Sunday, October 7, 2018
Some homepages, what are connected to this blog have been removed by the owner and the end of this blog
Kimmo Huosionmaa
Some of the pages, where the links of this blogs are connected are removed, so those links would not work anymore. The reason for removing those pages and photos is personal. I will tell you more about it at the link, what would come above this text maybe tomorrow, or maybe in next week, I don't know exactly when.
And here I must say, that I know that some of the texts, what I make, are the little bit different than normal, but I continue this hobby somewhere else. But some of the homepages, what are connected to this blog would be removed, and if there would be some changes, you might read that from here.
As I told before this blog is not updated anymore. It was nice to know you, and here I must say, that some feedback, what I got was interesting. But the world is changing, and I must clean my hard drive from trash because space in there is limited.
Friday, October 5, 2018
Terminus the end of the line
Kimmo Huosionmaa
Above the text is the photo of the street, and here it would symbolize, that blogs are like streets, they would end some day. Walking on the streets is sometimes tough, but the prize would be big. And sometimes writing is like walking tough and hard like life itself. Writing is the nice hobby, and it would advantage the skills of languages and another kind of abilities, but writing many texts is quite hard. This is the reason, why I finish to write in here, but continue in the other place.
I Will concentrate on writing one blog and finish to write in here. This is the thing, what I have considered because I have written in so many places, that there would be difficult to update those writings. But I will continue my career as the blogger, and don't worry there would be more texts, but in the different places. There have been many things that have been happened, and I think that I have to renew myself.
Autumn is the most incredible season in the year, and I like it very much. I have made many things in my life and got many troubles. In this time I must say, that there is quite much work with many blogs, and that's the reason, why I must eliminate some of those blogs, so I will continue to write in the different blog and the link to those writings, is below this text. The list is not stable, and I would sometimes update other blogs, but there would be one link, what can be the route to the blogs, what would be updated. So follow the text and click the link, when you want to see, if the blog is updated. And I will mention, what I will update most commonly.
People have the right to tell their opinions, and that's why I must say that the most important thing in the man's life is freedom. "He fought for all free men" goes the words, what is told about the John Paul Jones, the father of the U.S Navy. And the freedom is the thing, what we should stand for. The constitutional rights give us the freedom to write and publish texts if they don't hurt somebody.
I have heard that somebody claims that I'm just a poor country boy writer and lonesome cowboy, who live in the land, where people speak the strange language. But there is one thing, what I have to say now. There are people, who have been visited in hundreds of countries, and they have ever been free. Do you know what I just wrote? Those persons are in the position, that somebody else makes decisions for them, and if that person wants those trips would end. Being under control of somebody makes the person a prisoner. Many times there have been told about sensitive dictatorship, but that has always turned to tyrannic despotism. In the cases, that somebody is marketing those opportunities for you, I would recommend that person to please the master all the time. Or have you ever thought what happens, if that person would not please the master all the time? That would cause the punishment, what is always painful.
Many of my blogs have been written in one blog, and then transferred to other blogs by using copy paste. The texts that are in those blogs are made by me, and that's why I dare to write. When we are talking about sources, you might know, that I like especially the medieval art. That means that the makers of those paintings are not even known in public. But as you know my hobby is not plagiarism, what is the crime, you see.
There are many things, what has been happened during the period when I started to make writings, and now it's time to change the route. Of course, I will continue about writings in the blogs, what is found after the text. And at this time I must say, that writing is the very nice hobby. When somebody claims that this hobby would take the privacy of the people, I must say, that this kind of thinking is something very interesting.
If you write the job applications, there would be found millions of people, who read or see those texts, and say that people, who have written those letters are stupid. In my case, some people have said that I'm stupid, but when somebody claims things like that, there could be something, what makes them so intelligent. It's easy to justify other people if that person has ever written anything.
In this case, I would try to ask: how I know, how intelligent is some person, if that man or woman have not ever written anything, or say anything, what I can hear or read, and then diagnose that person thinking intelligently. Those claiming must be proved, if the person would claim other people stupid. Of course, I don't know who plays Ice Hockey in this period, but I'm sorry. I don't own the NHL annual book, where I can check who was the playing center in each team in 1983, but I have something else things in my life than ice-hockey. But here are the link to that, what I will continue to update.
Thursday, October 4, 2018
One interesting thing about Northrop-Grumman's STEALTH simulator
Kimmo Huosionmaa
Below this text is the video, what you might see many times before if you read my texts, and it is the GO-229 video. In this video is the equipment, what is used in the stealth-testing. That system is modular, and it bases the technology, that the stealth-aircraft would put on the stick, and it can be turned any direction for the radar. That kind of simulators allows to pre-fly the missions, and create the mission profiles for the equipment, that are at the combat zone by the very easy way.
In the simulator that person just flies the missiles or aircraft to target by using the 3D-maps, that is made by the laser-scanning that operational area by using LIDAR, that scans the land shapes really careful. This information allows making unique mission profiles for the aircraft by using simulators, where those missions were pre-fly in the real environment, and then the movements, what the pilots have done would install to missiles and aircraft very fast.
And this makes possible to test the abilities of the stealth-aircraft, but also this equipment can be used for making tactics and mission profiles for those aircraft, what are very secretive and same time interesting thing. When the pilot would sit on the plane, what is tested, and turn it that way, the radar area, what is facing the radars can be minimized. Collected data can be used to make new and more effective tactics for stealth planes, what are exists, and also make ideas for next-generation stealth fighter-bombers and recon planes.
But this very advanced simulator can also connect to real fighter-bomber, what would fly remotely, and there is one benefit for the manned aircraft. This interactive simulation technology allows that the pilot must not see the aircraft, what this person flies. And because this simulator is connected to the aircraft by satellite, can this simulator used to collect the data for the pilot, who flies RPV (Remotely Piloted Vehicle) by using similar control technologies, what are used in the Mars-rovers. In this technology, the simulator would position radars in the same angle, what they are in nature, and then the pilot flies the mission.
During the simulation, the movements of the aircraft, what is up the stick would be recorded, and those recordings can download to that RPV, what could make strike mission by following the movements, what the pilot makes in this simulator. The same system can also be used for making flight trajectories for cruise missiles. In this operation, the pilot flies the mission like the kamikaze, and then this profile would transfer to the computers of the cruise missiles.
