Monday, February 27, 2023

Researchers simulated neutron stars. And this new thing can also revolutionize material and engine technology.

"Researchers have successfully synthesized an exotic, but very short-lived, Lambda resonance known as Λ(1405) for the first time".( Astral Alchemy: Researchers Synthesize Mysterious Exotic Baryon)

The Lambda resonance Λ(1405) can be the key to next-generation stealth systems. And it can make material that can resist almost everything. 

The image above introduces Lambda resonance Λ(1405). Those electromagnetic fields are acting like wheels. That is driving wave movement between them. This kind of system can be key to next-generation stealth and engine systems. If those wheels drive all wave movements behind them. That makes material invisible. 

So if that field pair will hangs in graphene. That thing makes it possible to drive energy through the material in one direction. So that kind of possibility increases the material's ability to resist things like energy impacts. 

If that kind of quantum wheel is possible to create and they can keep its form long enough, that thing makes it possible that the system can drive all energy that impacts it through it immediately. So the system cannot get free energy that rips it into pieces. 

The Λ(1405) can use also be in the new type of engines. If the aircraft's entire shell is covered by graphene these quantum wheels. That allows the system can aim energy in any direction. And it can make it possible to create new highly maneuverable aircraft systems. But that requires the Λ(1405) to exist longer time. 

The researchers created the Λ(1405) for research on the abilities of the extremely thick material in neutron stars. Neutron stars are incredible things. And one interesting thing is why a neutron star doesn't explode even if energy impacts the middle of it. The neutron star has almost always energy peaks which can explain why the energy level doesn't rise too high that it rips the neutron star in pieces. 

And one interesting question is what is the depth where those radiation peaks begin? There is the possibility that the free energy level in neutron stars rises so high and so fast that it destroys the entire neutron structure. 

In some models, the nuclear reaction that happens around the neutron star impacts energy symmetrically in its nucleus. And then reflection causes a thing called a kilonova. The power of kilonova is enormous. The impact causes a situation. Where gold and iron form in the material clouds around the kilonova. Normally kilonovas form when neutron stars collide. But if a lonely neutron star can turn to kilonova. That is an interesting model.

Kardachev scale 7 civilization

 Kardachev scale 7 civilization

The Kardachev scale 7 civilization would be something that we cannot even realize. That civilization could jump between the third and fourth dimensions. And the question is, could that civilization jump back to the fourth dimension without destroying itself? 

In some theories, angels are creatures that are from the fourth dimension. So in those models, ghosts and angels are the same things. If a creature comes out from the fourth dimension. It shines because energy travels outside its body. 

When something drops out from the fourth dimension to the third dimension. The situation is similar to jumping down from the upper floor. The thing that comes down from that upper energy level must transfer energy somewhere. The jump itself will not destroy the jumper, the thing that destroys the creature is the slowing. If the speed stops too fast it increases free energy in the system. And that rips the system into pieces. 

In this case, energy travels out from that creature at extremely high speed. So could that creature stay living? That depends on how slowly it can release its energy. If the creature can deliver energy out from its body slowly enough. That allows it to remain in one piece.  So the creature must have a system that controls energy flow from it. 

When we think about the situation in which the creature comes out from the fourth dimension, we cannot destroy that creature. In that case, the creature would have so a high energy level that nothing can transfer energy to it. We would see that creature shining because energy travels out from it. 

The only thing that this creature must be afraid of is the Bose-Einstein condensate. If the creature jumps over the Bose-Einstein condensate it delivers its energy with enormous speed.  And that causes destruction.

Friday, February 24, 2023

Satellite clouds are virtual megastructures.

There are over 4000 Starlink satellites on Earth orbiter. Those satellites can use for multiple missions along with their primary role as a communication satellites. 

Maybe we cannot make things, like artificial rings where people can live around the Earth. Small, or miniature satellites are cheaper to launch than large-size satellites. The systems in those satellites are separated between multiple physical systems. 

The small-size satellites can operate as an entirety by using virtual technology. And those small satellites can use lower trajectories if they have military missions. Small satellites are harder targets than big satellites. And that protects them against the most kinetic energy ASAT systems. 

But we can cover the entire orbit by using small satellites, as the Starlink system shows. If we want to create an effective early warning and photo-recon satellite system, we can simply equip those small communication satellites with infrared and CCD cameras.

Large groups of small satellites can turn their cameras to the same point. And that gives them higher resolution and 3D imaging ability if they connect their photos. 

The Starlink system

The Starlink system can track any person on Earth by using triangular measurements. This is one of the abilities that a large group of small satellites can do. And modern image processing technology allows getting many details from low-resolution images.  And those satellites can use as counter-recon satellites that are spying on other recon satellites. 

The miniature satellites can use as killer satellites very easily. Those satellites can drive against other satellites and incoming missiles and collide with them. The satellite clouds are like drone swarms. If one of them is destroyed rest of the group can continue its operation. 

