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What means free mind and freedom to think? Thoughts about Druids, Julius Caesar, and Aulus Hirtius

White Cliffs of Dover
(Picture I)

Kimmo Huosionmaa

Somebody always asks, what actually mean term "freedom to think"? Freedom to think is the key element in the writing, what has only one purpose: to make text, what maybe has some kind of influence. The freedom of think means that person can product own thoughts about some things, and in this case, that does mean, that the text what the writer does must not have connections with science or other evidence.

The freedom to think means, that if we use the Julius Caesars book about the war of Gaul (Gallic wars) as the source, and look where the text about the "Bridge of Druids", what Julius Caesar mentioned in his book, we might give that thing three explanations. One is the normal or conventional way to explain that kind of things. By using this mode the mean for the term "Bridge of Druids" can be actually the regular boat line, what fishermen used when they traveled between British islands and European mainland in the Strait of Dover, where the people can see the British islands by standing on the coast of France. The book "Gallic wars" were written with Aulus Hirtius, who wrote military books in the Roman empire.

The second explanation might be natural, but it would also be forward its time. It means that maybe Druids made pontoon bridge from Britannia to Gaul. And maybe they turned that bridge away when they didn't need it. In this fictional case, the bridge was built over the boats, what were in line between Gaul mainland and Britannia. And the third explanation could be purely fictional. In this fictional explanation, Druids were space aliens, who used the wormholes to travel across the Universe. In this very interesting Science Fiction based explanation also explains the Stonehenge and other stone rings as the systems, what we're used to opening the wormholes thru the universe.

In this model, Stonehenge was equipped with radio system, what would allow that the energy rises so high, that there would be forming the small electromagnetic black hole in the middle of that stone ring. In this case, those Druids might have advanced maser- or laser technology in their hands. This explanation might be very far from the truth, but it is the very nice explanation of the question, who druids actually been. And that kind of thoughts is needed because that would make life more interesting than simple answers, that the Stonehenge was some kind of clock or ancient almanac.

This is freedom of thinking. People can enjoy writing, even they are in University. Every world, what the man or woman is writing must not be scientifically proven. We are not in the courtroom now, and we are not giving the speeding ticket to Martians, what might have skin, what have chlorophyll in its cells, and maybe those Martians can use their sin as photosynthesis. And in that case, the fictional Martians can be green, or maybe they use green makeup like special forces soldiers. But when we are thinking about that kind of things, we notice that there are many secrets on Earth, what is raising the body hair. Those secrets are very deep in history.

Maybe we ever get the answers, why somebody builds Stonehenge. And then we must ask, where Caesar built his navy for his operation to conquer the Britannia? Also, we must ask another thing about this ancient military operation: what Caesar was looking for in Britannia? How did he get permission to attack that island? What kind of treasure could Romans get from that island? Did some Roman see there some jewelry? The Gaul war is the very interesting book, what is probably rewritten many times after Caesar. Some parts of it are not written any master of rhetoric, and the part, what was written about the landing to Britain is quite interesting. The Strait of Dover  is not ideal for cavalry operation, bur Caesar claimed that defenders of Britannia used cavalry against the Roman legions.

Then the rest of this part would look like some visit to the whorehouse, what was written in better form. But the writer uses terms, what is not suitable for strong writers. And here I must say, that if Caesar lied, why he lied? And if the original script of landing was replaced by other, why that action was made?  If that part includes something information, what Caesar or writer if that was the different person didn't want to send to Rome, could it interesting to see, what was in those pages, what was replaced by other text in the situation, there was no time to get the qualified writer to make those texts?

Was this text made somebody in the command of Aulus Hirtius? And was the reason the chancing that text that Hirtius wanted to denigrate Julius Caesar in the eyes of Senate? If Caesar were the liar, Senate would execute him immediately, and then somebody else could raise the power of the Roman empire. Why was that replacement made so fast? Was it made just before senators ask the reports of the actions of Julius Caesar? This is very interesting part of history.


Picture I


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