That pre-flying the mission could be the effective way to make mission profiles for strike drones and cruise missiles. And every one of that equipment can be made unique profiles, what makes possible to create the flexible tactics for the drones by the fast period. Also, those tactics can be fixed in the cases, that the accomplishment percent runs too low, and the tactics must replace by the new way. So this system can be used in multipurpose missions in the world of the military.
Kimmo Huosionmaa
Below this text is the video, what you might see many times before if you read my texts, and it is the GO-229 video. In this video is the equipment, what is used in the stealth-testing. That system is modular, and it bases the technology, that the stealth-aircraft would put on the stick, and it can be turned any direction for the radar. That kind of simulators allows to pre-fly the missions, and create the mission profiles for the equipment, that are at the combat zone by the very easy way.
In the simulator that person just flies the missiles or aircraft to target by using the 3D-maps, that is made by the laser-scanning that operational area by using LIDAR, that scans the land shapes really careful. This information allows making unique mission profiles for the aircraft by using simulators, where those missions were pre-fly in the real environment, and then the movements, what the pilots have done would install to missiles and aircraft very fast.
And this makes possible to test the abilities of the stealth-aircraft, but also this equipment can be used for making tactics and mission profiles for those aircraft, what are very secretive and same time interesting thing. When the pilot would sit on the plane, what is tested, and turn it that way, the radar area, what is facing the radars can be minimized. Collected data can be used to make new and more effective tactics for stealth planes, what are exists, and also make ideas for next-generation stealth fighter-bombers and recon planes.
But this very advanced simulator can also connect to real fighter-bomber, what would fly remotely, and there is one benefit for the manned aircraft. This interactive simulation technology allows that the pilot must not see the aircraft, what this person flies. And because this simulator is connected to the aircraft by satellite, can this simulator used to collect the data for the pilot, who flies RPV (Remotely Piloted Vehicle) by using similar control technologies, what are used in the Mars-rovers. In this technology, the simulator would position radars in the same angle, what they are in nature, and then the pilot flies the mission.
During the simulation, the movements of the aircraft, what is up the stick would be recorded, and those recordings can download to that RPV, what could make strike mission by following the movements, what the pilot makes in this simulator. The same system can also be used for making flight trajectories for cruise missiles. In this operation, the pilot flies the mission like the kamikaze, and then this profile would transfer to the computers of the cruise missiles.
That pre-flying the mission could be the effective way to make mission profiles for strike drones and cruise missiles. And every one of that equipment can be made unique profiles, what makes possible to create the flexible tactics for the drones by the fast period. Also, those tactics can be fixed in the cases, that the accomplishment percent runs too low, and the tactics must replace by the new way. So this system can be used in multipurpose missions in the world of the military.
The mushroom circle on my yard, and little Cosmobiology for readers
Kimmo Huosionmaa
I found an interesting thing from my home yard, and it is the mushroom circle. In ancient tales, those circles are meant the places, where the fairies and goblins sat when they changed their turn as the creatures of the light and darkness. Those old tales tell, that the fairies met goblins in those mushroom circles and the folk of the light would tell the happenings of the day to the folk of the night. Those creatures exist only in people's head, but when we are thinking that could there be so small intelligent species, that they could use the mushrooms as the seats, we must say that there would be the possibility, that in somewhere in the universe is the bug size intelligent species.
The thing is that the brains of the bugs are extremely effective because the neurons have more connections than the mammal's brain cells. And there are some observations about the creatures, what have the body like dragonflies, but the head is like a woman or man. Those things are claimed to create in the drunk person mind simply as the hallucinations, what caused the use of drugs. There is claiming that those creatures are actually artificial robots, what mission is to slip in the houses and search the things inside that place.
And this is the very interesting theory, and if those robots would be made as the shape of the creatures of the Disney's movie, the adults would not believe, if some children see those robots. In the fact, those extremely small size robots could have lightweight solar panels in the wings for creating the energy for the operation. Or their batteries can be loaded by using high power radio transmission, what allows to transfer electricity by the air.
But there might be the explanations, what people would not want to know, and let's play little imaginational game, and start to think that those little creatures are existed in somewhere at the universe. So don't be serious, those thinking games are funny, and start a little funny thing, what those creatures might look like. If we think that those fairies could be real, the miniature humans would need very much energy to keep their bodies functionality. And that's why those fairies should stay in the light, what keeps their bodies warm, in this case, those hypothetical creatures can form by some genome specialists, or they might come from the planet, what could be locked.
In this case, the night side creatures would be very sensitive, but the low temperature could cause that those creatures brains would be very powerful. In this hypothetical case, those creatures would live in large rock planet, what orbits the red draft. That planet surface temperature would be extremely low, and the creatures could use liquid methane or even Helium for the purposes, where our planet's species uses water. And if we are thinking more about that imaginational planet. The species, what lives in the dark side, would be very sensitive for the daylight. And the species, what lives in the day side would not survive in the dark.
This could be an ancient scuba-diving suit
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This could be an ancient scuba-diving suit |
Above the text is a strange picture from the medieval period, that portraits the person, who might dress in the diving suit, and is covered with the coagulate like silicone. This bite would help the diver get the extraordinary depth, while diving. The silicone would allow the diver to dive more safety because the bag of coagulate would protect the diver from the water pressure.
The tube or hosepipe, what comes out from the mask might be filled with carbon, what allowed the diver dive more safety and longer period than the snorkel. Of course, that diving suit can be used in the many other things, but there is one very interesting mark in this picture. That is the knight's helmet and the purpose of that sign is tell, that this equipment is very hard stuff, and it was very needful information for soldiers and bodyguards, who saw the man wears this suite.
But the diving equipment could also be used under the knight's armor, and that allowed those men to step in the castles unseen, and then take it under the control by surprise. There are some other explanations about this kind of pictures and in some texts, those strange pictures are claimed to portray the "alien combat suit" what allows the warrior to walk in the enemy territory, and in the back of that person might be the generator, what creates two electromagnetic fields, what are touching in the air, and those magnet fields would break the bullets before they hit the target.
My opinion is, that this picture is about the scuba-diving equipment, what is made by adipose walrus leather. Similar equipment was used in the rescue missions of the Wasa-ship in the 17th. century. This kind of dry diving suit is portrayed in many technical museums. The suits, what are stored in museums are normally equipped with heavier helmets. But there were lighter versions of the suits, what was made by the lighter skin. That suit could protect the sailors during the storms against cold weather. This could be the most reasonable explanation for this picture.