By using miniature satellites is possible to create huge radar antennas. The system can connect those satellites using long, very thin copper or metal wires. Those satellites can orbit each other. And that thing makes this system a powerful radar antenna. 

But that connection can happen virtually. In a virtual connection model, the system must know only the place of the satellites that it can calibrate the system.  The laser marks the position of two radar satellites in a straight line. Or there could be more than two satellites in those satellite clouds. And that makes it possible to virtualize the radar antennas whose size could be hundreds or even thousands of kilometers. 

This kind of radar can get images from other planets' surfaces. Or it can use for recon missions. Sometimes is introduced that some so-called Foo-fighters are quadcopters that are connected by using wire. And in that case, the foo-fighter could be the radar antenna, that mission is to hover above the operational area.

Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Artificial skin can be useful in next-generation touch screens and robot sensing.

Artificial sense of touch can use in burglary alarms. And it can also use in submarine shells. If submarine has sense. It can feel as if somebody try to connect mine to it. If an artificial sense of touch has got enough high accuracy, that thing makes it possible to use it as fingerprint recognition. We could make artificial touch by using layers where are lots of nano-size lasers. Those layers can detect the place where the finger is moving. 

Or the screen-size CCD chip can detect the point where a person moves their hand. In that case, the system measures the distance between the sensors and the object. And it can use an image detector to separate the objects that are touching it from the background. In that case, the optical system acts like the sense of touch.  

Today artificial sense is used in touchpads. Two layers touch each other or touch causes a tunneling effect that makes electricity travel to a certain point. The same technology can use to make artificial sense for submarines, robots, and other stiff layers. There are many ways to make artificial sense. The piezo-electric crystals can use for that purpose. 

If the artificial sense needs to work in extremely low temperatures it can use the same technology as scanning tunneling microscopes. The system senses the distance between two layers by using particles. That hovers between them. Also if something touches those layers it sends energy to those particles. And that thing can use as sense. 

Another way is to use optical fiber. When something pushes the material. That stretches optical fiber. And if there are sensors in the middle of the optic fiber net those sensors can sense the differences in laser light. 

Things like nano-size laser LEDs can also measure the distance between an elastic shell and another shell. When something presses the elastic shell that thing causes the difference between their distance. 

Artificial skin with an artificial sense of touch is one of the most important things if we want to create robots that act like humans. The artificial sense of touch makes robots act like humans. And if somebody touches the robot's shell, the robot feels that thing. That allows the robot to operate in poky places. And in that case, the robot must not use cameras. If robots have different senses. That makes it possible to automatize their actions differently than if the robot uses only active sensors. 

If the sense tells that something touches the robot, it can send information about that thing to the command center. Or it can activate a process that makes the robot take a distance from the wall. Artificial skin can be an extremely good thing for burglary alarms. Or if the submarine is covered by using that thing, it can warn if somebody tries to connect mines or some unauthorized things to the submarine's shells.

Is AI some new bubble in the ICT business?

Media is always full of cases where that AI fails. And in many cases, people expect too much from those tools. AI is not intelligent. It doesn't make new solutions. When the AI sees a program, it selects from the event handlers the solution. 

That meant for that of case. Every single case where AI needs to react requires its unique event handler. And the event handler requires a description of the case. 

The event handler is the bite of code that determines how the system must react to cases that the system face. If there is no event handler for some cases, that means the system cannot react to that case. 

The biggest problem is that every possible case requires its event handler. if the robot must operate independently on the streets. It requires a large number of event handlers. 

Driving a car is easier to AI than just walking. Because in traffic are strict regulations for the actions. That means programmers must not create so many event handlers for the car. But that kinds of systems are at prototype levels. 

When AI discusses with people it just asks search engines about the things mentioned in the discussions. Then it connects texts from a certain number of home pages. The accuracy of what the AI uses determines what kinds of answers the AI gives. 

Older social AI selected answers from databases made for it. And if the user asks the wrong question the AI says: "Sorry I don't know the answer". Or it asks the user to tell the answer to the AI. In that model, the user teaches the software or makes a new record for the AI. 

The future is always hard to predict. Trends are changing in the ICT business very often. And the big headlines about AI cause situations in that many corporations invest in that technology. Things like ChatGPT and the Microsoft Bing-cooperative AI are interesting. And social AI brings publicity along with new users for the Bing search engine, and those social AIs are effective tools for marketing. 

AI-based software can do many things. They are excellent tools for many things like making automatized programming using AI is the hottest thing in ICT. And if companies don't follow trends and turn boring they will die. That's why trends have a special meaning in the ICT business. And it's a virtual world where people make business by selling code. 

In the ICT business like in all other business sectors companies need new products all the time, that they can offer to customers and leads. The AI is not yet ready. It's a product that requires lots of work. But that is the purpose of the R&D work. The ChatGPT and its colleagues are nothing more than algorithms and databases. That is offering information for next-generation AI. But does AI mean the next bubble in the ICT business? 

