Tuesday, January 7, 2025

New systems allow researchers to follow cellular communication wirelessly.

"To improve biosensing techniques that can aid in diagnosis and treatment, MIT researchers developed tiny, wireless antennas that use light to detect minute electrical signals in liquid environments, which are shown in this rendering. Credit: Marta Airaghi and Benoit Desbiolles." (ScitechDaily, MIT Scientists Harness Light To Wirelessly Monitor Cellular Electrical Signals)

The new systems use light to read cellular electric signals. Electric impulses on the cell's protein shell control the ion pumps. Ions are the key element in chemical communication between neurons and other cells. The immune system requires those ions to detect cells. That doesn't work as it should. 

The cell uses them to take in and remove nutrients. Ion pumps play a key role in communication between neurons and other cells. 

It's possible. Neurons can communicate with individual cells benefiting the electric vortex at the ion pumps. Or it can receive and deliver neurotransmitters through those ion pumps. 

That can make it possible to create new types of medical treatments and new ways to control and boost our wealth. In the most interesting ways to think they can exchange information between the cells and computers. And what if you can give orders to bacteria in your stomach that they must transport food straight away and not drive it in your body? That thing can save your life in the case of poisoning. 

The ability to communicate with bacteria will be an incredible advancement in microbiology. That thing might be closer than ever. The bacteria can used to produce virus antigens that can be covered with immune activators. That makes it possible to program the immune system to fight against new diseases. Genetically engineered bacteria can also create cancer cells' shell proteins. 

Those proteins can offer the possibility to activate the immune system to detect harmful cells in the human body. 

That makes immune cells destroy tumors and cancer cells in the early stage of cancer. In that stage cancer is a group of individual cells that are easy to kill. In that stage, they don't form tumors yet. 

In the future, it may even be possible to order bacteria out of the body. But before researchers can communicate with bacteria and give them orders, they must read its messages. That thing requires new tools that can observe 


Sunday, January 5, 2025

The electromagnetic thrusters will revolutionize space missions.

"A solar-powered electromagnetic propulsion (EP) spacecraft design. Credit: NASA" (ScitechDaily, How Electric Thrusters Are Revolutionizing Space Exploration)

Ion and electron engines revolutionize space technology. 

All electromagnetic thrusters are not ion systems. Some engine systems use lasers and microwave systems to boil frozen liquids and water to make pressure for rocket engines. 

Those systems are not as new as people believe. In 2007 the Dawn space probe used ion engines in a successful mission to research asteroids Ceres, Vesta, Juno, and Pallas. That ion thruster allowed it to operate and make maneuvers in the asteroid belt. 

Those systems make long-term propulsion possible. And they can make things like Mars missions more effective. 

Ion thrusters can use solar power. As well as they are suitable for nuclear reactors. And that makes them good tools for things like asteroid belt missions. Solar-power ion thrusters are also suitable for orbital missions. The satellite that can use ion thrusters can operate very flexibly. And it can make them good for scientific and military missions. 

The problem with ion thrusters is that those systems have very weak thrust. The answer could be the Medusa-drive type solution. There those ions will be blown to the solar sail-type structure. 

That ion sail will give new abilities for those systems. That increases their thrust. 

"Pictured is a 6 kW Hall thruster in operation at the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory. Credit: NASA" (ScitechDaily, How Electric Thrusters Are Revolutionizing Space Exploration)

Or, the system can use the high-energy plasma that injects it into the engine system. That looks like the hood or the bell. The system shoots a laser beam through that plasma. 

That makes it a whirl. The plasma whirl will press against the front side of the chamber. The ion thrusters are interesting military. Because they can be used as weapons. 

The problem is ions repel each other. That spreads those ion beams. 

How to keep the beam in its form.  In some versions. The target must be loaded with opposite-polar electricity. 

Or something puts magnets on a satellite shell or behind a satellite. 

That pulls plasma from the Van Allen belt to the target. 

That pulls ions or anions to it. Another way to keep the ion beam in its shape is an ion cannon. That shoots an electron beam along with an ion beam. And those opposite polar particles should keep that beam in its form. 

The ion thruster can create the ion layer between satellites and the ground station. That ion system denies communication between ground stations and satellites. 

And it's an effective way to jam the GPS. The ion layer between aircraft and radars makes it impossible to see the ground from the air. But it also can dey ground radars to see the flying aircraft. 



Saturday, January 4, 2025

British military tested a new EMP weapon.

"RFDEW demonstrator on truck." (Gov.Uk, Press release)

British soldiers successfully test drone killer radiowave weapon for first time

The new radio-wave-based drone defense is interesting. Radiowaves don't harm living organisms or cause symptoms, which allows the creation of new electromagnetic pulse-based systems that are safe for users. 

The radio-wave-based EMP weapons can used against drones, battlefield robots, and wearable electronics. 

Those systems can also target things like data centers and other electronic components. 

That makes this kind of system dangerous for the data networks. 

GSM-base stations are good targets for those EMP weapons. 

Unlike microwave weapons, which cause injuries to targets, EMP or radio-wave-based electromagnetic weapons can harm only electronics. Some of those systems' bases are impulse capacitors, which can give a very strong electric burst. The radio system transforms that electricity into the radio waves. The system can probably create strong, long-term radio impulses that can destroy the electric components. 

Crossing radio waves can create powerful electric arcs that can cause damage or even destroy things like fast-flying aircraft and drones. 

Those systems can cause damage to ammunition storage and fuel stations. If radio waves with opposite polarity cross on the point where ammunition is that can detonate the gunpowder. 


Electromagnetic impulses can be used to destroy also other electronics than just drones. Those systems can terminate enemy radios and damage electronics in missiles. And that makes those systems ideal for the battlefield. The high-power radio waves can also jump from the ionosphere. And they can destroy electronics far beyond the horizon. The crossing of radio-maser waves can cause damage to structures if their transmitting power is high enough. 

Electromagnetic and especially radio-wave-based systems can benefit the radars as their platforms. When radar sees some threat the system increases its power. High-power radars with a megawatt-class transmitting power can destroy satellites from their orbital. That EMP-based system leaves the satellite in one piece. That denies space debris formation. 

The EMP weapons can also terminate the suspected fractional orbital bombardment systems (FOBS) or orbital-based nuclear weapons. Those systems can deny the explosion of EMP nuclear weapons and they can also deny the work of the normal nuclear weapons if they can damage their electronics. 

In some visions, the power satellites transmit energy to Earin as coherent radio waves. Those power satellites can also destroy electronics from the aerial and other targets. The orbital-based power satellites can create megawatt-class energy transmission. Those power satellites can also use their energy transmitters against other satellites. That kind of system can also guard the borders. 



New systems allow researchers to follow cellular communication wirelessly.

"To improve biosensing techniques that can aid in diagnosis and treatment, MIT researchers developed tiny, wireless antennas that use l...