Wednesday, October 3, 2018
The magical crystals and the things behind that myth
Kimmo Huosionmaa
Some people think that "magical crystals" allows us to see the past, and there are two or three possible things, how crystals would do that. First is the psychological way, and there the crystals suggest the person concentrate the memory, or that thing gives the person dare to tell things, what that person doesn't want to tell before that. Or concentration allows making the connections to neurons, that the images can return to the mind or knowledge. Sometimes people have thought that the electricity, what is stored in the giant crystals makes magnet fields, what would make the electric signals, what travel in the nervous system stronger, and that brings them to our concentration. But there are other theories, and one of them is connected with the symmetrical crystal balls. The tale that the "Thunder god" gave human the crystal, what allows to see the future or the past could be possible in theory.
In this case, the symmetrical crystal ball would load with the energy, what was giving by lightning. The crystal ball would put in the top of the long wooden stick, and then the priests wait that the lightning would strike to that ball. If the ball would be enough symmetrical, there could form the singularity. I don't know does the lightning got enough electric power to form the singularity. But if mankind could someday form the singularity, that could revolutionize the communication technology. Even if we would not able to see the future or past, we would have ultimate communication equipment for extreme long space trips.
Then the system needs resonance to take the same amplitude with some other singularity or small size black hole in the different time. In some silly thoughts, the high prize of some musical instruments like Stradivarius-violin causes because they were used in that purpose. But this is only the silly theory, what bases the idea, that nobody pays for nothing. For that thing is possible to use some musical instrument. But when we are thinking about the shape of the singularity the crystal would deny that the black hole could suck the material, but if the ball would take to sunlight, that would allow keeping the singularity stable, because the sun is feeding the black hole.
The problem with nano-size black holes is that they are vanishing because they cannot get enough energy for keeping them stable without energy pumping. There are suspected that the NIF (National Ignition Facility) would be used by this kind of tests. And the electromagnetic radiation, what would make the singularity possible can also be made by lasers or electron accelerators. And NIF has the ability to give full symmetrical electromagnetic shock for the crystals, what is made the fully perfect ball that allows forming a black hole, what would not crash the structure of the ball.
National Ignition Facility homepage
Kimmo Huosionmaa
Some people think that "magical crystals" allows us to see the past, and there are two or three possible things, how crystals would do that. First is the psychological way, and there the crystals suggest the person concentrate the memory, or that thing gives the person dare to tell things, what that person doesn't want to tell before that. Or concentration allows making the connections to neurons, that the images can return to the mind or knowledge. Sometimes people have thought that the electricity, what is stored in the giant crystals makes magnet fields, what would make the electric signals, what travel in the nervous system stronger, and that brings them to our concentration. But there are other theories, and one of them is connected with the symmetrical crystal balls. The tale that the "Thunder god" gave human the crystal, what allows to see the future or the past could be possible in theory.
In this case, the symmetrical crystal ball would load with the energy, what was giving by lightning. The crystal ball would put in the top of the long wooden stick, and then the priests wait that the lightning would strike to that ball. If the ball would be enough symmetrical, there could form the singularity. I don't know does the lightning got enough electric power to form the singularity. But if mankind could someday form the singularity, that could revolutionize the communication technology. Even if we would not able to see the future or past, we would have ultimate communication equipment for extreme long space trips.
Then the system needs resonance to take the same amplitude with some other singularity or small size black hole in the different time. In some silly thoughts, the high prize of some musical instruments like Stradivarius-violin causes because they were used in that purpose. But this is only the silly theory, what bases the idea, that nobody pays for nothing. For that thing is possible to use some musical instrument. But when we are thinking about the shape of the singularity the crystal would deny that the black hole could suck the material, but if the ball would take to sunlight, that would allow keeping the singularity stable, because the sun is feeding the black hole.
The problem with nano-size black holes is that they are vanishing because they cannot get enough energy for keeping them stable without energy pumping. There are suspected that the NIF (National Ignition Facility) would be used by this kind of tests. And the electromagnetic radiation, what would make the singularity possible can also be made by lasers or electron accelerators. And NIF has the ability to give full symmetrical electromagnetic shock for the crystals, what is made the fully perfect ball that allows forming a black hole, what would not crash the structure of the ball.
National Ignition Facility homepage
Mysterious electromagnetic motor "The Bell" part II (And it's connection with "Operation Paperclip")
Kimmo Huosionmaaa
Here I write again about the most mysterious motor-design in history, what was called "The Bell" ("Die Glocke"). Sometimes I have thought that maybe this project was part of the "Operation Paperclip", and the purpose of it could be making the recruitment of the Nazi-scientist seem allowed just after the Second World War. There were many scientists, who worked with the weapons of mass destruction and especially with the organophosphates or nerve gases and the resistance chemicals. Here I must say, that maybe the recruitment of those persons has happened under the code name of the "Operation Deepwater". That technology was not wanted to give the hands of Soviets, and maybe that project was made in the United States and the purpose was to deny that knowledge to go the hands of the Stalin.
When we are thinking about nerve gases and atropine, that resistance chemical allowed to use the nerve gases as a superior assault weapon. If the nerve gas or nerve agent would be delivered to the enemy lines, and own troops take the resistant chemical, they could be immune against those nerve gases, what gives the superior effect for assaults. But those scientists were also war criminals because the tests, where the nerve gas would be used has cost the human lives in the concentration camps. And also the carbon dust was tested for cleaning the blood of the victims of cyanide poisoning. The small bites of carbon were injected into the prisoner's veins and after that, they were injected and otherwise exposed to many lethal chemicals include the cyanide.
Those tests were made in the Dachau concentration camp and some other concentration camps, and they were absolutely brutal and painful. The makers of those experiments were war criminals, but the military leaders of the western allied and Soviets called the recruitment of those scientists as the "necessary evilness". Also, Stalin was interested in that kind of weapons, what he could use to control the Soviet Union. And when they were done their jobs NKVD executed them after the court-martial, what helped Stalin to keep the secrets about the things, what were done in his notorious prison system.
This electrodynamic motor used opposite rotating magnets to suck the air thru the tube, and this would cause the pyramid-shaped tornado in the back of that tube, what could make aircraft or rocket travel very fast. When we are thinking that machine very carefully, that could actually be meant for use in Horten-229, where it can get the electricity from standard jet engines. That magnet system could be installed in the same tube with the jet engines, or there could be the system, where the turbo generator was installed in the body of the aircraft, and the magnet system would installed in the tubes of the wings were the air would be sucked thru it.
