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Showing posts from October, 2018

Some homepages, what are connected to this blog have been removed by the owner and the end of this blog Kimmo Huosionmaa Some of the pages, where the links of this blogs are connected are removed, so those links would not work anymore. The reason for removing those pages and photos is personal. I will tell you more about it at the link, what would come above this text maybe tomorrow, or maybe in next week, I don't know exactly when. And here I must say, that I know that some of the texts, what I make, are the little bit different than normal, but I continue this hobby somewhere else. But some of the homepages, what are connected to this blog would be removed, and if there would be some changes, you might read that from here. As I told before this blog is not updated anymore. It was nice to know you, and here I must say, that some feedback, what I got was interesting. But the world is changing, and I must clean my hard drive from trash because space in there is limited.

Terminus the end of the line

Kimmo Huosionmaa Above the text is the photo of the street, and here it would symbolize, that blogs are like streets, they would end some day. Walking on the streets is sometimes tough, but the prize would be big. And sometimes writing is like walking tough and hard like life itself. Writing is the nice hobby, and it would advantage the skills of languages and another kind of abilities, but writing many texts is quite hard.  This is the reason, why I finish to write in here, but continue in the other place. Blogs are like streets, they would end some day. Writing is the nice hobby, and it would advantage the skills of languages and another kind of abilities, but writing many texts is quite hard. I Will concentrate on writing one blog and finish to write in here. This is the thing, what I have considered because I have written in so many places, that there would be difficult to update those writings. But I will continue my career as the blogger, and don't worry there woul

One interesting thing about Northrop-Grumman's STEALTH simulator Kimmo Huosionmaa Below this text is the video, what you might see many times before if you read my texts, and it is the GO-229 video. In this video is the equipment, what is used in the stealth-testing.  That system is modular, and it bases the technology, that the stealth-aircraft would put on the stick, and it can be turned any direction for the radar.  That kind of simulators allows to pre-fly the missions, and create the mission profiles for the equipment, that are at the combat zone by the very easy way. In the simulator that person just flies the missiles or aircraft to target by using the 3D-maps, that is made by the laser-scanning that operational area by using LIDAR, that scans the land shapes really careful. This information allows making unique mission profiles for the aircraft by using simulators, where those missions were pre-fly in the real environment, and then the movements, what the pilots have done would install to missile

The mushroom circle on my yard, and little Cosmobiology for readers Kimmo Huosionmaa I found an interesting thing from my home yard, and it is the mushroom circle. In ancient tales, those circles are meant the places, where the fairies and goblins sat when they changed their turn as the creatures of the light and darkness. Those old tales tell, that the fairies met goblins in those mushroom circles and the folk of the light would tell the happenings of the day to the folk of the night. Those creatures exist only in people's head, but when we are thinking that could there be so small intelligent species, that they could use the mushrooms as the seats, we must say that there would be the possibility, that in somewhere in the universe is the bug size intelligent species. The thing is that the brains of the bugs are extremely effective because the neurons have more connections than the mammal's brain cells. And there are some observations about the creatures, what have the body like dragonflies, but

This could be an ancient scuba-diving suit

This could be an ancient scuba-diving suit Above the text is a strange picture from the medieval period, that portraits the person, who might dress in the diving suit, and is covered with the coagulate like silicone. This bite would help the diver get the extraordinary depth, while diving. The silicone would allow the diver to dive more safety because the bag of coagulate would protect the diver from the water pressure. The tube or hosepipe, what comes out from the mask might be filled with carbon, what allowed the diver dive more safety and longer period than the snorkel. Of course, that diving suit can be used in the many other things, but there is one very interesting mark in this picture. That is the knight's helmet and the purpose of that sign is tell, that this equipment is very hard stuff, and it was very needful information for soldiers and bodyguards, who saw the man wears this suite. But the diving equipment could also be used under the knight's armor, and t

The magical crystals and the things behind that myth Kimmo Huosionmaa Some people think that "magical crystals" allows us to see the past, and there are two or three possible things, how crystals would do that. First is the psychological way, and there the crystals suggest the person concentrate the memory, or that thing gives the person dare to tell things, what that person doesn't want to tell before that. Or concentration allows making the connections to neurons, that the images can return to the mind or knowledge. Sometimes people have thought that the electricity, what is stored in the giant crystals makes magnet fields, what would make the electric signals, what travel in the nervous system stronger, and that brings them to our concentration. But there are other theories, and one of them is connected with the symmetrical crystal balls. The tale that the "Thunder god" gave human the crystal, what allows to see the future or the past could be possible in theory. In th

Mysterious electromagnetic motor "The Bell" part II (And it's connection with "Operation Paperclip") Kimmo Huosionmaaa Here I write again about the most mysterious motor-design in history, what was called "The Bell" ("Die Glocke"). Sometimes I have thought that maybe this project was part of the "Operation Paperclip", and the purpose of it could be making the recruitment of the Nazi-scientist seem allowed just after the Second World War. There were many scientists, who worked with the weapons of mass destruction and especially with the organophosphates or nerve gases and the resistance chemicals. Here I must say, that maybe the recruitment of those persons has happened under the code name of the "Operation Deepwater". That technology was not wanted to give the hands of Soviets, and maybe that project was made in the United States and the purpose was to deny that knowledge to go the hands of the Stalin. When we are thinking about nerve gases and atropine, that resistance chemical allowed to use the ner

One very interesting thing about the national security

Kimmo Huosionmaa There are many mythical tales of the connections between CIA and some companies. In those cases, CIA makes the security check for those covert actors by the very simple way: the person who wants the job from those companies sends also the job application for CIA, and that allows this intelligence service to make the security check for that company, what works apparently independent.  In some stories, some of those companies are covering even the humanoids inside their walls. But are those humanoids only human-made hybrids or are they coming from outer space? This is the thing, what everybody should think. Under the control of CIA working highly secured companies are made for creating technology and other things, what are not publicly acceptable, and can make troubles to those workers.  Those solutions, what are creating in those companies are intelligence and military equipment, what is extremely lethal, but different than normal military equipment. Some of those

The "Skinwalker ranch" part II (Is this place the robot test site?)