In the past things like virtual game worlds and virtual meeting rooms were hot things in the ICT. Virtual reality and especially net-based virtual reality is also rising. The hybrid conference rooms where a person walks in a game-type environment and goes to a room, where colleagues are introduced as screens on virtual walls are reality. 

The reason, why mobile multimedia tools, like Microsoft HoloLens, are not as successful as they should be is that if a person uses those VR glasses while jogging that could cause falls. But otherwise, those HoloLens can connect to an infrared camera, or drones like quadcopters can transmit their images to those screens. 

Those systems can also connect with satellites, and people can share their action camera images by using mobile telephone-based applications. But civilians have very little use for that kind of tool. Repairment workers could use those things if they connected with wrist cameras. And that helps them to see things that are behind some corners. 

But there are always new trends in ICT. Then those things became old -fashion. Well, all new tools and applications require lots of data. They require the ability to handle very large data masses. The faster internet and more powerful computer technology mean that the systems can handle more and more complicated code. And that allows the creation of new and more powerful AI-based systems. 

But then somebody says that AI is the risk. In the same way, we can find risks anywhere. The biggest security risk is other people. So the AI itself is not at risk. The thing that makes risks are people who allow AI to make things that are risking people. 

If the AI software is not completed, and it drives the car, that causes a very big risk to the environment. Also, if humans give weapons to the AI it turns dangerous.  The situation is similar like we would give a gun to some child. The thing is that AI is not intelligent. It does only things that programmers made to it. This is the thing in the AI and development work. 

Weaponizing spike protein against infecting virus itself could be the next-generation tool for vaccines and antivirus medicals.

"New research introduces the possibility that the virus' spike protein can turn against itself". ( COVID-19: Weaponizing the Spike Protein Against Itself To Prevent Infection)

First, when we see the ideas like making the virus' spike protein make the "U"-turn and then destroy the virus' structure and genomes, we can think that this is a little bit too absurd. But there is the possibility. To connect some chemical marks to those spike proteins, which makes them unable to work. There is the possibility that vaccines that can connect small DNA bites to the cells can make the cell turn to destroy that spike protein. 

And that makes the virus unable to transfer its genome to cells. The spike protein can also connect to a chemical mark that makes an immune defense attack infected cells. The problem is how to connect those chemical marks to a virus population that is large enough. There is also the possibility to connect another protein to the spike protein, and when the spike protein impacts the cell that second protein's nano strings will be open, and it destroys the spike protein. 

The new antivirus medical base is the inhibitors. Those inhibitors deactivate the interaction between some proteins like spike proteins that virus uses to transfer their genomes to cells. In some other cases, the medicine transforms the ion pumps of the cells to destroy the genetic material that is in the virus. If the virus uses certain ion pumps. The medicine's molecule can be like a nano spring. Then that molecule will stand in the position over this ion pump. When a virus tries to transfer its genomes to the cell that nano spring jumps up. 

The molecule acts like a small drill that pushes back against the genetic material that the virus transfer to the cell. And then, it destroys the genetic material. In some versions, the spike protein will activate that nano spring. There is also the possibility that genetic code will make the cell itself destroy the spike proteins when it starts to produce viruses. That means the infected cell cannot produce viruses that can transfer their genomes to another cell.

The world is going to universal vaccines. 

The world is going to universal virus vaccines. The new laser- and scanning tunneling microscopes are making it possible to research viruses more accurately. Those new microscopes can observe the cases like when the virus enters cells. And those observations can transfer to computer models and simulations. If multiple viruses use the same spike protein to transfer their genomes to the cells. 

That spike protein can use as a mark for immune cells. That thing makes it possible that the same vaccines can affect multiple viruses. Creating medicines against viruses is a similar process to vaccine creation. Some antivirus medicines are antibodies that are created by using cell cultures. The antivirus medical can act in three ways. 

1) The medicine can affect straight to the virus. In that case, some nanotechnical particles are connected to viruses. And then acoustic systems cause resonance that destroys the structure of those viruses. 

2) The medicine can mark viruses for immune cells. The idea is that medicine activates the immune system to fight against viruses more aggressively. The medicine is a little bit like a vaccine. 

3) The highly advanced genetically engineered virus can connect to the DNA that is infected with the virus' DNA. In that case, the DNA will turn the cell to acid for creating viruses. If the PH level of the cell is too low the cell itself may destroy viruses. But that thing is a very futuristic model. 

Producing medicals against viruses is difficult. The problem is that viruses have no metabolism. That means medicals cannot affect viruses the same way as they affect bacteria.

New systems allow researchers to follow cellular communication wirelessly.

"To improve biosensing techniques that can aid in diagnosis and treatment, MIT researchers developed tiny, wireless antennas that use l...