But was "The Bell" meant to be more advanced and radical, than we ever can understand. That system can give the aircraft a very fast speed. In theory, the WARP-drive could be generated from the "The Bell". In this case, in the magnet dynamic motor or particle accelerator would have the bite of quicksilver in it, and if that system could reach the speed of light, would the system move quicksilver forward. If the craft is near the speed of light the Quicksilver could break the "light wall", and in this case, the spacecraft would accelerate about the 99,9 percent of the speed of light, and then the particle accelerator would push the other spacecraft in the speed of light.
But let's think that mysterious machine again. Was "The Bell" meant actually for something more exotic use than working for some kind of motor? Something what we ever expected. Was the purpose of that structure is the target for radio-waves, what was targeted it? In this case the purpose of "the Bell" meant for the "crystal ball"? The device, what allowed the persons, who worked in that project see the future or even walk thru the dimensions. Here I must say something about secret projects. If the purpose of the project were something, that doesn't mean that the system could be the functional solution. And maybe it was only the hoax for denying the Soviets get their hands those chemical specialists and rocket engineers, who could help Soviet military for making intercontinental missiles and bombers.
Kimmo Huosionmaaa
Here I write again about the most mysterious motor-design in history, what was called "The Bell" ("Die Glocke"). Sometimes I have thought that maybe this project was part of the "Operation Paperclip", and the purpose of it could be making the recruitment of the Nazi-scientist seem allowed just after the Second World War. There were many scientists, who worked with the weapons of mass destruction and especially with the organophosphates or nerve gases and the resistance chemicals. Here I must say, that maybe the recruitment of those persons has happened under the code name of the "Operation Deepwater". That technology was not wanted to give the hands of Soviets, and maybe that project was made in the United States and the purpose was to deny that knowledge to go the hands of the Stalin.
When we are thinking about nerve gases and atropine, that resistance chemical allowed to use the nerve gases as a superior assault weapon. If the nerve gas or nerve agent would be delivered to the enemy lines, and own troops take the resistant chemical, they could be immune against those nerve gases, what gives the superior effect for assaults. But those scientists were also war criminals because the tests, where the nerve gas would be used has cost the human lives in the concentration camps. And also the carbon dust was tested for cleaning the blood of the victims of cyanide poisoning. The small bites of carbon were injected into the prisoner's veins and after that, they were injected and otherwise exposed to many lethal chemicals include the cyanide.
Those tests were made in the Dachau concentration camp and some other concentration camps, and they were absolutely brutal and painful. The makers of those experiments were war criminals, but the military leaders of the western allied and Soviets called the recruitment of those scientists as the "necessary evilness". Also, Stalin was interested in that kind of weapons, what he could use to control the Soviet Union. And when they were done their jobs NKVD executed them after the court-martial, what helped Stalin to keep the secrets about the things, what were done in his notorious prison system.
This electrodynamic motor used opposite rotating magnets to suck the air thru the tube, and this would cause the pyramid-shaped tornado in the back of that tube, what could make aircraft or rocket travel very fast. When we are thinking that machine very carefully, that could actually be meant for use in Horten-229, where it can get the electricity from standard jet engines. That magnet system could be installed in the same tube with the jet engines, or there could be the system, where the turbo generator was installed in the body of the aircraft, and the magnet system would installed in the tubes of the wings were the air would be sucked thru it.
But was "The Bell" meant to be more advanced and radical, than we ever can understand. That system can give the aircraft a very fast speed. In theory, the WARP-drive could be generated from the "The Bell". In this case, in the magnet dynamic motor or particle accelerator would have the bite of quicksilver in it, and if that system could reach the speed of light, would the system move quicksilver forward. If the craft is near the speed of light the Quicksilver could break the "light wall", and in this case, the spacecraft would accelerate about the 99,9 percent of the speed of light, and then the particle accelerator would push the other spacecraft in the speed of light.
But let's think that mysterious machine again. Was "The Bell" meant actually for something more exotic use than working for some kind of motor? Something what we ever expected. Was the purpose of that structure is the target for radio-waves, what was targeted it? In this case the purpose of "the Bell" meant for the "crystal ball"? The device, what allowed the persons, who worked in that project see the future or even walk thru the dimensions. Here I must say something about secret projects. If the purpose of the project were something, that doesn't mean that the system could be the functional solution. And maybe it was only the hoax for denying the Soviets get their hands those chemical specialists and rocket engineers, who could help Soviet military for making intercontinental missiles and bombers.
One very interesting thing about the national security
Kimmo Huosionmaa
There are many mythical tales of the connections between CIA and some companies. In those cases, CIA makes the security check for those covert actors by the very simple way: the person who wants the job from those companies sends also the job application for CIA, and that allows this intelligence service to make the security check for that company, what works apparently independent. In some stories, some of those companies are covering even the humanoids inside their walls. But are those humanoids only human-made hybrids or are they coming from outer space? This is the thing, what everybody should think.
Under the control of CIA working highly secured companies are made for creating technology and other things, what are not publicly acceptable, and can make troubles to those workers. Those solutions, what are creating in those companies are intelligence and military equipment, what is extremely lethal, but different than normal military equipment. Some of those extremely frighten applications are used in "soft-kill" operations, where the target would killed by natural organisms, what don't leave marks to the outside that the question was about the assassination.
There is the tale that some of those companies are working with nanotechnology, and make productions like cocaine- or sugar crystals, where have been closed the eggs of trichina or schistosomiasis worm. The crystals would form that way, they cover the eggs, and after that, the persons, who are sniffing cocaine, would get the eggs of the worms in the lungs or stomach, if they put those crystals in coffee. Those worms are extremely dangerous, and there would need extreme good medical attention if the victim would be wanted to survive.
Sometimes are legends that in those crystals would be HIV-viruses, what are the most capable organisms, if somebody wants to take under control. The HIV-viruses are terminating in the air and this would allow controlling the epidemics and transfer process in the population. Because this virus destroys the immune system, would it force the victim to stay in the sterile areas, and this means, that this person would be totally under the control of the guards.
But there is no proof that the HIV virus was used systematically in those operations or that it's artificially made. But the possible usage of HIV in security operation must be investigated by CIA or KGB. Those organizations are not well known about their sensitive touch in their operations. And this makes people suspect, that the usage this virus for controlling people would be also tested in some prisons.
