satellites into orbit by using pressure. That was created by using regular cannons. 

The problem with space cannons is the recoil. The electromagnetic rail gun systems are making these kinds of systems possible. And launching a rocket through a tube increases the range and altitude that it can operate. The third thing is that modern microchips can stand the recoil of those extremely powerful systems. And every day the artillery uses GPS-guided ammunition. The same technology can make space guns possible. 

Space towers are one version of space elevators. Those extremely tall towers will transfer spacecraft to the orbiter. And they could be useful for launching small-sized miniature satellites. Theoretically is possible to build a tube for the Earth orbiter. In this case, the air inside the tower will keep that tower standing. And then, the launch crew will put the small-size rocket into that tube. 

Then the vacuum pulls it upward, and then the rocket engine will launch when the craft comes out from the tube. These kinds of tubes can have telescopic structures and a quadcopter or balloon. That connected to that tube can pull it to the stratosphere. The tube can also be a long garden hose if the size of the satellite is very small. So the space towers can use for launching mini-launching systems for higher altitudes. 

The launchers will put the rocket in a chamber, and then the quadcopter along with air pressure rises. The tower to a high altitude. And then the top ventilation will open. The low pressure pulls the rocket upwards. And then that tube falls to the ground. The idea is that the air tube is up only when it's used for launches. 


The image portrays the underwater cannon that can launch a satellite into the orbiter. The launch loop is a similar system but it continues far higher than just this launching system. 

Another version is that this cannon can extend to the high atmosphere and put it in a standing position. This system will make the pressure difference between the intake and outtake hatches stronger. Or the similar system can also operate in the drylands. 


Virtualization of the space towers or "sky tube" means the tornado that makes a low-pressure channel in the air. The simplest version is to use a powerful laser ray that explodes air away from that channel. And then hollow laser ray will keep the air channel open. There is also the possibility to use acoustic and other kinds of pressure systems. 

But the space tower can also be virtualized. The virtualization of this system means that the pressure system will fill with the pressure air. Then the high-flying blimp will rise that "air rifle" to the high atmosphere and launch a small-size rocket into the orbiter. 

In electromagnetic solutions, the tower can equip with electromagnetic rail guns. In that model, the electromagnetic track will accelerate the rocket. That thing will increase the power of the system. But then we can think of another possibility where we can use the sky tower. 

The entire tower can be virtualized by using different types of systems. The acoustic systems can make the tornado or air channel. The combination of laser rays and acoustic systems can create a so-called supersonic tornado where the laser ray along with an electric beam will make a vacuum in the air. Then the acoustic system will make the air channel that closes the low-pressure area inside the tornado. Then the system will shoot the rocket through that channel. 

In some versions, the laser rays will blow the air away through their route. Then the system creates the hollow laser ray that keeps the air channel open. In that kind, virtualized sky towers keeping the air channel open is necessary only when the system launches satellites.

Thursday, March 2, 2023

How to control drone swarms?

    How to control drone swarms? 

Drone swarms are tools that prove quite cheap and flexible systems that can cover large areas. Drone swarm control can happen very easily. If all drones have the same IP-address that allows, the system can move the entire drone swarm at the same time and if the drones have two network cards they can use individual IP addresses in their internal communication. 

In that model, the system can operate the drone swarms as an entirety or otherwise make the individual drone make the missions. Individual drones are needed when the system wants to send one of its members to search things more closely. So, when the operator gives the order that some of the drones must go to take a closer look, that drone swarm can select those drones independently. 

The idea of the drone swarms is that the system can act as an entirety. In this model, the computers can share their calculating capacity with group members. And every single drone has its controlling computer. The problem is that those miniaturized systems have limited calculation capacity. But the next-generation tools are coming. 

Have you read Stanislaw Lem's novel "The Invincible"? In that novel, the alien intelligence is the swarm of intelligent cyborg robots. The next-generation technology called OI (Organoid intelligence) makes those drones insect cyborgs that can operate very independently. The new quadcopters can operate underwater and airborne. But if their propellers are covered with wheels. That allows them to drive like cars. And that ability makes them drive in caves and other tight places. 

Organoid intelligence or OI-based systems using laboratory-grown neurons to control microchips. In that model, the living neurons can control even the small-size quadcopters. And that thing is one of the most powerful tools in the world. The OI (Organoid Intelligence)-tools are making it possible that the nano-robot swarms can theoretically have the same intelligence level as humans. 

And that thing gives some very interesting and same way terrifying visions. The intelligent drone swarms are one version of the models of a hypothetical alien civilization. The neuron-controlled machines are tools. That is more powerful than anything that we ever can imagine. The living neurons make those drone cyborg-insect swarms. If the cyborg swarm uses human neurons. That thing makes it possible to create drone swarms that are as intelligent as humans.

New mobile innovations are fascinating tools.

   An innovation proves satellite communication for iPhones and Android phones. 

The new systems can make technical telepathy possible. The innovation proves pocket-size BlueTooth-based satellite communication systems for i- and Android phones. But those systems can also connect with the BCI. That allows people can talk with each other by using this technology even from another side of the World.  

These kinds of things are making cell phones more effective and flexible than they already are. The pocket-size satellite communicator makes it possible, that some scientist or explorer can pay their bills from the middle of the jungle. And that system also allows transferring data from anywhere on the Earth to laboratories. But that system can make many more things. It can connect with quadcopters. And that allows the operator can control those systems from another side of the Earth. 

This kind of small satellite communication tool can also make lightweight data helmets and data glasses possible. It can deliver information from the action cameras straight to the command center through satellites. 

Communication satellites are turning the "orders from skies" true. The idea is that the BCI or brain-computer interfaces are communicating with Wernicke and Broca's lobes. 

To make the EEG-controlled systems and technical ESP possible the system must just connect the Wernicke brain lobes to the computers. Those brain areas create speech. When the system learns to follow the commands that are given by the EEG it must just connect certain words that a person says to certain EEG curves. 

The main problem with the BCI (Brain-Computer Interface) is eliminating the white noise. The system must separate commands that are given on purpose from meaningless thoughts. And if the system is connected to the Wernicke area that means it's like the enhanced voice command. The voice-command system uses a speech-to-text application as an interface layer that turns spoken words into text that is driven to the control system. The problem with spoken words is that person might have bad articulation. 

So the system can connect certain EEG curves to certain words. And that allows the system can eliminate outcoming voices. And in those systems, the person must just talk with a very low voice. The earpieces of intelligent glasses will just record the EEG from Wernicke lobes and transfer it to the computer. 

The computer can answer the HoloLens-type small HUD screen and intelligent contact lens. But that kind of system can connect to the Broca lobe. That brain lobe controls understanding speech. And that kind of system makes the technical ESP possible. In that kind of system, the person can get silent messages from those satellites, and that makes orders from heaven true.

New systems allow researchers to follow cellular communication wirelessly.

"To improve biosensing techniques that can aid in diagnosis and treatment, MIT researchers developed tiny, wireless antennas that use l...