Steam horse from 19th century (Picture I) Kimmo Huosionmaa Could somebody force the owners of that famous ranch leaving the area by using electric arcs and another kind of stuff? And did they make that thing for covering something, what people should not see? When we are thinking about the poltergeist, what was the description in the film, what is below the text, we must see, that those phenomena are very easy to make by using electric arcs, fireworks, and loudspeakers. The name of the ranch feels like something psychological operation. So were Shermans the victims of "Project Garnet". The pseudo-UFO-project, what government uses to turn the attention from otherwise, when it wants to hide something, and in that project is made the high power electric systems, holographic equipment, airships, and other things, what are made look like UFO:s. But as we might see, there is something very interesting in the films, what is made by that case. The film is not made by me,

The mission of intelligence is to target the strikes Kimmo Huosionmaa Modern terrorism is one of the global threats, and we must fight against it, but there are many more threats in the world. Selling slaves and drugs are also big business and those things are feeding the terrorism. In the slums of Middle- and the Far East is growing children, who have not even identification papers, and they haven't got national rights in their homeland. Those persons are good targets for the recruiters of terrorists, and their situation is very easy to find from the West, what gives weapons to the governments, what are corrupted. And of course, the reason for corruption is the Western influence, that means that the destroying western governments and returning the road of pure Islam. That is the thing, what those violent groups are always underline. But when we are looking at that situation more carefully, there is no change, that those organizations would ever get their demands accepted. Half of Europ

The ideas of the modern architecture

Kimmo Huosionmaa Above this text is a picture of the modern building site at Helsinki, Finland, and I thought that this shows, how the modern materials and innovation change the way to make buildings. The modern materials and the CAD-based computer research allows making more advanced and sophisticated planning for buildings. The next generation buildings are made with CAD/CAM (Computer Aided Design)/(Computer Aided Manufacture)  methodology, what allows to make the buildings, where every part fits perfectly in the position, where it is planned. In this process, the computers would send the CAD  pictures to the company, what makes the elements, and that allows to make unique elements, what have different shapes and metering. The size and color of each element can be unique, and that makes possible to apply new kind of things in the structure of the buildings.  That allows using the elements and material very sharp, and there would become the minimum number of building waste. 

Why penicillin is losing its power? Kimmo Huosionmaa Penicillin was one of the first so-called wonder medical, what was easy to produce and that mushroom poison has saved billions of lives. But the fact is that this medicine has been lost its power. The penicillin is used without control and the problem with this kind of usage is that the bacteria, what have weak genomes would be destroyed. And the bacteria with strong genomes are surviving from this medicine. The doses and numbers of the penicillin pills have calculated that way, the dose of the medicine is effective against bacteria, and when the period is over, the bacteria would be lost. In this case, the patient must eat all pills, but if this person would not do that, it will begin the eugenics process in that bacteria population. That means the penicillin destroys weak bacteria, and that would make those bacteria stronger than ever before. This method where bacteria would expose by medicine or ultra-violet light is u

Why hypothetical humanoids need human race? Kimmo Huosionmaa Many people always ask if the hypothetical humanoids are so much ahead of us with their technology would need humans? There are many theories about that question and in some of them, the answer to the need of the humans is because humanoids would need genetic material to increase the abilities of their bodies. The question about those probably highly advanced humanoid- or extraterrestrial habitats is very interesting, and it is "why they are so quiet about their home planet"? There are many stories about abductions and even meeting between humans and humanoids, but there is no proof, that the humanoids were shown any photographs of their own home planet. Actually, those cases, what I mentioned are the abductions, where the person have been lost, and suddenly found walking by side of the highway. Sometimes those people are talking about experiments and another kind of things, what was happen during the disappearing

The weapons and tradition Kimmo Huosionmaa Below this text is a link to famous traditional German songs from the 17th. century. There is a series of portraits of that time art, and here I must mention, that I don't have copyrights for that video, but you might push the link and watch it by self. The film consists the interesting paintings from that period, and as you might seem, those paintings consist the introductions, how the weapons should handle, and of course the warnings and codes, what people who fought in 30-years war should afraid. The rifles in those paintings seems normal weapons, but they are made by extremely strong materials, what means that they were so-called "hand cannons".  Those extremely powerful flintlock muskets could penetrate walls of stone houses, and that made them extremely dangerous.  Also, the crossbow was loaded with windlass, and that tells something, how powerful those weapons were. The strong bow would give extremely h

Sometimes important persons seem boring Kimmo Huosionmaa Willing to doubt sense is the key to making new things. The new ideas and new ways to do can only found from the old and traditional ways. When we are thinking new things and will to make new ideas, our mind needs food, and this makes our lifestyle important. The lifestyle must have three balanced parts, the fun, the rest and the work must take balanced roles in our life, and there is one thing, what we always forget. If one part in this triangle takes the too big role, that thing changes its form. Let's take an example. Have you ever took part to parties, where you must go? That might feel very funny, we always like the party. But in this case, the parties are because the old grandma would have her 85th. birthday. In there the youngsters would not feel comfortable, because the old grandma doesn't normally listen to the same music what youngsters like. And the clothes and behavior in those parties are the little bi