The level of the viruses in blood could be controlled by doses of the medicals, what should limit the growing of the population of the viruses in the blood of the victims. The way what HIV-virus would seize the people and at the same time the ability to destroyed by air, makes some people believe, that this virus has been created by some biological weapon laboratory, what probably works undercover for controlling the people, who have secret information about the military project in the East or West. The laboratory, what could be created this organism would stay also on the East side of the Iron curtain. But as I just wrote, there is no evidence that the virus has been synthetically made, or it would be delivered in purpose.
The "Skinwalker ranch" part II (Is this place the robot test site?)
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Steam horse from 19th century (Picture I) |
Kimmo Huosionmaa
Could somebody force the owners of that famous ranch leaving the area by using electric arcs and another kind of stuff? And did they make that thing for covering something, what people should not see? When we are thinking about the poltergeist, what was the description in the film, what is below the text, we must see, that those phenomena are very easy to make by using electric arcs, fireworks, and loudspeakers. The name of the ranch feels like something psychological operation.
So were Shermans the victims of "Project Garnet". The pseudo-UFO-project, what government uses to turn the attention from otherwise, when it wants to hide something, and in that project is made the high power electric systems, holographic equipment, airships, and other things, what are made look like UFO:s. But as we might see, there is something very interesting in the films, what is made by that case. The film is not made by me, and I don't own copyrights, but there are a couple of interesting parts.
In the 2:02 is the art, what seems very interesting, and the left figure might seem like the horse, what is hit by the rocket. And the left side of thing looks like a horse, what has some kind of hilts. Or maybe they are the fuel tanks for some kind of mechanical horse. We know that in 19th. century was made the mechanic humans, and horses, what were called as "automaton". So could that kind of technology tested in that ranch? The picture in 2:06 seems like painted while LSD trip, and this is very interesting. And in my mind came one very interesting thought, could that ranch be used for testing undercover intelligence or military surveillance robots?
The intelligence and military are , of course, interesting many kinds of robots, and some robots, what could be developed for surveillance might seem innocent, and probably intelligence would be tested also artificial cows, what could be equipped with composts, what creates the methane for the fuel cells of that device. I know this feels futuristic, but the robot, what could look for fuel from nature would be hard to detect and own more operational time, than robots what tank must refill. Or if the robot can drink the hydrocarbons like an animal, would that help to keep those things secret.
Even in 19th. century the automatons or robots, as we call those things today were seriously investigated and tested, but the technology was not enough high level for making those early robots suitable for the everyday purpose. But as we know the modern technology allows us to make even artificial cows, what eats the real food like, and that biomass can be transformed as an alcohol or methane in the anaerobic reactor, and use in fuel cells, what gives power for that kind of robots. Those robot animals can be equipped with machine guns and anti-tank weapons, and if we want to be nasty, those artificial cows can also be equipped with nuclear explosives. That kind of solutions is interesting many organizations and offices in the world of intelligence and military.
The film of "Skinwalker's ranch"
Picture 1
The mission of intelligence is to target the strikes
Kimmo Huosionmaa
Modern terrorism is one of the global threats, and we must fight against it, but there are many more threats in the world. Selling slaves and drugs are also big business and those things are feeding the terrorism. In the slums of Middle- and the Far East is growing children, who have not even identification papers, and they haven't got national rights in their homeland. Those persons are good targets for the recruiters of terrorists, and their situation is very easy to find from the West, what gives weapons to the governments, what are corrupted.
And of course, the reason for corruption is the Western influence, that means that the destroying western governments and returning the road of pure Islam. That is the thing, what those violent groups are always underline. But when we are looking at that situation more carefully, there is no change, that those organizations would ever get their demands accepted.
Half of Europe and Asia should be turned the rule of the Islam, where the only law would be the law of Koran. This is very bad thing for the people, who believe the communication and conferences. One thing, what makes the situation complicated is that those terrorist organizations are anchored their members in the violence by the very brutal way. They must take part in the killing before those persons can get in the organizations. And this makes Islamic jihadists very scary. The fear is the weapon for those people, who are ordering innocent people to die in their strikes.
But as you see, there is one thing, what is different from terrorists than other criminals. Terrorists are willing to give their lives in their actions, that's the thing, what people believe. There is the possibility, that the explosive vest, what those people use is put the detonators, without telling that thing to those persons. In this case, the plastic explosives could be put in the vest, what is veiled as the bulletproof vest.
The detonator can be timed or radio controlled, and if the person doesn't know about it, that could be devastating. If the bag, what is filled with explosives would be detonated that person, who is portrayed as the "suicide terrorist" would be told that he or she could be the courier, and then the controller will activate the detonator and results would be terrible, and there is one very interesting and remarkable thing what people should think. Those explosives don't leave witnesses behind them. And this would be the thing, what those actors don't want to tell people.
In the Saudi-Arabia military intelligence handles the secret military program, what is called "Death or Jihad". In that action, the captured terrorists would surgically implant the GPS- locator. That thing helps Predators and other aircraft to find the positions of the terrorists, and then they can strike those camps by using bombs and missiles. In that case, those persons, who are targeted have no change to resists that extermination. This is the problem with terrorists. When they are located, they are easy to eliminate, but the locating the terrorists would be difficult. That's why the intelligence is in the main role in those actions because if the terrorists find out, that they are located, they can change their place.
Tuesday, October 2, 2018
The ideas of the modern architecture
Kimmo Huosionmaa
Above this text is a picture of the modern building site at Helsinki, Finland, and I thought that this shows, how the modern materials and innovation change the way to make buildings. The modern materials and the CAD-based computer research allows making more advanced and sophisticated planning for buildings. The next generation buildings are made with CAD/CAM (Computer Aided Design)/(Computer Aided Manufacture) methodology, what allows to make the buildings, where every part fits perfectly in the position, where it is planned. In this process, the computers would send the CAD pictures to the company, what makes the elements, and that allows to make unique elements, what have different shapes and metering.
The size and color of each element can be unique, and that makes possible to apply new kind of things in the structure of the buildings. That allows using the elements and material very sharp, and there would become the minimum number of building waste. But that technology allows to make houses, where are new kind of components, what was ever before in the normal buildings. That kind of solutions could be the balconies, what can be pulled in, when the weather is bad. That could deny the accumulation of snow. But that kind of detail could be a very interesting part of the building.
That kind of things are the things, what could be standard in the houses of tomorrow. Also, computers would follow the moisture of the elements by using special nanosensors, what collects the information about the moisture and other erosion in those elements. That "smart sand" is the microchips, what meters the quality of the elements, and also the movements of the building. The idea of the intelligent house is that the ventilation and the brightness of the windows would react continually for the temperature and sunlight, that the houses would become more comfortable for people, who live in there.
Monday, October 1, 2018
Why penicillin is losing its power?
Kimmo Huosionmaa
Penicillin was one of the first so-called wonder medical, what was easy to produce and that mushroom poison has saved billions of lives. But the fact is that this medicine has been lost its power. The penicillin is used without control and the problem with this kind of usage is that the bacteria, what have weak genomes would be destroyed. And the bacteria with strong genomes are surviving from this medicine.
The doses and numbers of the penicillin pills have calculated that way, the dose of the medicine is effective against bacteria, and when the period is over, the bacteria would be lost. In this case, the patient must eat all pills, but if this person would not do that, it will begin the eugenics process in that bacteria population. That means the penicillin destroys weak bacteria, and that would make those bacteria stronger than ever before.
This method where bacteria would expose by medicine or ultra-violet light is used to make artificial bacteria population for biological warfare. In the movies, we see that biological weapons are mainly the viruses like Ebola, but in the real life the laboratories, what investigates biological warfare are interested in natural bacteria like tuberculosis because every state in the world has signed the treatment to deny the biological weapons. But those weapons are very attractive in the world of the military.
The producer of the strong bacteria doesn't need complicated laboratories. Only thing, what that person needs is the raising platform where is the bacteria culture and ultra-violet light. By using that equipment can this person create extreme lethal and invisible biological weapons. So this makes this thing so frightening. The actors might not be governmental, and the purpose of the biological weapon could sweep some area clean from people, that some company can begin to dig the diamonds from those areas.
And when we are thinking about the "blood diamonds" of Congo, we might ask, are those diggings happen without the knowledge of the mining companies, or how those diamonds what are using for buying guns for the guerrillas enter the marketing, and how they can sell it to buyers? That kind of people would like that there is no evidence about their actions in the jungles because that would be bad for business. In those officially illegal mining would be many people, who are working as slaves for getting the weapons for the gunmen, who are controlling the diamonds. And if they would inject the bacteria to the workers, they could kill them imperceptibly by using bacteria like cholera or diphtheria, what is easy to claim natural epidemics. And in that case, the workers must not get their payments, what those guerrillas have promised for them.
The natural organisms are easy to weaponize by making them stronger than before. In those cases, the tolerance capacity of bacteria would be increased by breeding them by using antibiotics or ultra-violet radiation. After that, the super-bacteria would be delivered to the area, and that would seem like normal epidemics, what would be caused by resistant tuberculosis. And here I must ask, is there something, what somebody doesn't want to tell the people about the antibiotics resistant bacteria like tuberculosis, because those things are not often handle in public media?
Kimmo Huosionmaa
Penicillin was one of the first so-called wonder medical, what was easy to produce and that mushroom poison has saved billions of lives. But the fact is that this medicine has been lost its power. The penicillin is used without control and the problem with this kind of usage is that the bacteria, what have weak genomes would be destroyed. And the bacteria with strong genomes are surviving from this medicine.
The doses and numbers of the penicillin pills have calculated that way, the dose of the medicine is effective against bacteria, and when the period is over, the bacteria would be lost. In this case, the patient must eat all pills, but if this person would not do that, it will begin the eugenics process in that bacteria population. That means the penicillin destroys weak bacteria, and that would make those bacteria stronger than ever before.
This method where bacteria would expose by medicine or ultra-violet light is used to make artificial bacteria population for biological warfare. In the movies, we see that biological weapons are mainly the viruses like Ebola, but in the real life the laboratories, what investigates biological warfare are interested in natural bacteria like tuberculosis because every state in the world has signed the treatment to deny the biological weapons. But those weapons are very attractive in the world of the military.
The producer of the strong bacteria doesn't need complicated laboratories. Only thing, what that person needs is the raising platform where is the bacteria culture and ultra-violet light. By using that equipment can this person create extreme lethal and invisible biological weapons. So this makes this thing so frightening. The actors might not be governmental, and the purpose of the biological weapon could sweep some area clean from people, that some company can begin to dig the diamonds from those areas.
And when we are thinking about the "blood diamonds" of Congo, we might ask, are those diggings happen without the knowledge of the mining companies, or how those diamonds what are using for buying guns for the guerrillas enter the marketing, and how they can sell it to buyers? That kind of people would like that there is no evidence about their actions in the jungles because that would be bad for business. In those officially illegal mining would be many people, who are working as slaves for getting the weapons for the gunmen, who are controlling the diamonds. And if they would inject the bacteria to the workers, they could kill them imperceptibly by using bacteria like cholera or diphtheria, what is easy to claim natural epidemics. And in that case, the workers must not get their payments, what those guerrillas have promised for them.
The natural organisms are easy to weaponize by making them stronger than before. In those cases, the tolerance capacity of bacteria would be increased by breeding them by using antibiotics or ultra-violet radiation. After that, the super-bacteria would be delivered to the area, and that would seem like normal epidemics, what would be caused by resistant tuberculosis. And here I must ask, is there something, what somebody doesn't want to tell the people about the antibiotics resistant bacteria like tuberculosis, because those things are not often handle in public media?
Why hypothetical humanoids need human race?
Kimmo Huosionmaa
Many people always ask if the hypothetical humanoids are so much ahead of us with their technology would need humans? There are many theories about that question and in some of them, the answer to the need of the humans is because humanoids would need genetic material to increase the abilities of their bodies. The question about those probably highly advanced humanoid- or extraterrestrial habitats is very interesting, and it is "why they are so quiet about their home planet"?
There are many stories about abductions and even meeting between humans and humanoids, but there is no proof, that the humanoids were shown any photographs of their own home planet. Actually, those cases, what I mentioned are the abductions, where the person have been lost, and suddenly found walking by side of the highway. Sometimes those people are talking about experiments and another kind of things, what was happen during the disappearing. In some cases, there have been introduced a very interesting theory about the humanoids.
That is their civilization is not so advance than somebody expects. And those humanoids might be also members of some secret society or intelligence unit, what is the same way classified with the secret intelligence and recon units on Earth. There are also theories that those humanoids would actually be humans, who live in the space station somewhere in our own solar system.
Maybe the zero-gravity space station could be made for isolate those members of the secret team of the humans, who are living in the space station, what would be artificial Earth inside it. Maybe that space station is "Dyson's sphere" and it could be far away from Earth. Here I must say, that I use my imagination in this writing, so don't worry I don't have humanoids in my refrigerator. But when we are thinking about that theory, that there are two or four space stations in the space, where lives the extraordinary intelligent people, what are clones of the most brilliant scientists and notable persons, who are lived on Earth.
In this theory, those space stations would be used for genome processing. to make more and more intelligent persons, for the human race. The extremely pure space stations make possible to control those habitats because they can't walk on Earth. The weak skeleton and loss of protective bacteria would make that space station the "Solar Warden". The theoretical society, what lives in that hypothetical space station need genetic refreshment for resistance the genetic degeneration.
And this means that they must take that DNA somewhere for improving their bodies. In some theories, those white humanoids have grown too dominating species in their own planet, that they must get more genetic material for creating the more improvements and genetic alternation. The degeneration is a big threat for population, and for us, that alternation is caused by retroviruses, what brings new DNA for the genome material from the other species.
But if there are no other species, transferring the genomes between species is the little bit difficult, if the entire planet has been sterilized. In this case, the replacement genomes must be found somewhere else. In this case, the planet could also be the space station and the millions of persons could be stored in the memories of computers, and the DNA of those individuals can return by making those chemical codes by using nanotechnology. That genetic material could be used for giving improvements for the bodies of those creatures.
The advanced genetic technology could be possible to make alien, what is like the vegetable, what makes the living in the space more easily, and would allow using multiple food sources. The skin can make assimilate with the vegetable, and connect there the chlorophyll molecule, what allows to create the alien, what can synthesize the sugars in the skin cells, and nutrient by the minerals, what are found on the ground.
That kind of creature would be "thinking vegetable" what could be suitable for the long-term space mission, and when that creature comes back, the other viruses would transfer that creature back to the form of the original creature, what could be human or alien. The advanced biotechnology would make possible in many things, what were only the science fiction even a couple of years ago. And that kind of advantages would open new, brilliant and at the same terrible thoughts in my mind.
Kimmo Huosionmaa
Many people always ask if the hypothetical humanoids are so much ahead of us with their technology would need humans? There are many theories about that question and in some of them, the answer to the need of the humans is because humanoids would need genetic material to increase the abilities of their bodies. The question about those probably highly advanced humanoid- or extraterrestrial habitats is very interesting, and it is "why they are so quiet about their home planet"?
There are many stories about abductions and even meeting between humans and humanoids, but there is no proof, that the humanoids were shown any photographs of their own home planet. Actually, those cases, what I mentioned are the abductions, where the person have been lost, and suddenly found walking by side of the highway. Sometimes those people are talking about experiments and another kind of things, what was happen during the disappearing. In some cases, there have been introduced a very interesting theory about the humanoids.
That is their civilization is not so advance than somebody expects. And those humanoids might be also members of some secret society or intelligence unit, what is the same way classified with the secret intelligence and recon units on Earth. There are also theories that those humanoids would actually be humans, who live in the space station somewhere in our own solar system.
Maybe the zero-gravity space station could be made for isolate those members of the secret team of the humans, who are living in the space station, what would be artificial Earth inside it. Maybe that space station is "Dyson's sphere" and it could be far away from Earth. Here I must say, that I use my imagination in this writing, so don't worry I don't have humanoids in my refrigerator. But when we are thinking about that theory, that there are two or four space stations in the space, where lives the extraordinary intelligent people, what are clones of the most brilliant scientists and notable persons, who are lived on Earth.
In this theory, those space stations would be used for genome processing. to make more and more intelligent persons, for the human race. The extremely pure space stations make possible to control those habitats because they can't walk on Earth. The weak skeleton and loss of protective bacteria would make that space station the "Solar Warden". The theoretical society, what lives in that hypothetical space station need genetic refreshment for resistance the genetic degeneration.
And this means that they must take that DNA somewhere for improving their bodies. In some theories, those white humanoids have grown too dominating species in their own planet, that they must get more genetic material for creating the more improvements and genetic alternation. The degeneration is a big threat for population, and for us, that alternation is caused by retroviruses, what brings new DNA for the genome material from the other species.
But if there are no other species, transferring the genomes between species is the little bit difficult, if the entire planet has been sterilized. In this case, the replacement genomes must be found somewhere else. In this case, the planet could also be the space station and the millions of persons could be stored in the memories of computers, and the DNA of those individuals can return by making those chemical codes by using nanotechnology. That genetic material could be used for giving improvements for the bodies of those creatures.
The advanced genetic technology could be possible to make alien, what is like the vegetable, what makes the living in the space more easily, and would allow using multiple food sources. The skin can make assimilate with the vegetable, and connect there the chlorophyll molecule, what allows to create the alien, what can synthesize the sugars in the skin cells, and nutrient by the minerals, what are found on the ground.
That kind of creature would be "thinking vegetable" what could be suitable for the long-term space mission, and when that creature comes back, the other viruses would transfer that creature back to the form of the original creature, what could be human or alien. The advanced biotechnology would make possible in many things, what were only the science fiction even a couple of years ago. And that kind of advantages would open new, brilliant and at the same terrible thoughts in my mind.
The weapons and tradition
Kimmo Huosionmaa
Below this text is a link to famous traditional German songs from the 17th. century. There is a series of portraits of that time art, and here I must mention, that I don't have copyrights for that video, but you might push the link and watch it by self. The film consists the interesting paintings from that period, and as you might seem, those paintings consist the introductions, how the weapons should handle, and of course the warnings and codes, what people who fought in 30-years war should afraid.
The rifles in those paintings seems normal weapons, but they are made by extremely strong materials, what means that they were so-called "hand cannons". Those extremely powerful flintlock muskets could penetrate walls of stone houses, and that made them extremely dangerous. Also, the crossbow was loaded with windlass, and that tells something, how powerful those weapons were. The strong bow would give extremely high power for arrows, what would send to the targets.
Also, there are paintings of the men, who use heavy swords. Those extremely long swords were so devastating, that they could cut the horse in two pieces. But in the 30-years war, those swords were also equipped with rifles, what would make them more powerful. The back of the sword was sometimes equipped with the small pistol, what could be used when the blade is turned upwards, and the opponent was not always noticed the pistol.
There are stories of the "singing swords", what was equipped with the instrument, what keeps the sound, what caused pain. The blade has targeted the sound and the target was screaming with pain. After that, the inventor named Alessandro Volta created the sword where was the Volta's statue in the band. That sword gave electric shocks to the other persons if Volta used that sword against other people.
There were, of course, the "Black magic", that meant that the swords could load with electricity, what was created by using static electricity. In fact in the modern military sometimes have been tested the catapults and even the crossbows, what are equipped with dynamos. The fast rotating dynamos can store the high voltage electricity for the arrows, and that could make them excellent electromagnetic weapons, what could damage the electronic equipment.
Those arrows would not deliver their electricity, because the wooden structure would be a good electric insulator. And during the 30-years war, the crossbows were equipped with muskets, because that gave the shooter the change for two fast shots. Also sometimes recon troops have damaged the electric high voltage lines by shooting arrows, where was connected the electric wires. When the wires have touched the cables, that can cause damages to the power circuits.
Modern people have given also some new names for the paintings. In the 4:41 the painting was renamed as the "MAV attack". But the purpose is only to tell, that people are talking everything, what those men have done. And picture what is at the 3:38 is renamed as "Knight gets equipment from the fourth dimension". The meaning of that picture is only the remember that the men could have secret orders for some situations. There are many interesting details in the film, what is in the link, what is below the text. The meaning of the cloud is, of course, bad news. And in some pictures, the meaning is the scare the people, that somebody would see, what people are doing, and if those men were drunk, they were killed very easily.
Kimmo Huosionmaa
Below this text is a link to famous traditional German songs from the 17th. century. There is a series of portraits of that time art, and here I must mention, that I don't have copyrights for that video, but you might push the link and watch it by self. The film consists the interesting paintings from that period, and as you might seem, those paintings consist the introductions, how the weapons should handle, and of course the warnings and codes, what people who fought in 30-years war should afraid.
The rifles in those paintings seems normal weapons, but they are made by extremely strong materials, what means that they were so-called "hand cannons". Those extremely powerful flintlock muskets could penetrate walls of stone houses, and that made them extremely dangerous. Also, the crossbow was loaded with windlass, and that tells something, how powerful those weapons were. The strong bow would give extremely high power for arrows, what would send to the targets.
Also, there are paintings of the men, who use heavy swords. Those extremely long swords were so devastating, that they could cut the horse in two pieces. But in the 30-years war, those swords were also equipped with rifles, what would make them more powerful. The back of the sword was sometimes equipped with the small pistol, what could be used when the blade is turned upwards, and the opponent was not always noticed the pistol.
There are stories of the "singing swords", what was equipped with the instrument, what keeps the sound, what caused pain. The blade has targeted the sound and the target was screaming with pain. After that, the inventor named Alessandro Volta created the sword where was the Volta's statue in the band. That sword gave electric shocks to the other persons if Volta used that sword against other people.
There were, of course, the "Black magic", that meant that the swords could load with electricity, what was created by using static electricity. In fact in the modern military sometimes have been tested the catapults and even the crossbows, what are equipped with dynamos. The fast rotating dynamos can store the high voltage electricity for the arrows, and that could make them excellent electromagnetic weapons, what could damage the electronic equipment.
Those arrows would not deliver their electricity, because the wooden structure would be a good electric insulator. And during the 30-years war, the crossbows were equipped with muskets, because that gave the shooter the change for two fast shots. Also sometimes recon troops have damaged the electric high voltage lines by shooting arrows, where was connected the electric wires. When the wires have touched the cables, that can cause damages to the power circuits.
Modern people have given also some new names for the paintings. In the 4:41 the painting was renamed as the "MAV attack". But the purpose is only to tell, that people are talking everything, what those men have done. And picture what is at the 3:38 is renamed as "Knight gets equipment from the fourth dimension". The meaning of that picture is only the remember that the men could have secret orders for some situations. There are many interesting details in the film, what is in the link, what is below the text. The meaning of the cloud is, of course, bad news. And in some pictures, the meaning is the scare the people, that somebody would see, what people are doing, and if those men were drunk, they were killed very easily.
Sometimes important persons seem boring
Kimmo Huosionmaa
Willing to doubt sense is the key to making new things. The new ideas and new ways to do can only found from the old and traditional ways. When we are thinking new things and will to make new ideas, our mind needs food, and this makes our lifestyle important. The lifestyle must have three balanced parts, the fun, the rest and the work must take balanced roles in our life, and there is one thing, what we always forget. If one part in this triangle takes the too big role, that thing changes its form. Let's take an example. Have you ever took part to parties, where you must go? That might feel very funny, we always like the party.
But in this case, the parties are because the old grandma would have her 85th. birthday. In there the youngsters would not feel comfortable, because the old grandma doesn't normally listen to the same music what youngsters like. And the clothes and behavior in those parties are the little bit different than in normal school parties. In this case, the clothes, what youngsters wear might be different than in the normal parties they visit and do you think that they have fun to listen to the things, what they would not quite understand.
The business life is not the quite interesting thing in the mind of young people, and there are not many adults, who quite understand the mechanisms about the economy and society. But there are many people, who want to see the movie "Top Gun". They want to see, that the jet fighters are flying on the skies, and this makes that movie the great experience. But the reality is always forgotten. In the real life, those fighters or fighter-bombers are made for some purposes, and they are part of the most calculated strike force on the Earth.
And here I forgot one thing: the strike capacity of the military force must not be too high, because the force needs resistance. If there are no enemies, our military forces would sometimes take a control in the nation, what is not the very nice thing. But as we know the real life is not the movie, where we can get everything, what we want. If we want to be realistic, we need money for parties and another kind of things. And this means that we can't avoid the work. And many times the work is not so interesting looking, what we might want. There are many boring things, what are made by the boring looking persons, who might want to look boring. Those persons make houses, what is safe to live, and also they make fighters, what mission is to take the airspace to control and bomb the enemy targets away.
But when we are thinking about the second and more boding thing, what is making buildings, we might notice that there are many things, what could be dangerous. Have you seen the music video "Angels crying" of the techno band "E-Type"? In that video is the very interesting shower, what might not be allowed in real life. If there are two showers on the wall, what would be separated, there could be the way to kill the person. If some real evil person would connect the electricity to those showers, with installing the cables in the different tubes, the electric shock would kill that person instantly.
In some book, the killer connected the aggregate to that kind of system and executed the victim by using that very lethal method, what is very difficult to notice. In some death chambers of the concentration camps were used the salt water, what was be electric, and the metal floors were connected the electric circuit, that the electricity traveled thru those persons. When the showers would be used, the system will connect the circuits and the electric shock will kill the victim immediately. The similar system is used in the electric stun guns, where two ionized water showers will target the person and high voltage electric shock will terminate the target. Sometimes this impulse uses the lethal electricity, and that kind of weapons have been delivered to the special forces and law enforcement.
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